Monday, March 13, 2006


super pissed at work today..dunno why the hell i make myself suffer like tt at work..why do i even care bout stuffs that boss himself dun care about..who am i to say anything about things not being done correctly at work..fucking BITCH!!...if u can't freaking handle being corrected and criticised by someone younger than you (AKA ME!!), then dun freaking do things that is obviously wrong and will be spotted by ME!!!..ASSHOLE man!!!!..

and puh-lease, when you wanna say something about me, pls make sure that is is justified, if not i'll jus think of it as a BIG JOKE (AKA YOU!!) haha..yes freaking bitch teapot!! YOU!!!!!! u are a big JOKE!!..the stuffs that come out of jus deemed as crap cos u dun THINK before u OPEN ur STUPID mouth and the things u say are aimed directly back at u..wad an IDIOT!!..

say that i have no initiative one more time i MIGHT jus FREAKING PUNCH you or SLAP you!!!...oh wait, i mihgt jus be dirtying my hands!!..ok PPL!!~!>..i'm gonna buy myself a punching bag when i have the money, in the meantime i guess i'll jus puch the walls and injure myself so taht i dun have to work and face the BITCH for 12 fucking hours on sunday!!...

one more thing, i hate ppl saying things and telling ppl wad to do when they can't do it properly themselves, and if YOU!! wanna freakig compare urself with a NEWBIE..u can jolly well do so cos u are jus degrading urself..HAH HAH!!and also, newbies in the shop are human as well, who the hell gave u the right to talk or even shout at them to do things, they are not ur maid or dog u noe, even dogs deserve better!!..even boss dun talk to us that way, so dun make urself sound like so high and mighty cos u are jus short and plump, puh-lease dun wear those revealing clothes, it makes me wanna PUKE everytime i see yoU!!!... AND DO NOT EVER COMPARE urself with me cos u will never be like ME!!!..and I AM DEFINATELY NOT YOU!!!!!..for there is only one adn only ONE CHEONG SAU MUN!!!!..i want the cheery me back!!>...wad happened to being HAPPY-GO-LUCKY!!?? Scoopz is where i had the happiest as well as the shittiest..shittiest is only in recent cases, why can't we go back to the way things were, where everyone was happy and no backstabbing!!!..NO HYPOCRITES!!..I HATE HYPOCRITES!!!..FREAKING BITCH is an HYPOCRITE!!!...

phew..woo...i ranted bout my sucky day!!..

YEAH!!..tmr is outing day with happy ppl from scoopz tmr!!..with shiyun steph and ah gui...WORK is extremely fun and time passes so quickly when u are workng with people u like and can click with!!...

i tink i'm back!! to maple!!

puppy love @ 11:24 PM

Monday, March 06, 2006

Unlucky Day

Hai, just something to add to unfortunate things that happened to me that started early in the morning at 8am...
well, i Mapled until 4am+..i noe..that's not unfortunate but let me carry dad, hai wad to say, eat so much again and was vomitting the whole night away, all the curry chee cheong fun and udon noodles...i noe it sounds disgusting but i could smell the curry coming out of the toilet when i walked past my parents' room...YUCK!!
so my dad was being kinda a gentleman, though i see very little of it, he beared with the pain so as not to trouble my mum having to accompany him to the hospital and tiring her out in the process although the whole night of vomitting might have already disturbed her sleep.
so he decided to disturb me instead, he called me to wake up at 8am to take him to Changi Hospital cos he was having severe gastric pain, i accompanied him, hospital quite empty so quite fast, stayed for an hour's of observation and he was given the all clear sign to go home since he wasn't feeling that painful after all...
so we took a cab home, i changed and promptly went back to bed, in less than 5 seconds, i haven't even settled in my favourite sleeping position yet k...the phone was the Dr at the hospital, she said she forgot to tell us about the blood test report and so she said it would be alright if we could get someone to go back and collect another set of anti-biotics for my dad, so i rang up my mum...she say ok.she'll go down during lunch to collect.
so i plonked back into my bed again, and this time the bed gave way, i guessed i must have plonked too hard cos the wood under the bed snapped and there goes my bed...i think the bed's as old as me already...hai..that's not the end of my troubles.
the phone rang again, the Dr decided it was best for us to make a trip down again just to make sure everything was alright, so Dad drove back to hospital thinking it was just a routine check up and after tt we could beoth go back to sleep, him on the sofa, me on the floor maybe...the Dr apologized and said tt it was embarassing for her to forget about the blood test report...
ok..still with me??..haha
Dad was having mild fever so have to stay in hospital for couple of days for observation, i think wad i heard was tt t could be Gall Bladder??..wadever it problem number 1, the lorry how??..i can't drive it back..i have never practised ok..rang my mum asked her to get someone fromt he office to drive it back too the factory.
Wards are full so have to wait until 3.30pm, i decided it was not much of a use of me waiting with my Dad so i took a cab home, was on my way to the lift when it occurred to me that i dun have my keys with me cos my Dad was the one tt opened the door out...hai...damn!! here i am at Parkway Scoopz blogging bout my misfortunes today..maybe a compensation will be striking TOTO first prize today??...haha
anyway, Jiaying asked me why i didn't think of going back to the hospital, well, i dunno maybe cos i'm shuttling to anf fro too much that i'm already sick of it, i think i'll leave the visiting to my sis and mum tonight..i'm staying home man, and noe more late night mapling today, i need my sleep...will be staying at PP until my mum knock off from work...
wad a long post..gonna be a while till the next, check back often!!..leave a tag!!..hehe..

puppy love @ 2:39 PM

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Slept only at 6am this morning..nope..definately not projects or school work of any's all in the name of fun..was playing Maplestory the whole night..time flew man..jus started playing and had to restart cos Rui said i screwed up my stats.

the next thing i know, i hear my parents waking up for work, that was my cue to go sleep..haha...reminded mummy to bring ice cream to office and she asked why the hell am i up so early in the morning, my reply? i told her i haven't slept at all...i'm surprised she didn't yell at me..haha

now i'm at Parkway Scoopz, downloading Maplestory into my laptop, after tat, i'm of to Mapling..hahaha...

puppy love @ 2:07 PM