Friday, December 22, 2006

phoo...what a long day i had yesterday..not that i didn't enjoy it though...

it was a nice birthday spent..the almost perfect one to have if i'm not coming back next yr for my 21st birthday. it was well spent with frens family and people i haven't seen in ages, people that i've looked up to in sec was like a mini reunion. and plus, i haven't had so many bday cakes at once esp since i didn't have any last yr, this yr i had maybe4 minis 1 big one at home, as well as jocelyn's bday cake in Ping Yi..haha

the girls came over in the evening for a simple dinner prepared by my mum and da bao-ed from the zi cha downstairs..haha..before that i went down to ping yi the other night to stay over for the NP camp. but of cos not before the team had a mini celebration for me at Fish & Co after training, though i would've prefered if they did not sing the birthday song as loudly as they did..haha

had a nice chat with our new OC Miss Ang till bout 2am, she was locked out of the staff room, very friendly person, i guess must be her age..she's only 24..started receiving birthday smses at the stroke of 12 midnite which is always surprising as usual, heartwarming most definately.

after the dinner at home i went back to ping yi for jocelyn's suprise birthday celebration, Aik Weng, Yongxi and Eng Sin's gonna be there so i really couldn't miss out on the gathering, it's been so long since i last saw them, it was definately nice seeing them again and crapping like we used to, especially since i'm gonna be leaving soon.. :(

i asked Boss to help me sign for LG chocolate cos i've a colleague that wants a line but not the phone, apparently he signed for the line yesterday, and since my other colleagues told him that it was my birthday, he said it will be my birthday present!!>.THANKS BOSS!!..i think it's the first time he's given me a birthday present all these 4 yrs..haha..

and yep, due to being the birthday girl, i had a fair share of luck in some $$ ways too..hehe..

to all those that sent me birthday wishes, THANKS ALL!!..i feel the LOVE!!haha..and miss chen wei i dunno if u are reading this but yes, urs is definately one lasting impression, first to give cake, 3 somemore..and last to officially wish me at the time of 11.57pm 21st December..haha
pictures below:...
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puppy love @ 10:34 PM

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

went to work today and a lovely surprise was waiting for me in the definately brought a smile to my face as well as made my day..

it's been raining non-stop for 3 days now..really jus feel like sleeping @ home and not go's raining so much why don't it jus snow.??haha

i didn't have any cakes for my birthday last yr, well technically i had one my colleague bought a small one for me but i left it in the shop so my birthday was over by the time i got to it..this time around i have advance cakes..3 in fact!!..haha..really appreciate the thought..thanks CHEN WEI!!!...

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

puppy love @ 1:28 AM

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

somehow my canon camera got fixed for free. my sis said the person at canon told her that it was a technical fault that the software inside the camera cock up for no reason so we didn't have to pay for the repairs even though the warranty's over already.

hmm, made me change my opinion of canon. it was pretty bad when the cam spoilt for no rhyme or reason (like my first reative mp3 player).

well, at least i dun have to spend money on a new camera. bought some clothes from giordano yesterday, sis paid for me said it's considered as my present..haha..

will be dropping by and perhaps staying over at Ping Yi on wed for NPCC camp..

thurs the gers will be coming over to my place..

yeah can't wait..

2 more months and byebye

puppy love @ 12:10 AM

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

well, it's sunshine after the rain.

mum received a call from her early in the morning the other, it was all unexpected, we didn't want to ask for her help anymore but she still called mum.

passed mum the cheque the next day, mummy says to forget that the whole unhappy incident ever

puppy love @ 3:13 PM

Sunday, December 10, 2006

it's been a long 4 years with springdear/scoopz.. this will be my last full-time month after which i'll turn part-time in january and i'll officially say bye bye to the people there..i've learnt a lot there..matured a lot, as well as grown up, my crucial yrs of growing up was more or less in Parkway from the age of 16 till 20. i'll definately miss the place, the people, but sad as i might be, i have to move on, gain more experience outside. if fate does bring me back to work with boss further down the road, i'm sure it'll be a totally different stand as well as experience.
in about 2 more months, i'll be embarking on a new chapter of my life. to get to this stage hasn't been all that easy, i've received a lot of help from different people, my maternal family especially, i really appreciate all those who have helped me be it financially or some other way. thanks to all those who have supported me in going overseas to study. it haven't been easy, and because it took alot of effort to make this possible, all the more makes me wanna study hard and prove that i can make it, and make everyone proud.
this is an opportunity made possible by so many people and i will definately cherish the experience very much as well as live my life there to the fullest, i hope i won't let those people who have supported me down, i will work/study very very hard in Australia next yr...and that will definately be my new yr resolution for 2007.
and it is also through all these minor setbacks and obstacles that have opened my eyes and really let me see who really cares for me in the Tan family and as for the others, i'll jus say that i've learnt my lesson and a person's true colours really shows when one in need of help, sometimes those colours can be bright and unexpected and sometimes they are just dark and fake. my mum says it's a blessing to be able to help people. and when u dun help, i won't beg either, jus put it in the way that i was so wrong about you.
in life, u can hear stories about people, it's up to you to believe or not, and many times you won't really believe it, until it happens to you. i'm one fine example. i've heard stories and found it hard to believe, and now i do cos i've experienced it..
it's been a long 8 months in full-time workforce and i'm glad to say that i'm going back to be a student soon...definately will use the spare time in january to exercise. table tennis, badminton, basketball and swimming anyone???

puppy love @ 10:49 PM

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

my mum's gonna be so not happy if she noes about this..but..she never will since she doesn't use the computer..'s really true wad they say about true nature coming out when u need ppl for their help. i jus never thought that she'll be like tt's not as if i'm borrowing money from you..i jus need 30K of fixed deposit in the bank for my bond deferment after which 1 and a half yrs later it'll be released and you can have it back.
i jus never thought that you would be the one saying that you dun have the money..if you dun have it, the rest of us will be living in poverty. it's ok, i've seen how you really are but it's ok, it's your money and i can't say much when u refuse to help or maybe jus reluctantly fork out 10K. Jus maybe that all those being nice to us in the past were bull crap, you are what the rest of them says, u change ur stand faster than i can say I'm going to Australia next yr.
luckily i still have other aunty and uncles to help me. come jan, she said to my mum, 10K, in cantonese i dig oso dig out for you. i fully understand even if this aunty doesn't help, my cousin's jus got into a Uni in the UK, medicine faculty fees are expensive so i really appreciate her giving us a hand..will have to see what my other uncle says when he receives the fax of the bank guarantee letter from my mum tmr..let's hope i'm rite about him, he should be able to help.
in my father's words..aiya dun need to ask already..tmr 4D hit first prize then dun need to ask ppl for favours already..haha..i certainly hope so to..

puppy love @ 12:00 AM