Friday, August 18, 2006

oh ma gawd!!

so frustrating going to work these couple of weeks..the new staffs are driving me nuts man...well..maybe just 3 out of the 4...

i hate repeating myself over and over again..i'm beginning to detest myself...i keep nagging at them..telling them this wrong that wrong that i'm beginning to wonder if it's my teachings that's not doing any good or is it their incompetency that can't seem to get anything right..(i'd like to think of the makes me feel better..)

esp 1 that has been here for 3 weeks already..first things first..she broke 2 mops in consecutive weeks and didn't admit to was only till the next day someone needs to mop the floor then realised it was spoilt..
did i tell u wad sau mun hates??..i dislike irresponsible people...!!!
dun get me wrong..i too spoil things in the shop so much that boss says i'm ranking number 1..BUT..everytime i spoil something i will admit it immediately...almost telling everyone that i spoilt something..
can't stand her man..she thinks jus because she's a couple weeks senior than some of the others means she's better..she's the worse of the lot man..still can remind the others to eh..scoop nicely ah..and this and that...wad the fuck man..who do u think u are..ur incompetency makes my blood lagi best shout at the auntie oso...i gave her a bloody dressing down man...i told her:"ya she's new, but dun forget she an auntie so must give the least respect to the elderly...and plus..dun forget that u are still a newbie too..u should stick to wad newbies should do..that is mind ur own business and do ur own thing if there's something wrong i dun need u to correct...i can do it...u better take care of ur own stuffs first.."

i dun understand boss, when this girl was here for training i already noticed something wrong, so i asked boss wad will happen after the work permit is approved and we realised that she's really not suitable for the job..he says BO BIAN!!!..
so now jus last week..her work permit got problem..apparently her school cert subjects all FLUNK must pay higher levy..if i was boss i would've used to opportunity to let her go..some people say this might be very bad..but hey..this is life man..u gotta go if u're not good enuff...

so that day i toked to boss again...he asked me to do something like a progress report or write down the things she dunno..i tot..if i were to do a progress report in'd looked something like this


Ng Shiau Yun

it's empty cos she's not making any progress at all...A FLATLINE as i will describe..literally no hope...classified CMI..

so i told boss regarding the work permit issue..wa..then he say talk like drinking water already approve so no choice..i was like fuck! man..wad no choice...before the work permit issue i already warned him...
he was still saying..he dun fire people..he always gives people chance..loosely translately:"if he as boss takes in shit..we bo bian also have to take in these shit with him".\

really fucker man...yes u are paying her less cos she's on permit..but EXCUSE ME!!!'s not as if u are paying us more to take in SHIT like these man..everyday have to pick up other people's slack is no joking matter man..on days where 3 people is enuff to ensure smooth operation..cos of her need to have i really dun see the point in saving money there..boss says slowly lo..hope she can improve..wa..wait how long man..people one week no problem already..she 3 weeks already machian she jus arrived...i told boss...u can't blame us if we are frustrated at work..u are not the one taking the shit...then he says:ïf it's a small problem it shouldn't even be mentioned at all" then say dunno wad..u all must solve the difficulty..must be able to face a difficult situation..if not how am i going to pass the shop over to u all and expand my business??..i'm like HELLO!!!..a big organisation can cope with a couple of incompetent people..but not in a F&B outlet like only increases other people's workload when he could've just not hire her in the first place..

i dun care him man..a day in the 1st week of sept all of us are going out on a feast..let him work with all the newbies then he'll get wad i mean..

i told boss he should hve a probation period..then he'll not feel bad asking them to leave cos it's known that in probation period if u are not wad we are looking for then too bad..then he says it doesn't make a difference to him since he doesn't FIRE people...but at the end of the day..he gets my drift...i know cos i heard him talk to the auntie..he told her that he can't give her too many hours as she's still quite slow..take it as on probation..i was like..VERY WELL DONE boss...there u go using wad i said but not giving me any credit...hmph!!

i feel bad for the auntie oso...everytime i nag at her until sian liao...maybe she should jus go get an easier job..make it easier for me oso...everyday have to repeat myself think i better go get a tape recorder and play better..

she thinks her command of english is so blardy the good man...half half becomes hug hug..can i help u becomes can i hurt u...cone becomes comb..and other stuffs she doesn't understand...she doesn't ask..she jus anyhow blabber rubbish to the customer...people ask this she answer that...

damn stressed at work..have to go personally serve customers to make sure that they are not offended in anyway as well as doing the behind stuffs...washing until my skin is itching like hell...peeling..yUcK!..

woah..wad a looooooong post..happy reading!!!..remember to tag!!!..haha

puppy love @ 12:20 AM

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

today's the 1st of August!!!..

as usual i worked the whole day...10am to 10pm...didn't think boss will give pay today...BUT HE DID!!! $1700 today!!..yeppers!!!now u noe why i'm always seen in the shop in JULY????cos i work 60 hrs per week..only a day off each sad..
makes me feel that all that hard work in July paid off when i got the pay...after work went to UOB the machine and i deposited $1200...feels good man..

told my mum that i got pay and i got the nod of approval from her that my hard work and long days paid off...told her that i might change working hours back to 60 hrs per week in september or october and she started shaking her head again...

SO HOW???i really wanna earn more to save more...i'm doing all these only to lessen their burden if i really do go overseas next yr..

the citizenship thingy is off..can't change cos i'm still a minor..and dad doesn't want to change his so i gotta wait till i'm 21...SO..that means when i go back in KL in november for Po Po's bday...i gotta go change my bloody IC which they didn't allow me to change back in 2004 cos i wasn't 18 yet...HELLO!!!???it was jus a couple of weeks till my birthday..can't understand the way they do things man..still can remember tat i spent bloody 3 hours there doing NOTHING!!! also means that i gotta apply for bond deferment...argh..busy busy busy..

i signed up for Table Tennis Open at the CC near my's on the 27th of mum's BDAY!!..hopefully i can win a trophy for her...JIAYOU!!

going for the IDP's Diploma to Degree Open day this sat at Hilton Hotel at teh same time apply for the Uni...hope everything goes well...

i'm feeling happy cos i got my pay today and tmr's my off day...YEAH!! nth!!!..

puppy love @ 1:16 AM