Wednesday, November 29, 2006

went down to IDP to get my visa down today..after which i went down to Scoopz's my off day yet i still have to go down cos boss says something wrong with the sales figures a few days back..hai..wadever he says forget it so yep...

shopped around PP for a bit..wanted tp get the pair of nike shoes that i eyed the other day but there's no stock for my size..gotta wait around a week for them to get it from ngee ann city outlet..

after which i went down to TP for table tennis training with the wasn't there but we still trained..oh phone was early lost man..i tot it was stolen or i dropped it somewhere for a while..after when i called back to the shop they said my phone's in the shop..PHEW!!..wad a relief!!..never lost my ohone before so i can't imagine wad will happen if i really did..

tmr morning going to the bank to settle the bank guarantor thing with my uncle..after which is work and work again..woo hoo december's approaching.which also means that my last full time month with Scoopz is almost here already..which also means i'm turning 20 soon..WHICH also means christmas is coming and I HAVE A LOT OF THINGS TO BUY!!!..

where to find money??tmr TOTO MAYBE??hahahahaha

puppy love @ 10:58 PM

Thursday, November 23, 2006

I GOT MYSELF A NEW IPOD NANO!!!..haha..bought it for $248..2GB..oh man..wad a splurge..

Mdm Pang came down to pass me my referee form..she talked to me abit..set my mind thinking bout stuffs again..she's forever so stern when she talks to me about school stuff..but what she said made sense..hai..after hearing what she said..i might be spending my December holidays as well as my 21st birthday alone next yr..oh well, come to think of it..i can experience how Christmas in brisbane is like...

time flies's soon gonna be songs are already playing around the shopping centre..i dunno why, but the sounds of christmas songs playing makes me feel at ease, they are quite soothing, i wonder how it'll be like next yr..

puppy love @ 11:29 PM

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Christmas is almost here...and i have a blardy long list of stuffs i wanna get for myself..and not cheap in the world am i gonna get it?? 4D tmr??!!haha

1) Digital Camera
2) Mp3 Player (iPod nano??)
3) Crumpler Bag
4) Web Camera and speaker for use in Aust.
5) Another phone for use in Aust.
6) Elva Hsiao's latest album release

oh accomodation application is finally underway finally got 2 referees, got Mdm Pang to be my personal reference, as well as Boss to be my academic reference, could've gotten my TP lecturers to be my academic reference but i figured that they'd be busy with school stuffs so i shouldn't really go bother them..well, now just have to wait for Mdm Pang to pass me the form back and i can fax it back to the people in charge..

God bless my application to be successful please..

puppy love @ 12:53 AM

Friday, November 10, 2006

ok..finally this picture looks better...the blody pictures uploaded from the photobucket always screws up when i resizing's resized smaller yet on blogger it appears VERY big.. we went sushi tei @ Vivo City last saturday for a dinner gathering as well as celebrating shunli's bday..SUSHI TEI's FOOD's GOOD!!..haha.. haven't seen the girls since i think one month ago so meeting up was great..we chit chatted..and walked walked a bit.. well, Vivo City's ok only..maybe it's suitable for really shopperholics (ah hem qianhui..)!! haha..but one thing's for sure it's really big..too big la..if u see a shop u wanna take a second look at and it's at the other aisle u have to walk quite a bit and u-turn..quite ma fan and cos it's big we spent a bit of time looking for the restaurant too..haha..but it was a fun night..after that the girls went orchard for a drink and as for me??..i went home man..gotta work the next day..and with all the screaming done at the POL-ITE games, i couldn't afford a drink at my throat's expense..haha!!..

tues: went out with the TEAM people..had fun toking nonsense all night..haha..e 3 guys dun wanna walk around with us so they went to play pool after we finished dinner @ Kenny Rogers.. we had 10 of us that night..finally saw Yi Qian after so long..i noe her heart's still with the team but somehow something's bothering her and she can't come back..well, i hope for the best for her..

today: MOE letter finally came!!..gotta go do the Banker's Gauarantee thingy..gotta have 30K in the bank man!!..hai..see how mummy settles it..after this is wait wait and more waiting as i prepare for my trip to KL to celebrate Po Po's Birthday!!..haha..will be back next wed..things to do in KL includes changing my DAMN IC cos they wouldn't allow me to change it back in 3004 cos i wasn't 18 yet..HELLO!!..i was 2 weeks short and they dun allow..wad fuck man..

when i come back, gotta go renew my passport as well as settle the visa making thing..

aahh working again tmr!!..sianz..

finding accomodation's a killer..finally filled in the form and asking mummy to fax it over to brisbane tmr..hopefully that particular college accepts my application..

*crosses fingers*

puppy love @ 12:30 AM

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

puppy love @ 2:23 AM

Saturday, November 04, 2006

3 November 2006
yeah!! we won SP today..i'm so proud of everyone in the team.. tremendous team spirit shown!! it's really ironic man..we TP did wad schools like NYP NP n RP can't do, that's winning SP. well, today's result didn't really matter cos they would've been champions anyway, but we jus couldn't jus go in without a fight, to be a true winner u have to beat everyone in the competition so on the overall we are all jus really happy that we got the result we want. we coul have easily gotten a placing too, but sometimes things jus don't go ur way. it's ok girls!! u all still have the IVP to work hard for!!..go for trainings k?? i will go down when ever i can, and i will definately be there at the IVP screaming my arse off again..haha..ok i'm almost losing my voice but heck man, we won our arch rivals SP, if we can win them, we can win the others too!! i believe in the team, they got a good batch this yr, gotta stick together!!..
guys lst to SP though, guys got 3rd placing but it was still a nice show, sad that it'll be stradford's last official competition cos he's going away for OSIP soon and can't make it back in time for IVP but i know he will be supporting the team too even though he's in Thailand..
on the whole, the team did great, although i've graduated already, they made me feel that i am still part of the team..YEAH!! that's TP spirit for u man!!..haha..ok..i'm dead tired..
oo almost forgot, some personal shoutouts!!! dear miss Hoo passed the pressure test today!..haha..although the last person wasn't like star player or anything, it's really hard to be last and winning or losing is up to the player in the match so miss Hoo!! i'm proud of u..and dear Weiting as well, oh man i dunno what came over u today but u sure could whack some balls man, really fired up and on form, good game!! rachel with her xian nu xia fan's serves!!..and JEAN!! u say u no power..but can la..haha..Carmen, it's ok..u lost some of ur powers from exerting too much in the NYP game but still ok, we still lurve ya!!..and as for tiff, well, u better go train on ur serves and everything man!!haha..lolz..and the lineup worked!!haha..good job everyone!!!
although i worked 3 morning shifts only i've been reaching home later than when i work full shift haha..but it's ok..i hardly get to spend time with the table tennis team so it's been a cool 3 days.. been working non-stop for 7 straight days, everyday wake up go sian..finally tmr i can sleep like a pig..
will be going out with the dwarfs in the evening for dinner..yeah..looking forward to that haven't seen them in like a month already!!..gotta cherish the time spent with everyone around me..soon i'll be going to a different man..i'm missing everyone already!!..
alrite..gotta hit the sack liao..sleepy..eye bags like wad like tt...ZzZzzzzZZ

puppy love @ 1:19 AM

Thursday, November 02, 2006

today TP was against NYP.

initially, i tot the team wasn't as bonded together as the previous batch, but they proved me wrong, they rose to the challenge and got everyone together at the crucial moment, screamed and shouted words of encouragement and surpport. i'm close to losing my voice soon but it's all worth it.

even though we lost to NYP eventually after a hard fought match, we know deep in our hearts that we had triumph over them in terms of unitedness and team spirit as well as sportsmanship.
u can shout al u wan at ur own player telling them to have faith and confidence, but hey dun taunt and mess with our player man, that's crossing the line. i was so pissed when i was told that one guy said stuffs to her that affected her mood and performance. man that was way over the line'm upset that i couldn't control my emotions on the way wasn't anything nasty but i still shouldn't have done it, i should've walked away, that way, i'm telling them that i'm better than u, i won't stoop to ur level. well, i was told later that their captain did apologize for the incident but hey, i shout and taunt ur player..then u lose after that i apologize for the things i said..wad's the point really??..slap u in the face and say sorry??..

tmr's against SP, though it doesn't matter already if we win or not i still hope the team wins, for personal glory, all along they have been our greatest rivals..JIA YOU TEAM!! i'm so proud of u guys..carmen and weiting..doing what u did out there..fighting the way u did, i couldn't have done it myself, u held ur tears back till after the game which i couldn't have done..i'm proud of u gers!!..

there's still the IVP to work hard for!! something which i dun have the chance to do anymore so gambette!!!

puppy love @ 10:48 PM

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

well..SOMEBODY says i'm not blogging here i am..

i haven't been blogging lately is cos i dun have alot to blog days or rather week revolves around work work work and more work..and on days i dun work, i gotta go settle my uni stuffs..

speaking of which that day i was making my way to IDP at the regional language centre somewhere around orchard area, cos goondu me forgot to check in detail how to get i WALKED AND WALKED AND WALKED..rite from orchard MRT i walked for a good 40 minutes before i got to the place..nice workout man i tell u..the damn place is so bloody hard to find i had to relay on a wap map on my phone which i asked my sister to forward to e from the web and like a tourist i was looking at my phone..looking at prominent landmarks and i blardy hell walked the wrong way when i reached an in the end when all the things were settled fees and all well not exactly all cos miss qianhui forgot to remind me that i need to arrange for pick up from the airport so i have to settle that again somehow, anyway back to the the end of the thing u noe how i got home??..

i went down to the lobby area and flagged for a cab home..that felt good man, sure beats walking all the way back to orchard MRT though i noe the way now..haha

anyway, feels good that i am finally settling my uni stuffs..NO TURNING BACK NOW!!!..i'm jus gonna go there and study my arse off like i've never did before..i'm not gonna make any empty promises here saying that i'm gonna get how many how many As but i can promise that i will try my bestest and hardest to make my parent proud. i noe it's not easy for them to send me for further studies and everyone is telling me that i can't disappoint i won't!!..i realy hope i won't..

even when Boss asked me those questions about making my final decision, questions i have asked myself before, whether or not this is what i really want, but now i can reassure myself that no matter what, i will study very hard when i'm there!!..GAMBETTE!!!..everyone here must give me moral support k!!

this week is POL-ITE table tennis games at Ngee Ann Poly..thurs against NYP, fri against SP!!!.. TP JIA YOU!!! GO! GO! GO!!!!!

precious time spent with family and friends = PRICELESS

puppy love @ 12:03 AM