Thursday, May 26, 2005


oh well, so sch's started..wad's new??..changing classes again...seriously i hav mixed feelings about starting the semester..why can't we not change classes every semester...i want back my 2.1 classmates..the fun class..hai..

3 days of sporting culture is finally over, days of sitting there stoning is finally over...yesterday went to see doc again for my ever swollen right injured wrist never really healed...the pain comes everytime i exert's a killer when i have to stop halfway during table tennis trainings due to pain..

hai...thanks to last's yr's Scoopz's crazy sales @ Parkway...never sprained my wrist b4..hai...why am i so injury prone. working again this sat from 10-10, doc told me to stop working for a while to let the injury heal..but can't do it man..schedule is already given to boss...jus hope tt nth serious happens on sat though..

tmr is training day..yeah..

WOOHOO!!! CARRIE UNDERWOOD WON AMERICAN IDOL!!!! sigh~~ hope their tour comes to singapore again...i wanna watch..

puppy love @ 11:57 PM

Thursday, May 19, 2005

THE TRIP i'm back from my genting trip..i wonder why i was so enthusiastic bout it in the first place...did i even forget why i hated that place..why??? cos when i was younger, i was always left behind by myself when my mum and dad went to the casino...

wad in the hell made me think that this trip would be different...i was sooo DUMB...i'd be fair...i had fun times but the frustrations and waiting in vain got the better of me...i was hot-tempered and annoyed most of the time up there...once i had to wait outside the casino for about an hour for my sister and her fren to go into the casino and get my parents out for lunch..oh so they went inside, got themselves some free milo and coffee to drink..and they were curious so they too decided to try their luck at the slots machines...well..EXCUSE ME!!! I AM OUTSIDE THE CASINO LOOKING LIKE A FOOL WAITING...and dun mind me BUT I HATE WAITING!!!!!so wad if i had my gameboy with mum said i so clever, brought the gameboy with me so that i wouldn't be bored..but hey..i went up to have fun and relax..not to play gameboy and get pissed off..

oh well..everyone knows that the food up there is so damn freaky i bought a plate of mixed dish rice from curry house at a whopping RM20 over bucks....and they could happily sit there and say "i would have settled my meal in the casino for over RM3 bucks!!!"oh well so SHUT UP already...why can't they understand that when they say these kind of things it's really hurting cos they keep living me alone outside...

when i told my colleagues that i slept at around 8pm++, they were shocked..HUH??u go genting to sleep so early ah was the response...wad was i to whole family was in the i entertained myself by sleeping la!!..

u noe wad my mum said..u can go in wan..they won't check wan..well, i guess she really dun understand me very well...i DUN LIKE the feeling of being ousted out when found out that i sneaked inside..and she still could laugh at my comment..

hey's not as if i dun like them going to the casino noe...of cos when they win some money i'm happy for them but for heaven sake dun always make me wait like a fool..!!how dumb was i to think that after so many years they would finally know how i feel.. well it was a case if history repeating jus makes me tear everytime i think of it..

so i made up my mind...i'm not gonna go up to Genting with my Family for another 3 yrs...they can jolly well go without me until i'm 21..i'm not gonna be an idiot again..

jus so u know..everythime we went for a cruise trip, the same thing happened..they would all go off to the casino while i'll be entertaining myself walking around aimlessly or catching repeat shows at the theatre or jus chillin' by the pool and hitting the sack early..but it's not gonna happen again...cos i'm 18 already!!..

ok..another half hour before the timetable is out..i'll post pics if i'm in the mood..

puppy love @ 2:08 PM

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

woah...wad a day man yesterday..wad happened?? a blackout..that's wad happened..
we got some burnt wires up in the ceiling or something that cut off our electricity...
so waited around for about 5 hours like tt for the people to get it fixed...
stuffs we did in the meantime was that we decided to sell the ice cream for $2 per scoop..instead of letting it melt away..the cut off occurred at around 1pm++..the electricity was backed on about 7pm++..the management people and that electrician guy was starting to pissed me off cos they kept asking us where's i kept calling BOSS!!!...GOT TICKED OFF BY HIM!!...quite anugry and hurt cos he didn't know wad was happening in the shop and he used quite a harsh tone with me...*sob sob*

but....with the 4 musketeers around..nothing is impossible to handle....we managed to hit the sales target for yesterday too...

yep..and u guessed it...our ice-cream was good enuff to not melt that bad after sooo yeah!!...
p.s thanks denise for accompanying me for a while in the DARK shop...

well...that's about it for yesterday...received msgs from mdm happy...hehe

anyway, today afternoon went my skin burnt..but it's all good...haha..after that head off to work...saw a msg from mdm pang saying that she was so touched by the msg in the card we sent to her for her birthday that she teared....**aww**...

puppy love @ 11:55 PM

Saturday, May 07, 2005

mdm pang's been a loooonnngg time since i last woke up before the sun is up...woke up at 5.45am yesterday, courtesy of my father..i told him 6am..he lagi go wake me up at 5.30am..why u ask??..NPCC day lo...went back to ping yi early in the morning reached at 6.30am..changed to my Full-U..very long never wear liao...was told that Mr chen to wear Full-U as well, which turned out to be a big mistake cos they looked awful in them..hai...why didn't we stand our ground..if it was only the other squad, they looked so nice...Mr Chen after that still can come and say to us...."wah today powerful ah..we show them our numbers"...sigh~~..why can't he understand the meaning of QUALITY not QUANTITY....sad ah...after the whole thing ended, we had meeting till bout noon...on my way home tot bout wad sameer said...about not feeling proud to wear the uniform when the unit sux...hai...didn't see mdm pang today...although she did tell me later that she was in school..

after that made my way to CDC for my basic theory test...hopefully i can pass*cross fingers* destination was parkway parade sis's bday..went home to wait for parents and go together..haven't reach home i saw them turning out of the carpark!!...WAD!!THEY WERE GONNA LEAVE WITHOUT ME!!!!!due to miscommunication between them and my sis..

finally the GENTING trip is finalised, although it's jus a short 3 dys but at least i can relax a bit before sch starts...haven't had exactly a holiday DURING the holidays???...hmm..haha..

ok..on to today...U NOE WAD!!!!...MDM PANG came today...i was psyched upon seeing her man...i was like hi!!...and her daughter was soooo damn cute....look like her man...BUT the downside...i was cropped up doing the cones that i couldn't talk to her..... :(...and she was like "U busy??" then i was like saying yeah with a sad face and so we said bye there and then..hai...i haven't seen her for quite some time and to see her again today jus made my day man...

on the whole today was fine...long queues...good sales...overall jus plain tiring..

woot~~mdm pang's bday is on tuesday..

puppy love @ 11:49 PM

Monday, May 02, 2005

hand pain!!

OUCH!!! hand is killing me man!!....slogged for 6 hours today @ scoopz...scooping and flipping the ice cream non-stop...cos that JIAYING lo...come wrong time come in the morning, then at night got one less person..but boss never switch off one chao pan...still carry on with 3...BUT me there anything oso possible...but now got consequence le..

the queues were almost never ending can..wa liao...i swear that if we had 1 more person working the sales would have been more...cos sometimes only got me one person serving then the ppl at the back of the queue fed up then they walk away le..
but not my fault leh....the customers infront take such a FREAKING long time to decide wad they wan lo....wanna tyr this try blind wan dunno how to see the Q so damn long...

but it was all worth it man...cos we not only hit the target sales...i tink we broke record that's wad boss say..hehe...i very happy...but now my right wrist is covered with salonpas soothe the bian wrist sprain b4 so now little bit only will pain le...cannot take too much strain...hai..weak ah..

gambatte..!!...jiayou!!...tmr another day of madness to go...only for half a day though..

*they're baacck...but luckily i dun hav anytime working with them the coming week...phew...*

puppy love @ 12:51 AM