Wednesday, March 30, 2005

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well...dunno wad's wrong with the blogger website but i can't seem to log in so i reposted some stuffs cos i realised that i forgot to resize the pics..haha..anyway..something that i splurged on today..not that it's expensive though..haha...would hav bought the bigger one if only the design wasn't restricted to just one..

puppy love @ 11:25 PM

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

wad an eventful day..

Lemony Snickets: A Series of Unfortunate Events (my version)

well, i'm contemplating not blogging at all cos i'm too ashamed of myself, but here goes nothing: mine is not as bad as the Baudelaire orphans having to escape from the evil Count Olaf who's after their fortune and their lives at the same time but it is enough to drive me insane for the day...

1) received a wake up call from boss at 11am asking me to start work at 2pm instead of 4pm cos he has something on..a meeting i think.
2) Freaking blender got problem, so wanted to change to the new wan instead but later changed my mind and used the cracked one instead...
3) Yuan yuan came at 3pm only to tell us that she is not feeling well and dun tink she can work..oh well..
4) Persuaded Auntie to work until 5pm so that she can help us finish the cones which ended with us hearing her nag all the way through till 5pm.
5) So we have 3 staff working today with 3 ice cream machines to take care of.
6) Here comes a customer who is bent on having his way saying that: "i'm a regular customer here, u noe??" i wa jus about to go, i've worked here for 2 yrs already, U NOE!!??..he is sooo insistent on having the discount that he called boss himself to tok to him after which boss told us to jus give him the discount and send him on his way, after that, he wanted an extra $11.20 container from us, hai..wad to do, we obliged lo..cos in front got customers waiting to be served u noe..
7) Constant turning of the cracked blender on its handle has taken a toll on it, when i brought it out to the second machine to bring up the hardened ice cream, when i lifted it up, the top part came up with it leaving the bottom part with the machine and u guessed it!!..the chocolate mixture came SPLASHING down onto the table top and the floor..well..bye bye to 10 scoops of ice cream..had quite a hard time cleaning it and removing the evidences..(if u dun understand wad i'm saying here..dun bother asking..jus noe that it's unpleasant..)
8) today's sales didn't even hit $1000...isn't that bad!!??

well, i guess that basically sums up today's happenings...hai...hope tmr will be a better day..

*counting down 6 days to chalet*

puppy love @ 11:13 PM


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finally managed to get this picture uploaded. jus some recollections of wad happened last night, as i was updating my blog at close to midnight, i felt my chair move well, cos my chair has wheels..haha...erm..i didn;t think much of it at first, but after reading today's paper then i realised an earthquake had happened somewhere in Sumatra, parts of Singapore felt tremours too. if u had read the papers today u'd have known that the most affected part was in toa payoh. seen in the pic above, i stay at bedok reservoir..i guess that explains the slight movement that i felt last irst i still thought that it was jus my own imagination..well now i guess you can never be too sure of wad's gonna happen around u...

"live for today for u might not know what might happen tomorrow"

*dun worry be happy*

puppy love @ 12:55 PM

Monday, March 28, 2005

-_-" was the first day where i slept until 1pm...oh my god!!'s such a relaxing thing to do man..sleeping rite into the afternoon..haha....left home for work at 3pm..reached there le then immediately started working liao...dunno why suddenly like very luan..felt obliged to help them...hahaaha...time passed by really quickly today...cos i tink we got quite a lot of stuffs to do and PLUS the clock is still not fixed yet....i tink we should keep it that way..had fun talking with boss today..we had quite some laugh into a bit of trouble with auntie not that i wanna say her..but very jia lat leh..when working with her or taking over her...i noe she AUNTIE mus tolerate..but sometimes...hai...jus cannot help it but say her..then when she shoot me back..i got nth to say's her problem she can say until like not her fault..wad to do..(hmm u must be wondering why my blog is always about work, well, all i do is work in the holidays so i guess that's wad i can rite about..) morning saw shunli when i was having my breakfast in the morning..haha..talked to her for a while, my eyes gleamed for a second there when i saw her with the pancake king plastic bag...sooooo glad that she's finally eating some real food man..and u noe wad she say to me..."can't u see i'm fatter already"..i'm like "duh??..god u sure...u dun look a bit fatter than me man"..still so skinny still can say she fat when there's one fat person sitting in front of her..shunli if u r reading this...let me this u this again...U R NOT FAT AT ALL!!!!!!!

YEAH!!!! another week and yep that's rite..7 days...the CHALET will be on..can't wait man!!..

*counting down 7 days to chalet*

puppy love @ 11:31 PM

Saturday, March 26, 2005

..Chain of Thoughts..

almost everyday, i'm coming here to write down my thoughts and feelings and basically anyhting on my mind...i do wonder sometimes??...wad for??..hai..i dunno...even i can't answer that myself..

saw peizhen, denise, jen and benjamin at work today..wad a small world...of all places come parkway to shop..haha..denise very free...i see her almost every other day that i work's sales wasn't so good...the queues were on and off...even boss left early to let us close shop on our was talking about going out for dinner with some of the other colleagues next sunday, hopefully by then boss give us pay u guys are reading this..give me a reply whether or not next sunday u all are free, since sunday nights are always covered by alice that group. hehe..stephanie u should noe wad i mean..haha..

suddenly hav this thought running thru my mind..wad am i going to do after i graduate from poly??..i guess that's a question that will have various answers to it..

haha..dunno why suddenly feel like cutting my hair short..but dun dare to take the risk of having it done..why??..scared that it might not turn out nice..haha...dunno wad kind of hairstyle to cut somemore...haiya..better keep it the way it is..lolz..

i miss secondary school life..all the activities..all the conversations..all the happenings..all the scoldings..the arguments...the kind of feeling in my heart that words can' really fully describe..hai...seeing these peeps in poly still is very glad that shee zheng invited us for his chalet sometime in always keeps the Ping Yi feeling close...

*counting down 9 days to chalet*

puppy love @ 11:29 PM

Friday, March 25, 2005

today my hands are killing me..

OH DAMN!!....i think i'm seriously gonna suffer from unbalanced arms...why??.. cos my right arm is bigger than my the wrist and palm something can e very loose and the left side and be just nice on the right my watch and my livestrong band.

hai..dunno why like no mood to work like that...the queues are never ending..(not that i dun like it)..scoop until my hand oso wobbly liao...tmr ANOTHER day of's gd that i get to work a lot..then can earn money..but tiring week i'll only be working 4 days..of which 1 is 10-10 and i'm pretty upset bout it..however, in another way i'm more time to sleep..dun hav to waste money on cab fare...AIYA!!. dunno la...mind very confused now..

on my mind is jus $$$$$$$!!?? hai..i wanna go on an overseas trip really badly... i suggested going to Thailand in May to my mother and guess sis added in to say..u think we got a lot of money month go month go thailand...oh FCUK her...i hate sooo much sometimes..

dun wanna tok liao.

*counting down 10 days to chalet*

puppy love @ 10:24 PM

Thursday, March 24, 2005

hmm..not a bad day.. quite happy...why??cos the customers are happy with my service lo...haha towards the closing time got one couple came down to buy...guess wad they said...they said i have a nice smile and nice teeth!!...HAHAHA!!!!!...*GRINS*...of cos much money went into having braces for 2 years...still not nice i can go bang wall liao..haha

today we exceeded sales target worked 10-10 so confirm got extra money wan..yeah!!...i'm so gonna move from last month's lowest paying employee($75) to this month's highest paying employee now that leng sie went overseas..haha...yeah..then i'm gonna buy the stuffs on my wishlist..haha...

P.S. was the cempedak ice-cream??..nice rite..

*counting down 11 days to chalet*

puppy love @ 11:24 PM

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


guess wad happened last night after i was on my way back...*RE-ENACTMENT*..(was sitting @ the back of my father's lorry enjoying the breeze when my phone glance and it was boss calling..hmm wad could it be...he called to say he forgot to bring key..asks if can go back and lock the shutters..he say if cannot then nvm..of cos i went i called my dad and he u-turned..reached home @ 11+)

watched charmed @ 1130pm..hmm it's kinda beginning to be like a comedy..haha...but i's funny when i watch Charmed...they got so much chemistry together..then after that watched tape until 2+am nights in a row...i tink it's beginnning to get to me...well...2 days i've woken up late and have to take a cab to work...oh no..make that 3 days in a row...damn..i really am going broke le..sigh when will tyhe end of March come..

today finally worked until 4pm only...i put up with not eating so taht i can go off earlier and i did..haha..yeah..i think today my mind a bit lagging oso...i can actually WALK into an open fridge door..luckily i wearing cap if not i thnk can hear big bump already...that is my face in collision with the door...fortunately i snapped out of confusion in time to prevent the door from knocking into some tubs that i've placed on the edge of the door...if it comes craashing down i'll get a thrashing from boss man...

today he asked me if i can work whole day on guess is that he might be going out to celebrate or something cos his daughter scored quite well for her tests..well..i was apprehensive and he said nvm as it was not's not that i dun wanna work but i really am dying already....damn..

*counting down 12 days to chalet*

puppy love @ 7:34 PM

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 legs are killing me..

oh my god!!'s the first of four 10-10 that i'll be working this week..whoo...morning passed by rather quickly though...cos the clock was spoilt and couldn't keep track which is a good thing..haa..then only 3 people i had to do more things...i didn't stop all the while until i had my break after i finished the cones...after i sat down i could hardly stand legs damn suan lo..but bo bian $$ so have to work..

hmm..i received a call from GBC today...the person said she managed to get back my deposit which i have given prior to the Bangkok Study Trip but later changed my mind due to the Tsunami thingy...well u can say i'm paranoid but u noe..i jus didnt wanna be out of country at that time...hmm...that person asked me to go school and take the cheque..wah liao..i no exams still need to go school...damn sian lo..haha..but later tot of getting somebody help me me the trouble..lolz..thanks Qianhui for agreeing to help me out...haha

well...that's all for today folks...tmr another day of 10-10 to go..

*counting down..14 more days to chalet!!..*

puppy love @ 12:45 AM

Sunday, March 20, 2005

hmm....boring day..

today's a damn boring day man...i dun hav to work today and yet my mum woke me up so damn early...want to sleep later oso cannot..wad shit man..i tot she say wanna go Suntec see food fair in the end my father say very sian go there very hard to find parking then decided not to go in the end..wah liao...wad a waste of my time man...

watched two DVDs...hmm let me count i think i've watched the show Drumline for about 6 times already...jus watching the guys in there do their stuffs and the's sooo addictive man..if u guys have a chance u should go watch it's really worth ur time..i mean if u had liked shows like Bring it On and the other shows with schools competing with each other u'd surely like this one too..

all my dear frens @ TP will be starting their exams tmr le...really wishing them nothing but the best hopefully they'll ace thru...although i have no exams..i'm not gonna be a shithead and boast bout nice of me rite... :) haha....k that's it for late night today..tmr working the whole day again...*praying hard*

puppy love @ 10:27 PM

check this out..

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hey hey..check out my new MP3 player....bought from the IT show...which resulted in me being broke and slogging my holidays away working like hell..haha...

puppy love @ 12:59 AM


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heyhey....finally the picutre i've been wanting to upload for the longest of it is...

puppy love @ 12:40 AM

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Sigh~~...oh why oh why..why must the genting trip trip be on the hold again!!...Argh..was jus told by my mum that my anutie will be going to Australia and New Zealand end of this month..wad luck man..not sure when they'll be back..whcih also means that the trip have to be put on hold until she comes back and goes up to genting as well, as she's a member, she books room for free using points but she has to be the one getting the key...ah!!!..if not have to wait until may le...she say the rooms are booked already..jus not too sure if she can come back on time....hai...wait wait wait...

(change of mood) In the meantime.....i guess the only other break i can look forward to is the Table Tennis Team Chalet!!..haha...hmm let's see...counting down to 2 more weeks...after that can go chalet with my fun loving teammates le..haha...can't wait..!!..hopefully they'll get over their exams soon...woo hoo...fianlly that damn scanner is working...(oops..maybe i shouldn't mouth off my scanner..later it'll give me problems again..)yeah...finally i can scan the RARE pic i took with the gers at TM at the machine thingy where they dragged me into it...hmm..until i learn how to upload pics into the post itself from steph..i guess u'll jus have to view in from the pictures sections under the links...have fun..haha

~~signing off~~..praying hard for those taking their exams next week..

puppy love @ 11:34 PM

..Off Day..

woo hoo~...finally..a break from work man..time check's my off day man..later going down to Parkway to get my tennis rackets from Jonathan...give boss my last week of march's schedule and also to apologise for the problem i've caused...:( addition to that...gonna return the DVD i rented yesterday...damn pirated wan at the ending cock up then have to go rent the original wan jus to finish the dumb is that??!!.. many changes to the genting trip...WHEN CAN IT BE FINALISED!!...i wanna go sooo bad..even though i can't go casino..but jus wanna take a few days break from the hustle bustle of Singapore life...thanks to my auntie for helping us book rooms...she's one of the highrollers i tink...then every time she goes to the casino to play she gets points and all these points can be used to book rooms at restaurants la..and all the other shit la...well with her helping us..our expenses will be reduced!!..haha...but the food up there are sooo damn freaking ex!!..nvm la..a few days only...looking forward to it..~~*peace out*

puppy love @ 6:33 AM

Friday, March 18, 2005


(well stephanie said font small so here i am again)hmm...i'm kinda new at shall we start??..tok about today??..sad ah today...morning kena nagged by BOSS cos of stuffs not done properly..and also i go home liao he called me again..cos i forgot to tell leng sie to order the milk..hmm??..but the thing's not tt i forgot..but i dun even hav the memory of him telling me to do so...hmm..wad's wrong with me??..these few days haven't really been myself...been hearing things but it was not spoken??...haha....hai...this holidays is gonna be a killer for me man...why??...cos i'm gonna work like week will be a bombshell...i've got 4 days of 10-10 anyone going parkway anytime soon should be able to see me there often ba...this is only my first 'qing duo duo zhi jiao' anybody taking time to read this..haha..'xie xie shang lian'..hehe...special thanks to steph for helping me step by step thru this thing..haha...i'm like typing in the dark now as u noe the PC is in my sis's room and she's sleeping le...i'll stop here if not i tink i'll go blind...hehe..lolz...*peace*..

puppy love @ 1:08 AM