Friday, September 22, 2006

i feel that i'm really fickle-minded.. i can feel like this one day..and i wake up feeling all better..most of that shitty feeling gone..

ah..the wonders of blogging..i can pour out my heart and soul to god knows who..but i feel much much better..

maybe the stress of work is getting to me..not being able to spend much time with y own life..everyday is jus work work work..i can't wait to go back to student life..

come to think of it, maybe further studies will improve my life..i will learn how to take care of myself, gotta cope with mummy and pa..wthout family..gotta discipline myself to study hard!!!

like xiang's blog, cherish and appreciate!!..i will definately cherish and appreciate all around me..frens and family!!..gotta keep the faith going, find what was lost, be ME!!..seeing people happy makes me i shouldn't go brood over the fact that people dun understand me..maybe i jus dun want to be understood..or if i have to say it to u then u understand..then we gotta seriously think about the friendship we got going there...hai..i dunno..argh..why is it back to a gloomy ending again..

aw shucks..heck man..tmr working whole day again..SIAN!!!

4 more days to TAIWAN!!!

jus as i'm ending the post Qianhui sends me this link:

SUPER FUNNY!!..made my day..all the troubles went away..
oo..and it rhymes too..

puppy love @ 10:33 PM

sometimes i do wonder if people understand me at all?? my likes & dislike? why i do certain things, go out or dun go out with certain you know why i get upset over wad people might feel that it's a small thing?? i really don't know, sometimes i get so confused? who really knows me? i dun think anyone can give me a straight answer. not even myself. when it can make me upset means that i care about it?..anyone with similar sentiments?..

6 or 7..anyone cares?? why was i upset?? why??? anyone who truly understands??

ah..jus blabbering nonsense..

take for example work, it makes me sad, happy, accomplished, self-satisfied, frustrating and sometimes so damn annoying and angry i jus wanna kill myself or jus for once quit..but here i am still here in the ice cream shop after so many yrs...

jus today, i did kinda a interview in place of Boss cos he's not's a feature article on scoopz, asked the lady which issue will it be out on..she said it'll be out in the week after next's issue of 8 days so keep a lookout everyone..

i felt happy after that, never had a real interview thingy, never would've imagined myself doing the introducing of the they are made and how they are unique, i used to hear Boss say that to all the people who has interviewed him before, who would've known that i could do it too. a colleague told me that she was admiring the fact that i could speak with ease and confidence with the writer, which is something she is still working on..i kinda agree, i used to be afraid to really speak up but i guess it happens to everybody, growing up i mean. THAT's WHY i miss TP!!!..i learnt all my precious stuffs there!!..

still haven't found a suitable time to let boss know that i'm going for further studies..

4 more days to Taiwan!!..JIA YOU SAU MUN!! dun let unhappy stuffs get u down!!!have fun in TAIWAN and come back more refreshed and ready for new challenges..

puppy love @ 1:24 AM

Sunday, September 17, 2006

well, people are saying that i'm not blogging. So here i am!! Hahaahhaa

i'm not blogging cos there's really nth much to blog about these days, it's jus boring working day after day and getting pissed by customers and newbies at work each day. And yesterday, i swear was the suay-est day of my working life EVER!!

i slipped and fell when i was atop the fridges and tabletop taking some stuffs from the cupboard, shan't go into details but i got a frigginf painful bruise on my hand and an aching back from the result of it. And, a bloody cone tin fell on my head, i was lucky that the edge did not hit me or it might have left me in concussion but it did hit my finger though, and it was sore throughout the night. and yes i would appreciate well wishes as well as words of consolation in my tagboard..hahahahahhaa

ok, so i'm better already today but the bruise and the aches' still there, jus tt i'm feeling better.

the girls went on a night out celebrating Amelia's bday yesterday. and YES!! WITHOUT ME!!! how can we be called the 7 dwarfs when there's only the 6 of YOU!!!..was a bit pissed at first but nah, u noe me, me anger comes and goes like a breeze, u can only feel it on and off, no storm there, lolz.

Today supposed to have Team gathering but lotsa ppl cancelled so i figured why not call it off, since so little ppl go liao oso sianz..

woohoo!!! 9 more day to TAIWAN!!!heck all the AH BIAN PROTESTERS!! i'm going to have some fun!!!haha..

preparing myself for student life!!!i'm all ready!!

puppy love @ 9:05 PM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


i can't believe that i nearly fell for a NET SCAM!!!..wad e hell was i thinking man..thank goodness i checked it out before i did something what they say..wad doesn't come right, doesn't go the hell did i win something i didn't even pay for..well better be safe than sorry..if it turns out to not be a scam then i can only say if it's not meant to be, then leave it as it is...

well, here's wad dumb sau mun nearly fell victim to and yep, i did reply the first time...


We are pleased to inform you of the announcement today of yourselection as one of the five participants of the promotional NETLotto Sweepstakes held recently as part of our EXPERIMENTAL BONANZA. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay outof(£516.778.00 G.B.P). the value of the amount comes to ($921,201.00USD) Nine Hundred and Twenty One thousand,Two Hundred and One UnitedStates Dollars.

We in The Net Lotto Sweepstakes is by thisprogramme,Launching our New model computer balloting lottery draws,developed and designed to satisfy the cravings of the ever-growingnumber of participants in our various lottery programs. With funds accrued exclusively from previous draws, payouts to allparticipants are Guaranteed and will be transferred in record time.

After randomly selecting 15,000 participants from an initial databaseof 300,000 emails of all participants were selected through acomputer ballot system from the Middle East,Asia, Africa, Canada,Europe, USA and South America as part our International PromotionsProgram, which was conducted in view of launching ourselves into theSweepstakes Industry Worldwide and zoning all participants by theirrespective continents from across the Globe, we produced an extensivelist from which you have emerged as one of the participants of theGrand Draw.For you to claim your £516.778.00 prize, you will have to fill theform below and send it to our Officer for verification and then youwill be inform on how your funds(£516.778.00)shall be transferred toyou.


CONGRATULATIONS!This is to inform you that you have been cleared a winner of the NET LOTTERY online Sweepstakes International programme.

I am happy to inform you,your Original Certificate and your Certified bank cheque has been fowarded to the courier company.

Find below the details of the courier company.


NAME:MR TERRY HOPKINS(dispatch officer)

TEL1:+447011121718TEL; +447023056925FAX ; +448717200108

You are advised to send the courier company a mail to their email address for their courier cost.When contacting them,you are to include this order number as your subject.Please you are adviced to write down the order number and save it

Note: you are to Quote your complete names,Ref/Batch Numbers and your direct phone number so that they can honour your letter.Once again i say congratulations and always inform me with your dealings with the courier company.

Thanks,Garreth Unsworth(Mr) Claims Agent whitchurch,hantsuk.NETLOTTERY CORPORATION

puppy love @ 1:23 AM

Saturday, September 02, 2006

well well well...

so my acceptance letter from UQ finally came..and i got what i prayed for...a 1 and a half yrs exemption..!!!
if everything goes well..i should start school in 19th feb and finish my program on 1st of July 2008.

but now stuffs that i gotta do!!...gotta settle my tuition grant bond deferment ma fan..hopefully i can get it done asap..

how to break the news to boss??..i dunno man..

oh well, wad will happen must happen..

go to
and vote for Scoopz k!!..We are being nominated for the Spirit of Enterprise award..everyone that reads my blog do me a favour k?? won't take too much of ur precious time!!..thanks in advance..

puppy love @ 12:22 AM