Saturday, April 30, 2005

went to watch Lord of the Dance in the afternoon jus now at kallang theatre...i paid a whopping $112 bucks for front seats but it was all worth it cos the show was jus AMAZING!!...if i had the money i'll go watch it again....pic below was taken from the program book that we bought for $10..the tshirts were so expensive...30 bucks $$ liao...but i'd suggest for anyone to go watch the's just awesome...
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puppy love @ 11:57 PM

too bored the other day at work...haha...rui, leng sie and steph each had one too...played with snowballs yesterday..crazy day at work..time passed really fast cos we were all crapping away...BUT...BOSS is so gonna KILL us when he finds out that we were playing at the shop...HAAHAHA!!!!!..
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puppy love @ 12:00 AM

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

hmm....went to meet up with Joni after work yesterday..Boss wanted to give me a ride to Tampines but i didn't cos it was still a bit early, and he was like saying u dun take the lift surely late wan....hai...sure enough..i was late for 15 minutes..hehe...had a nice long chat with Joni over dinner....talked about stuffs back in sec schoolll.really miss those days...after whcih we went to get a card for Mdm Pang's's coming soon...

jus came back from mornin driving's not really good....couldn't control the turning very well..i guess i need more practice...bua the kerba couple of times today..and the instructor say that my hands are too stiff when turning the steering whell...but towards the end i got a little better than i started esp when changing the gear and the control of the clutch was better than the previous lesson, aim for next lesson better control of accelerator and speed..

will be off to work earlier today why??...because that Alex Huang la...ask me buy hairband for him..haha..

*flying off to book driving slots*

puppy love @ 11:12 AM

Monday, April 25, 2005

flu bug

oh man...i think there's a flu bug going around at work...4 - 5 people now sick le....i got it too....i had fever on friday night but it subsided in the tot i was good for work...had a nasty sore throat..really didn't feel like talking and eating anything on saturday...jus stayed there and make my cones...told boss that i would like to go home early to rest cos if not sunday cannot work...then i left at 6.30pm...and oh ya...quan yifeng and kym ng were in parkway parade for almost the whole day doing their filming thing for "yuan lai jiu shi ni"..they look so cute with the wings on their backs..haha..

went for basic theory lessons yesterday morning...wasn't as bad as i thought...the instructor was quite funny...after that went home to get ready for was ok but below sales target...but was definately feeling much better...

i can still feel the virus inside of me...i dun feel completely well...having slight sore throat every now and then...sigh...wad's new..had a slight argument with auntie this morning at she just can't seem to understand my really frustrates me but even boss is not saying anything to her i guess i'll jus have to let her have her own way....she's an elderly after all...

jus came home from badminton and table tennis session with my teamates again in school jus now....nice game we had although we only ahd 6 people today..

i've been having this rash thingy on my neck for the past 2 days and it's killing me mum jus put some kind of a powder thingy on it and it's as if she put yoko yoko on it cos it's burning....AH!!!!...i guess i'll jus have to bear with it...

going to check for availability of slots again...ciao..

*wondering away..*

puppy love @ 10:24 PM

Friday, April 22, 2005


hmm, had my first driving lesson today, had mixed emotions at first being nervous and scared. But it all turned out to be for the better..haha..had quite a nice time today...the instructor was quite nice and was a good first time...didn't hit any kerbs..haha...although i was a bit stiff at first but in the end i began to warm up a hav to keep checking online for any last minute cancellations of bookings so i can slot myself in...i hope i dun wait too long if not all that i learnt today all forget liao..

hmm...another 2 weeks to basic theory test...gambette..

*reminder to myself* mdm pang's bday is coming...

puppy love @ 11:29 PM

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A Decision Made

finally made up my mind...went to enrol myself into the driving school just now with much stuffs to remember..dates for tests, first lesson..WA!! first driving lesson is this coming friday, cos someone cancelled it last minute and we could get a booking on the first calss...hopefully i'll learn fast and save money..hehe..may 6th, basic theory test, hope i'll be ready for it.

anyways, had an exercise session with my teammates again this was fun...hopefully we'll get to do it every week....

oh man..when will the timetable for next semester come out...QUICK!!..i wanna book the lesson dates...

puppy love @ 9:54 PM

Monday, April 18, 2005

should i??

hai...lots of thoughts running thru my mind nopw...the most important wan..should i go take driving license???...i dun wanna waste my mummy money leh..hai dunno la!! vexed..dunno if i got confidence out on the road not...but money is a big issue oso...another car learn for wad....?? father say wait until got car then learn ah??..i dunno la!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tired...dun feel like thinking anymore...why can't anyone give me advice on this..

puppy love @ 10:21 PM

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


waoh...wad a nice workout's been quite a while since i've sweated it out...played basketball early in the morning today with my teammates in TP...after taht switched to playing badminton for a whole 3 hrs..wah..shiok man..sweating like a pig..haha

after that took a lift from Chris to got to Ping Yi cos got last minute info of a full dress speech day rehearsal today..and u guessed it..NP is doing sort of a standing there and salute thing for the guest-of-honour, and u noe wad??..this friday is the actual thing...wad's up with the school news of the big move back to the old spot in Chai Chee end of the yr...woohoo..can't wait...i hate the current holding school...they so better give NPCC a better room lo..

YEAH!! guess wad, i received a sms from Mdm Pang's been quite some time since i've heard from her..glad to hear that everything is alright with her and i haven't lost contact... :)

oh..and oso...i saw fiona xie and patricia mok at Bedok Interchange today...they seemed to be doing some kinda filming of a varity show of some sort..

yoz!..working full day tmr..JIA YOU!!

*peace out*

puppy love @ 9:12 PM

Monday, April 11, 2005

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puppy love @ 7:42 PM

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Just some strange sightings on the road...well u guessed it..they're cows..but they dun eat grass..why??..cos they're FAKE!!..haha...lame...

puppy love @ 7:35 PM

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OW!!..look @ that burn mark man...sigh~another one to add to my collection...record size to date...but Jiaying's burn mark is still the biggest..LOLZ..

puppy love @ 7:33 PM

Sunday, April 10, 2005


well wad do u know..boss's 80 bucks blender finally gave no it did not break fact, it broke into pieces...yes u guessed it, it fell onto the floor and shattered...and NO!'s not my fault..actually it's nobody's fault even..for one Boss couldn't remember where he placed it after he finished blending e milkshake, he took it out to a customer and halfway back we jus heard a brash on the floor, i thought it was my fault and i had broken the lemon glass bottle cos i jus broke one bout half an hour ago..but i turned around and i saw e blender on the's really spooky man...leng sie thought I had broken something again well cos i'm nicknamed "puo huai wang" the 2nd after Jiaying whose puo huai was even bigger(if u r wondering wad it is, it's e glass on one side of e ice cream machine)..hhee....i'm jus a smaller case of it...

ok back to e blender thing...well i did break a lemon juice glass bottle before that and i tot i did something worng again, so did leng sie and boss, but the thing is, i was standing at the 3rd machine doing my thing..that is squeezing lemon juice, the blender was on the floor near the sink, so it couldn't have been my fault, i'm too far from the scene of crime..haha..80 bucks..gone like tt..this time boss oso no choice but to use the new blender we bought for him..haha.. had quite a fufilling time although quite unlucky at's sales hit 3000 after adding in me and leng sie's ice cream..hahha....and also...near closing time there was this couple caucasian male and chinese female, the guy was sooo funny...the remarks he made..the stuffs he talked about..he talked to me bout his university stuffs where in e US they can smoke pot and stuffs like that and enjoying Ben&Jerry's ice cream at the same time..since he couldn't make up his mind on wad flavours to take i just let him try wad ever he's closing time so i had time to entertain him la..hhaha...but he was really funny haha..after that he decided on mint grapes and chocolate family pack..i gave him free toppings as well...i started serving him at bout 10.25pm he made e final purchase at the end he asked for my name and thanked me for putting up with him...guess wad i said..."u wouldn't know how to pronounce my name"..he replied saying "i tink i can, try me" or something like i told him sau mun and wow...he got it on first try..hah..impressive..not many people can do it at first try..haha...then he said " well sau mun, thank you for putting up with me and e ice cream" nice...made my day...

*peace out*

puppy love @ 12:04 AM

Friday, April 08, 2005


Exam Results for

well, i'm just glad that i passed all my subjects..considering the fact the i flunked both CRM and IntMkt mid sem that it's both C..means that i jumped 2 grades??..not bad...thanks to the project..oh man...when will i ever get out of the Cs and Ds category..really gotta strive to work harder next semester..esp for my mid-sem tests..tests are always pulling my overall grade's the sem situation for my previous sem...hai...*Resolution*..really work hard next sem.

*praying hard to get the right project group*

puppy love @ 8:51 PM

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puppy love @ 8:50 PM

Chalet again

jus came back from shee zheng's resort is has i tink 5 rooms with 5 toilets..if i'm not wrong..but it's a bit ulu...have to take cab on cos walking is quite a distance..had fum some time to see my old pals from Ping Yi schoolmates and classmates...some i haven't seen for quite a long time...everybody looks so mature..hai..time flies..but i really had a great time there although time spent there was short..thanks SZ for inviting us..

finished watching American Idol...WAD!! nikko got booted out..??!! wad is the world coming to...Scott had more worse performances as compared to it's so unfair..i dun like Scott!!>..oh..when will Diana DeGarmo be back on AI4 to perform..

well,,it's getting late and i have work tmr so i guess i'll hafta stop here..will post some pictures here as well as in mypicgallery....remember to check back..

*peace out

puppy love @ 12:17 AM

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

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puppy love @ 1:59 PM

i'm baacck...

whoo...back from the chalet...wad a long awaited period had turned out to be time passed sooo a blink of an eye and 2 nights have gone...Chalet was fun..we had movie marathons...and i was forced to watch a horror movie with them...not that it's very scary though cos there's not much of an effect..but anyone who knows me know that i DO NOT watch horor movies....why u might ask??..i dunno..i jus dun watch em'.the nights were crazy...we went out for supper like 2am in the morning...haha..didn't really sleep much so now very sleepy..been having soo much junk food and late night suppers...and e booze makes me feel so guilty...ahhh!!...must lose more weight!! do i go about doing it..i've been saying this for god knows how many yrs already..sadded..but on the whole it has been an enjoyable 2 days..

i'm reading my mail at the same many NPCC much information...hai..dunno la..mixed feelings..

*yawnx* sleepy..gonna hit the sack liao...after that wake up to watch american idol!!...

peace out*

puppy love @ 1:15 PM

Sunday, April 03, 2005

after a tiring day..

whoo...wad a day today has been...woke up early in the morning and left for dragonboat training...wah..damn tiring man..must focus and endure!! really takes a lot of a person man..i really admire the peeps that do dragonboating man..cos they FIT!!..hhhaha..i'm jus fat..:(

got on a bus headed for bedok interchange...when it was naering Parkway..decided against going home..will just go straight to SCOOPZ and wait for my colleagues to knock off instead...we going for dinner together...yeah!!..

while waiting for them...i got myself a new pair of Nike sports shoes...i'm now wondering if that was too much of a splurge..but wad's done can't be undone so be it..hahhaa...damn...THEY were late again..heard from Steph that boss called them to ask where THEY were...a sudden change of a tone in his voice indicated that he was talked back to..sad ah..when THEY reached..THEY mean that bloody couple...excuse??..stuck in traffic jam outside..oh man..that has always been their excuse for the past i dunno how many weeks...hey man..u all are adults already..if u noe that on Sundays the traffic's gonna be heavy..then u leave house early la..DUMBOs!!...but wad can i say??...Boss oso dun say anything to THEM wad position am i in to critic them??hai dunno la...THEY are such a disappointment..saying SHIT like they will help boss expand and other BULL but in the end??..THEY can't work more than 1 to 2 days per week, now that THEY got their property agent job...which in fact needs *quote* "LOTS OF HARD WORK AND TIME IS MONEY..blah...blah....blah..."i guess the $8 per hour pay is nuts compared to $8000 worth of commission when THEY close a deal..but heck long as THEY dun bother me and dun step on my tail....i will NOT bark at THEM!!!..
(back to e happy stuffs)
after steph they all knocked off..we took Boss's car to a restaurant somewhere at kallang, and prove to us that the journey is very short...we reached there in about just 3 minutes from parkway..(and yeah we kept time)...haha.. it a vegetarian restaurant..the food's not bad...but the service kinda sucked...Boss paid for us..though i feel a bit bad as we were the ones that asked him out for dinner...haha...after that went to paya lebar that side to take a look at the hawker fare there...boss say the food there is nice....he bought us Soya Bean $1 per packet....the soya bean is the nicest of all i've tasted yet man..really good....steph bought satay and we ate in the car..haha..
yeah...finally after a long wait...tmr's the chalet!!...yeah...really gonna enjoy myself for the next few won't be blogging that much liao..dun miss me!!...haha...

*after a long awaited month*

puppy love @ 9:55 PM

Friday, April 01, 2005

wad a stupid day

damn!! wad a sad day man..tot that could go back Ping Yi for their Sports Day at Bedok Stadium to kinda enjoy myself as well as see Mdm Pang..who knows, didn;t even see her and ended up have to do sai gang the whole afternoon there..

i wonder why NPCC need cadets for when they have CIs be their guard dog at the gates not allowing outsiders to come in and Ping Yians to go out without permission..hey man we are just going by the book man..just freaking instructions from the teachers and me jocelyn and firdaus have to be victims to the Students' verbal abuse..hmm examples like stupid guard dogs, NPCC useless, wah..police i scared ah later take gun out and shoot me ah..hai we oso no choice, if we jus let the sec 2s be at the gate themselves they sure kena bullied wan..instead of walking around and checking everything is alrite we ended up doing the duty ourselves..

one incident whereby this ger came up to us begging and pestering us to let her go out saying wad outside a lot of pai kias later they beat you..wad??!!...i replied i scared pai kias ah..then she walked away..Ping Yians are getting worserer and worserer by the batch man..the whole sports day was not very nicely organised..students are just walking around as and when they like and they can even go down all the way to the track..since when could we do that 2 yrs back..not that i wanna say the teachers but they oso like a bit no use like tt...allowing the students to do wadever they wan...they are jsu show offs showing others that they dare to come up to us and challenge us..climb gate somemore..i had hoped that they break an arm or sprain their ankles in bid of getting in or out..i sound mean ya??..but who cares...the teachers dun..can u picture it??..3 CIs with a whole big bunch of students surrounding us and shouting at us to open the gates..well we couldn't care anymore..we jus opened the gates and let them rush out like mad DOGS!!..after a tiring day we dun even get some words of appreciation from any of the teachers..wad's the world coming into??

gave the cadets a lecture after the whole thing..esp the Sec sense of responsibility at all..why dun they seem to understand..hai..really can't find the energy to go back Ping Yi for NP liao...i'm getting tired...esp after 6 yrs in NP..taking my first Sec 1 batch watching them grow into NCOs, watchign them graduate from Ping that my sousin told me Mdm Pang might have become a part-time teacher already..hai..the systems at Ping Yi is really not favouring the CCAs not just wad if every yr the results are better than the previous, i seriously think there's a problem with the upbringing of the students in Ping Yi...i jus hav that kinda feeling that after this batch of graduating students are gone..i can't imagine wad kind of a school Ping Yi will turn into...jus another school with lots of pai kias in it??..i dunno...dun really have much of any energy left to think about wad might happen...jus hafta find reasons to lete myself go back..i can't let NPCC fall under my years..not after so much that had happened before..~sigh~

*counting down 3 days to chalet*

you didn't and never will know, the feeling was there and never changed...even till now..

puppy love @ 8:48 PM


well got back from work...had quite a nice day at work today..esp towards closing regular customer came down..chatted for quite a while and she had her frens buying tubs of ice cream home of 4 tubs..thanks to them we hit the $1000 pays to be VERY friendly to regular customers...well at least they dun boast about being regular customers unlike some had a couple of customers commenting that my service good plus i know very well how to sweet talk them into buying....haha..i only stating facts wad..our Ice Cream is really healthy wad...wad ever nutrients u find in the actual fruits oue ice-cream will have the same too cos it's made with real fruits..haha..

anyway..jus finished watching American Idol...WAD!!...another female contestant is out..damn...when will it be the guys' turn man...i dun like Anwar, Constantine and offence to any fans though..hehe..but never mind!! My favourite Carrie is still in the competition!! YEAH!!...haha...she's gonna WIN,...i noe she WILL..haha...tmr going to help out in Ping Yi's Sports Day..hope can see mdm pang...haha...

*counting down 4 days to Chalet*
woohoo!!~~ jus another 4 days...

puppy love @ 12:33 AM