Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Went over to Parkway Parade yesterday evening after i knocked off from work, intended to have Yong Tau Fu as my dinner cos my Mummy's in China with my Pa so no dinner at home..BUT..was pulled to have a KFC family feast with my Scoopz colleagues instead..wad to do..we are like a family..haha...made the comment that i'm gonna be sick after that and true enough i am.

I'm on MC today with a throat infection, cough and running nose so i rested at's been such a long time since i had such a nice rest on my bed..cough's still there though, but feeling better than in the morning..i think i'm well enough to go training later in the evening...

puppy love @ 4:35 PM

Monday, October 24, 2005

Jus a random thought..

Now that the government has increased the number of places that smoking is banned...jus think of this.. now...all other places that is ban free...becomes...SMOKE gd luck to people walking past these places...the tendency of inhaling the 2nd hand smoke is higher than ever..

jus take yesterday for example, i just walked out of Parkway Parade and i could almost guarantee that every other person has a cigarette in his/her hand..hmm..get this..I HATE CIGARETTES!!!!and i dun exactly hate people who smokes, i can't help it if they wan to destroy their own health..but i do dislike people who are not considerate to those that dun exhaling the smoke rite in ur face, THAT is not very nice...

and oh ya, 1 advice to peeps who are like me..NEVER..and i say again NEVER walk behind someone smoking..u should noe why, double up ur steps and walk infront of tt person!!

puppy love @ 1:45 PM

Sunday, October 23, 2005

RENT the Muscial
Seasons of Love

525,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee.
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?
How about love? How about love? How about love? Measure in love. Seasons of love.
525,600 minutes! 525,000 journeys to plan.
525,600 minutes - how can you measure the life of a woman or man?
In truths that she learned, or in times that he cried.
In bridges he burned, or the way that she died.
It’s time now to sing out, tho the story never ends let's celebrate remember a year in the life of friends.
Rememberthe love! Remember the love! Remember the love! Measure in love. Seasons of love! Seasons of love.

puppy love @ 1:10 AM

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


i seriously do think that today is the worse day of my life..i feel like i have some hanging dark clouds over my head everyway i go...unlucky stuffs befall me..

got bullied by the dumb computer @ work..stupid MS word, i can't help but feel that sometimes it trys to act too clever it pisses me off..with my manager asking me to do something people do with special software and me using Word to do..the information given is so vague, the examples given i think are done by pros..that aside..jus let me do my thing la...quit bugging me and asking what's wrong when i busy with wad's given to me to do...HMPH!!

went to the toilet with my phone, cos was msging Denise asking her bout the Moon People show @ TP...and tt's when my phone tot it was getting kinda hot and decided to go for a swim inside the toilet bowl..and good ol' me had to fish my dear phone out of the water..i guess the onl lucky thing of the day was tt the water jus finished flushing and it was i went to the hand dryer to let it blow dry..but to no was pronounced dead at approximately 4.10pm.

and it never ends, it began raining pretty heavily, as u noe i gotta walk out to Parkway to catch a bus so i had to almost run all the way to Parkway...asked the Nokia guy bout the phone, and he said tt once a phone goes swimming, u can offically say bye bye to it..thanks man..wad's more, my phone has been dropped tons of times i can't even remember how many myself..

went whacked on the eye by a ping pong ball hit by Kent opposite me..wah liao whack until so hard it kinda stunned me for a second and i had to lie on the floor and regain my tots...

jus when i tot everything has come to an end...i get home and check my SMS on my mum's phone, after tt is done, i asked my sis to open the SIM card holder cos i can't get it open, so she opened it so hard that the SIM card fell inside the leather covering of the Sofa, can't seem to get it out...oh phone so why the hell do i need a SIM card for...

hoping tmr will be a better day...

puppy love @ 10:26 PM

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will be going to watch RENT The Musical as you can see starring Karen Mok on the 27th of November...
I think it's gonna be a great show..cos the music's so nice...Esp Season of Love, msg me if u wanna hav a listen to the song..
oh no! i'm going soo broke cos of the front row tickets...

puppy love @ 1:45 PM

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

woke up to the sound of a familiar but very irritating actually sounded like my alarm clock...but wasn't in my i walked out of the room thinking that it might be my sis's clock..but nope...she was already awake getting ready for i went back to my bed..and the noise is still there..i walked out again and found the dumb clock in the living room the hell did it even get there in the first place...

so i switched it off and went back to bed..mind you it was 7.30am i should be awake and getting ready for work..but sleepy me went rite back to my bed...


i think i slept for another hour..and i practically jumped out of bed at 8.30am and rushed to get ready for work...ran down to get a cab and off to work reached at 9.05am..phew~..

cab fares are squeezing me dry..

puppy love @ 11:40 AM

Sunday, October 16, 2005

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whose legs are those??..oh..they're mine..haha..rotting my time away after work at big splash yesterday..ended at 1pm but will be working at Parkway from 4pm onwards so had some time to spare..feeling the breeze, listening to music and oh ya, the 3rd time i got splashed by sea water that had hit against the rocks onto my face i left and began my stroll to PP..

puppy love @ 8:11 PM


Image hosted by surfing @ work!! haha

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this is one of the scenes @ Scoopz i haven't seen for a very looong time

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the table i'm using is always in a mess when i'm at it!!

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i never knew that the view @ East Coast Park could be nice..haha

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this viking blah blah blah ice cream dish from Cafe Cartel, has i tink 10 scoops of ice cream, topped with cookies and plenty of those fudge and waffles, and my dear amelia and shunli say can finish them..poor joy have to help them eat..haha

puppy love @ 8:07 PM

Saturday, October 15, 2005


I went to Ping Yi Sec's website today..clicked the CCA section, the last time it was updated was 2004. List of Cadet Inspectors' names..mine isn't on it..

how did i feel??..
should i be sad??
after so many years of dedication and sacrifices, my name isn't even worth a mention? i dunno what to think anymore, maybe as long i know that somehow i do still care of how the unit is doesn't really matter anymore..

for those of u who know me, u should know, how many times did i say NO to any of you with regards to anything at all, because of NPCC committments..??how many times?? i've lost count myself..

wad more can i say?...last yr of poly already..very soon my service will officially end, regardless whether our names are mentioned or not, i dare say this, the SOLE reason why Ping Yi Npcc is still standing today is because of all the yrs of sacrifices made by dedicated individuals..who are they??..they are Cadet Inspectors of Ping Yi Sec..past & present.

maybe i can even say that i'm actually ashamed of myself that NP is crumbling..oh why oh why??

i dunno i dunno...ATC is coming...i should go and help even though i think non of our teacher officers can make it..i guess their holidays are more important than NP then..

...maybe, just maybe, it's time to let go??...

puppy love @ 12:36 PM

Thursday, October 13, 2005

can i not begin my blog entry with a sigh everytime??...but i can't help it..


alrite peeps!!..just 40 more days to go...YOU CAN DO IT!!..suck it up and persist on!!!JIA YOU!!!

these few days have been a bit busy with the Family Festival which the restaurant participated that's coming up, i'm glad that i got the chance to do stuffs like designing posters and leaflets for the event..even attended the meeting witht the chefs and managers to decide what dishes they wanna sell at EXPO...,i spent 10 minutes after yesterday's lunch just sitting on the beach and enjoying the sunlight and the sea breeze, with no one disturbing me, it's actually very relaxing and it lets ur mind totally rest for that period of time.

been irritating Qiao Xiang's phone for the past 2 days..haha..using the internet SMS service..LOLZ..she say her handphone sometimes very silent ma..dun even beep once a i make it a point to let it beep at least once per nice of me rite??

haha...will be going out with joelly they all tmr, taking up Xiang's advice to take Joelly out for some fresh air cos she got cooped up in her home for too long liao...starting to babble nonsense on MSN...hahahaha..


* the difference between a computer & a human part 1*
it freaking cost a lot to build up a computer's immune system AKA antivirus software, whereas for us..we just have to eat more fruits and get the right nutrients and we'll be fine...

HAHA..dun mind me..being cooped up in the office has got me thinking bout dumb stuffs like tt....LOLZ!!!

puppy love @ 11:59 AM

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Ladies & Gentlemen..

I flunked my driving test..hai..wad a disappointment..not only to myself but to my dear instructors as well, i guess they'll be seeing my again for a couple of times..had a immediate failure when i freaking hit the cone of the directional change, i jus lost that 1 sec of focus and BAM it goes into the cone, no matter how perfect both my parking are will never be able to cover that costly mistake. Got the eunos test route, at my test timing, that route is filled with cars that will not slow down when it is raining..though "L" drivers hafta slow down..hai..jus not my luck..

Retest is on 30 Dec..wad a long wait..will take this long period to drill those DUMB mistakes into my head..was quite moody on my way home yesterday after the test, i guess lots of ppl could see my glum face cos i was pretty sure that many pair of eyes were staring at me..but it's alright...WHO AM I!???!!?? i'm sau i got over it after a couple of point brooding over it the ppl that passed on the first attempt...I SALUTE U GUYS!!!!..

JIA YOU to amelia taking the test on WED!!!...GOOD LUCK..

oh damn..tmr's monday..really dreading mondays..but it's ok..tmr's training day!! yeah!!

puppy love @ 10:03 PM

Friday, October 07, 2005

OH MY GOD!!!'s finally a friday..THE day i'm sure every intern is looking forward to...gonna go off at 3pm later to go for my driving lesson, cos tmr's my driving gosh..can't wait...hopefully i'll pass on the first try..*crosses fingers* peeps..pls pray for me ya..ahaha

went down to Parkway yesterday after work to get my mum's medicine...seems like i'm there almost every other day..haha..saw Sunny working at Howard's Storage..and also saw Janet jus finishing work at her Jean Yip roadshow...she gets to have her hair rebonded and maybe get some curls today.. ANNDD.. she gets facial too..ALL FOR FREE MAN!!!..she's so lucky ah...

neways, gtg..quite a number of stuffs to rush out B4 i leave at 3pm..and i freaking forgot to bring my driving book...gotta frigging go home and take...ARGH!!

3 weeks down peeps...only 8 more to go...TIME PASSES SOOO FAST RITE!!!..YEAH!!

puppy love @ 10:29 AM

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

for those of u who know me...I am jus me, straightforward, blunt, what u see is what u get, isn't that gd? At least i do not live in pretence. Apparently, some people can't take my bluntness, they feel that i am criticizing everything they do, hey man, u should be glad that i even freaking bother bout u..or maybe u tink it'd be better off i dun care shit bout wad u do. if it's not for Boss, i couldn't care less if things were done properly or not.

I have to hereby thank my swimming kakis, who were also my counselors , knowing that it is very difficult to change who i am, they taught me better ways to tell someone something or correct anyone, and thru this i've learnt to be more tactful in the way i say stuff. Many hav since accepted my criticisms but of cos there will still be peeps that *shrugs* i dunno just can't take it, maybe they don't like me... :( it's alrite, i'll cut them some slack, and the slack that is left i'll make up for it, it's ok that i do more than is expected, i'm used to it i always say, I don't know that someone well enuff to like or hate her, and neither will i make an effort to get to noe that person cos it's jus a waste of my time and energy..better spent sleeping..

Working and studying at the same time has definately benefited me, i learnt lots of stuff from my colleagues..things which books and lectures dun teach which are the philosophies of life..haha..i do sound a ~BIT~ profound here..lolz..

neways, gonna hit the sack..will blog when i can..

to anyone reading this, the above post is jus my personal rantings and opinion, and it is not meant to be directed at any particular person. like wad David said today, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, one will be happier being themselves. and i am gonna jus do that...BE MYSELF!!!the happy, cheerful person that everyone knows and not someone that always feels angered, indignant and full of resent.

after this post all unhappiness will be kept here and I will be myself again!!..

puppy love @ 10:35 PM

Saturday, October 01, 2005

went back to sch today for on-campus session, i must admit that it was rather refreshing seeing everyone back in school again, but i seriously did wish that it didn't have to be so early in the morning...Mr Gary Lin was hilarious in class..he kept making funny comments, really didn't know he had this side of him..haha..

i know i really shouldn't be saying this but everyday, i'm hoping that it'd be 6pm soon, and at the end of the day, i'd be hoping that it's a friday soon..i really want SIP to be over soon..i wanna go back to school!!!..been on MSN and blog surfing the past week @ work, that's cos i'm using my admin exec's desk now that she's on leave, so i guess i won't be online that much or rather at all come monday when she comes back from her honeymoon. i wounder where i'll be sitting.

i really wanna do stuffs so that time will pass by more quickly, hopefully that'll happen next week, then SIP will be more of a more stamping on vouchers to do starting monday. 5000 vouchers need to be stamped cos we cancelled the expiry choice ah, company wan to save money..well, at least i'll hav something to do.

i love mondays and wednesdays, cos there's training in the evening, i'll try and not stop by Scoopz anymore, cos when i see them i'll always stay and chat and my training time is left with 1 hour everytime. I noe u guys won't miss me cos u see me almost everyday so much so that u all are so sick of me popping by rite??..lolz..i'll jus go straight to the bus stop and catch the 1st 15 back to TP...hopefully we have enuff budget for 3 trainings each week with Coach, if dun have i dun mind we go back on our own on friday to train..anyone up for it??

haha, gtg take a rest le..later going to PP to work..will blog when i can..

puppy love @ 12:51 PM

Crazy by Simple Plan, i'm so loving this song rite now...msg me if u wanna get the song ya!!??

Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Young girls dying to be on TV
Won't stop till they've reached their dreams

Diet pills, surgery
Photo shop pictures in magazines
Telling them how they should be
It doesn't make sense to me

Is everybody going crazy
Is anybody gonna save me
Can anybody tell me what's going on
Tell me what's going on
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong

I guess things aren't how they used to be
There's no more normal families
Parents act like enemies
Making kids feel like it's World War 3

No one cares, no one's there
I guess we're all just too damn busy
And money's our first priority
It doesn't make sense to me

Is everybody going crazy
Is anybody gonna save me
Can anybody tell me what's going on
Tell me what’s going on
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong

Is everybody going crazy
Is everybody going crazy

Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Rich guys driving big SUVs
When kids are starving in the streets

No one cares
No one likes to share

puppy love @ 12:42 PM