Friday, December 30, 2005


I PASSED MY DRIVING!!!...HAHAHAHAHA!!! damn happy whole face just lit up when my tester ticked PASS!!!..
i love my instructors to death man..they da best!! SPECIAL THANKS to Binson Chia who took me for 10 lessons..Mr Seah who took me for 5 and Ken Ng who took me for 3...SUPERB instructors..the rest were all changing here and there..and of cos when i passed they were all there behind the building to hear the good news!!..hahaahaa, was like mass msging ppl telling them the good news and i called my parents too!!..haha..siao rite??

and oh ya..Qianhui..still dun get what u mean by graduating from NIGHTMARE CDC(the testers maybe??)haha....nevertheless, i'm still gonna miss my 3 instructors though..ahaaha..and they keep telling me that they dun wanna see me again b4 i old them, this time really not gonna see me liao so better dun miss me..hahaha..never mind..i asked them come parkway must see if i'm working..then i'll treat them eat ice-cream..HAHAHA!!..

I'm over the moon today..

puppy love @ 11:55 PM

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Some pictures taken on Christmas eve....
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puppy love @ 9:56 PM

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Date: 22 December 2005
Time: 11:49am
Location: Business Lab 5

and i'm finally 19, like what Amelia said, finally caught up with u all liao..always the last..haha..but i dunno leh, part of me wanna stay below 20. So scary, this time next yr, i will be 20 liao..

MUCH THANKS to EVERYONE that gave me well wishes yesterday...special thanks to crystal and gang, this is i think the first time a group of ppl sing me a birthday song over the phone, was very much surprised but really happy at the same time, u guys definately made me smile!!..

Thanks for those endless SMSs, though some were belated but it'still alrite..haha..cos it's the thought that counts, Jani jus wised me Happy Belated so i'm not complaining...LOLZ..

People that i never thought will remember wished me too, Shi Yun!! thanks man..i dunno if u'll see this but i really am very glad that being in NPCC has brought me a great fren in u..u are so rite in saying that although w dun see each other, but we very much care for one another..

Thanks to my colleagues, thanks Leng Sie for buying me the ONLY cake of the day..haha..sorry i forgot to bring it home..

Ya u guessed it, my family didn't buy me a cake, but my sis gave us a dinner treat so i guess that's ok la..hahahah!!

Thanks to my cousins!!!wishing me thru SMS and Friendster, we are so far from one another yet u guys didn't forget me!!..hopefully we''ll get to see everyone soon...

oh! how can i forget my Dearest Qiao Xiang who was the first one to wish me Happie Birthday..haha..she my da jie u noe..lolzz..Joelly..Shunli..Amelia..Melissa..THANKS U GUYS!!!..

For all those that i didn't mentioned...u all are kept dear to my heart!!!!..


puppy love @ 11:49 AM

Friday, December 16, 2005


Standing Board Jump: 203m
Shuttle Run: 11.2 sec
Sit-Up: 34
Incline Flex...: 11
Sit n Reach: 27
2.4KM: 18:53

Considering my age as of today is still 18, i would have gotten A for the first 3 and C n E respectively for the next 2..well as u can see i flunked the freaking i fail the cruel..all that hard work for nothing in the ned, i even freaking fell on my arse for my first try of standing board sad..but was a fun experience with crystal & gang..haha..

if only i had started the timing on my watch more accurately, i would have dashed like hell to make the passing mark. but it's ok, i never knew that i could finish the whole 2.4km in the first place since my stamina sucks..haha

gonna relax at least for today and not do anything that has to do with projects, free my mind for a while..and it'll be back to research and brainstorming and all...

puppy love @ 11:46 PM

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

~~woot!! my MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY white colour bands just came in the mail happy!! the banner on the top right hand corner of the blog to know more bout MakePovertyHistory...

I have 10 bands to if anyone wants one, jus let me know either by dropping a tag or SMSing me!!..hehe..
I too have bout 10 ONE white colour bands to spare ya know wad to noe if u want one..haha...visit to know more about the campaigns..

Christmas is about the JOY of GIVING!!..


back to SIP report..

puppy love @ 11:27 PM

Monday, December 12, 2005

hmm, been blog surfing..saw lots of peeps putting up their wishlist..maybe i should put one up too...HAHAHAHA!!

let's see what we have here:

1) EVERYONE around me, EVERYONE i know to be HAPPY!! HAPPY!! HAPPY!!..that includes..YOU!..YOU!! and YOU!!..
2) Lots of smiles and laughter everyday
3) Good grades this semester
4) Project group to work well together
5) A new phone???..Nokia 6111 perhaps..haha..
6) Hang out with the people i love so dearly...
7) The TEAM to train hard together..
8) To end the IVP with a bang, giving NTU & NUS a run for their trophy!!..haha..
10) A nice & cool bag able to fit my laptop & stuffs in it..(crumpler maybe??)
11) Nearly forgot bout this..of cos i WANT to pass my DRIVING!!!

WOW!..that's not too much of a girl to ask rite??..they are all so SIMPLE & PRACTICAL....hahahaaha!!!

P.S did i ever tell ya this?? TP BUSINESS SCHOOL RAWKS!!..or better yet!!..TP MARKETING RAWKS!!!

i'm loving everyone too much to let go...

puppy love @ 4:50 PM

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Yesterday's training was SHIOK man...hmm..why would i say that??...i won all of the 4 moatches which i played in..ain't that a record. It's been a VERY VERY long time since I've had that kind of form. Coach said that i should always have that kind of form if not he won't know when is it "SAFE"to be me in to play.

I dunno, it seems that i can like play better without COach sitting there and telling me what i should and should not do, or is it i've learnt to put my aggression in the right place as well as learning to calm myself down when needed to. Sad that yesterday's was the last training all the way till their MID-SEM tests are over..poor me, gotta find someone to train with me if not in another 2 weeks i dunno how to play already....

Now in school doing some research for my project, this sem..CHINATOWN FOOD CORPORATION.. my group chose PRATA to work on, i'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that these 10 weeks will work out fine for me, i really do wanna score well for this semester!..


puppy love @ 4:36 PM

Friday, December 02, 2005

OK!!..time to BLOG!!..
Well, today was my last day at Big Splash/Seafood took quite a number of pictures..we had Lunch at Crystal Jade (PP), it was Justin's (Boss) treat..there were a total of 8 persons there..including me..was really happy that they were there..after lunch we went back to office...Pamela came back with a Bag for me!!...they got it at nice of me a bag to start my semester with..i really didn't think they will get me a gift...but nevertheless, it was deeply appreciated..oh..i for got to add that, at the end of work today, i was like santa claus for bout half an hour, going around giving ppl nicely(erm well, not all that nicely) wrapped chocolates!!....early christmas gift and a token of appreciation for all the things they've taught me there..!!!

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MORGAN (Restaurant Manager) AKA FunnyMAN and ME!!

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Pamela (Asst. Manager) & Me!!..ppl say we look alike..hahah...

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Mr Chu (Restaurant Manager) treated me Red Ruby with Honey Sea Coconut b4 i left..NICE!!..he didn't want to take pic..he say he'll look very old..haha..

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Lunch @ Crystal Jade!!..guy in White standing is my BOSS!!..

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WAD A SPREAD!!!..ALL THE FOOD!!...I'm going on a diet starting tmr!!..FAT FAT FAT!!

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this pic was took on tues..i think!?..haha...guy in centre is Mr Kwek (Procurement Manager). He's so nicely dressed cos he's going to get an award...!!i look fat!!..

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Restaurant Captains, Manager & ME!!..

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Jamie, Me, Pamela, Leon & Mei Lian

puppy love @ 12:11 AM