Saturday, February 25, 2006

Went to Kelly's autograph session today with Gui Zi Mei Mei at Wisma Atria, honestly speaking, that's like the smallest stage and space area i've seen set up for a autograph session, my small, the front of the stage i think can barely fit 5 ppl standing in a line and will reach G2000 liao. The area's small but quite packed when it's nearing 4pm.. Kelly's so skinny can, but she's better looking in person than on TV i must say.

Would have posted pictures if they were better taken, all due to the damn security guard walking to and fro dunno doing wad, think he so handsome stand there block so many ppl form taking good pictures. STUPID!! BAKA!!

Got a nice BIG signature from Kelly, she's pretty sincere and friendly, i mean she'll take time in saying thank you with eye contact and all. it's like i've heard from some ppl that SOME Autograph sessions that they went they jus went up the stage got the album signed and was hurried down without a word of thanks, the artiste was jus busy signing away that kinda thing..

Although it's not really a BIG HOO HAH, buti think Kelly has the potential to make it big. I heard that she'll be in Taiwan from April onwards to promote the album so all da best to her!!..

American Idol 5 in on!!..the studio stages, i kinda like Ayla Brown n Kellie Pickler, she reminds me of Carrie Underwood. And some of the guys Will Makar, Kevin Covais, Ace Young n david Radford...hopefully they'll make it to the TOP 12!!!.

Will be busy working to earn cash, wanna save up for a nice holiday, and my off days will be spent hopefully swimming, and making something special and nice for the girls b4 the chalet on the 23rd of March. SH!!..can't say much cos it's gonna be a surprise!!!...and i'll have the help of an expert STEPH!!!..haha..i can't wait for the chalet!!..

Buy Kelly's AlbuM!!!'s nice!!..
I'm getting Lin Jun Jie and Wang Lee Hom's new album once i get my pay!!..yay..

puppy love @ 11:56 PM

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

oh man, i've been so busy working these days..gotta earn more money, no money for holiday and chalet in march...sorry for the delay in i will fulfil all my promises to send out the photos i have!!..yeah!!..haha...anyways, below are the pictures taken at the sentosa outing with crystal and gang. IT WAS FANTABULOUS!!
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puppy love @ 10:42 PM

Sunday, February 12, 2006

all of a sudden i've got flashbacks of my poly life..i could still remember back in Sem1.2, where we had to make the decision of which diploma to major in..i was still stuck between business and marketing, i even remebered that i swore that i had gotten into logistics i would quit school immediately..haha..i didn't want to choose marketing cos there was very little ppl from our Sem1.2 class (4 in fact) that will be going into marketing..i'd feel so lonely if we were all seperated.. BIG THANKS to JANET!!!...cos u made me take the leap of faith that i would find what i will enjoy doing in Marketing...and u got it rite!!!!

I've never looked back since...i told myself that i will never make choices i regret again..althought there might be tough times in Marketing but it's all been fun..all the cool people i've known..Sem2.1 was the funniest class ever, classes were always filled with laughter...with ppl like Kyle, Farid, Jani in the same class, how can u not have laughter during tutorials..cheers to Denise and Meizhen, Wei Hong, it was a great experience working with u all..

Sem 2.2 was kinda miserable but it's alrite...and i've learnt something...i can't be in the same project group with Janet for pete's sake..haha..but it goes to show one thing..that one still can be good frens after a horrible group project encounter...

Sem 3.1 and 3.2 was GREAT!!...the class i mean..the class of T04 whcih consists of prolly bout 11 ppl..which i think most ppl in my class will agree...we had fun rite..??all those after class sessions and consultations me saying hi and bye sessions...presentaion sessions with me staying back to chat and wait sessions...who will beg to differ??? cheers to the class of T04!!(ME!!!, Aveline, Tannia, Kelvin, Derek, Sandy, Crystal, Rina, Nur, Zi Xiang & Huat) the one thing i remember the most was in the lab on final submission day where i mixed up entre's presentation time and nearly everyone in lab 1 was shouting at me..haha!!..that was jus hilarious..and i have gotten used to everyone asking me why am i always alone...but it's alrite..i mean i have the rest of u rite.?..

To the rest of the Marketing ppl i haven't mentioned, let's see how many i can name: (Both Sharons, Lena, Ray, Cheryl, Cindy, CK, Shaozhong, Timothy, Joey, Faye, Serence, yuping, Limaran, Fadzillah, Farhanah, Sharifah, Jen, Both Benjamins, Teresa, Valerie, Peizhen, Gary, Rachel, Yan Ling, Jacob, Madina, Mei Xuan, Pearly and the list goes on..regardless of classes and cliques, we are all one big family..lectures have been fun where u can jus basically sit anyway and strike up a conversation with anyone..erm maybe almost anyway..the HIs and BYEs along engine school and tutorial rooms corridors in level 5, in's all been fun...I LOVE MARKETING!!!! I LOVE EVERYBODY IN MARKETING!!!!including lecturers...(erm, maybe not all of them..the fun ones mainly..hahaha)

To my table tennis teammates: the journey's been fun, with lots of ups and downs, lots of encouragements, motivation mainly one-sided but i dun mind...u guys have been the greatest aspect in making my life more meaningful in TP..we stick together no matter matter what...LOVE YA GUYS!!!..

And to my wonderful wonderful circle of frens: i've known lots of frens through frens...everywhere throughout TP from different sports and diploma groups!!!...the journey's been fun, all of u have left a footprint in my TP journey, and u all have been a part of my life as a student in thank you so much..

Last but not least: i will never forget the wonderful lecturers in TP..Marketing ones especially!!..
Phew..wad a long post...happy reading!!..lolz..

look out for pictures taken on the last day below..scroll down k??..haha...

puppy love @ 11:40 PM

oops...nearly forgot to post this...this 2 pics were taken by Mr Ho..yes..self taken...and he kept telling me "so nice rite"..and i told him i'll post this on my here it is..hahahaha!!!!
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puppy love @ 5:06 PM my poly life has sorta officially ended..hai..below are pictures taken on the "last day" which is friday's last Global Marketing sad..i'm so gonna miss this class or at least this half of the class..haha...all the fun and the laughter..u guys are da best!!!keep MSN alive ya!!..lolz
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puppy love @ 4:50 PM

Thursday, February 09, 2006

it's back to my old saying's scary what projects can do to the best of's all gonna be over very soon..on friday, we'll all be technically graduating..Marketing students i mean..
mixed feelings really...i'm happy that all the bullshit and rushes are over..but at the same time i'm gonna miss these as well as frens known in more fun classes more funny digs at one another in more fun lectures t 9am in the morning..i'm so gonna miss everyone!!!!'s presentation will be IMC..tmr's Global Marketing...tmr we are so gonna take so many pictures man...
i can't believe that i've put up with my group for another semester, yes ppl are always saying tt my group is ok ma..ya they do work, but it's the suckiness of the ppt slides and the lack of quality in the visuals made that pisses me off..but luckily, later's visuals for SMRT advertising is done by me...and i am pretty darn proud of myself for doing tt..i'm on th everge of framing my work up..haha...
**hungry** to search for food...

puppy love @ 11:24 AM

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Time Check: 5:54pm
I only slept at 5plus am this morning..was editing the strategic report the whole night..and watching Manchester United versus Fulham..hey man..i needa break..
Woke up at around noon...i wonder why everytime i sleep less than required, i feel more awake than ever..haha..sent the group the report...working on the Strategic Presentation slides now..
hai..the typical life of a marketing student..sleepless nights when it's nearing submission...why the hell must they put all the subissions on the same day..MONDAY somemore!!..freaking strategic presentation is right after the PBL gotta go to school at 8am tmr to settle some stuffs...
ARGH!!!..the last hurdle!!...come on!! come on!!!..GO!GO!GO!!!!!..

*stomach growling* to dinner...hmm,..something smells great in the kitchen!!..

puppy love @ 5:48 PM

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

went to Boss's house at HazelPark on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year..first time i went to Boss house for CNY cos every yr i'm in KL by the same time was fun..gamble..won his money but lost to his fren...haha..below are pictures took at that day....
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me and cai wen da jie

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say cheez!!..

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they took forever to make batt nearl went flat cos of waiting..

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they decided to stop throwing the beer cans around once Boss sat there..

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members/staff of Scoopz..

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steph & me..

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me steph & Alice...

puppy love @ 3:39 PM