Monday, January 29, 2007

heard the news bout the taiwan actress Xu Wei's really sad, that one can just leave the world like a flash, u might be talking to this person one minute and the next, you'll probably be weeping in unfair life can be, she was only yrs old.

watching the news of her mishap, seeing all her family and friends crying, made me tear too, it was really saddening..come to think of it, she might have things she wanna say and do, and never will have the chance to do so again, it really shows how fragile life can be..

we really should cherish the people around us for you never know what might happen to u or the people around you tmr..

i wondered too, if i were to leave the world tmr (*touch wood*) what will happen to the people around me, will they grieve for me, wondering too how the person above the clouds could jus take away a 20 yr old like that..

will there be alot of people at my wake??will people remember my birthday??my death anniversary??or will they wonder at certain gatherings/events of how life will be different if i was still around??..

so to everyone i noe!! my FAMILY!! my FRENS!!!..


puppy love @ 6:57 PM

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Friday the 6th of Feb marks the last day @ Scoopz..time really's been 4 yrs since i've been working for boss already..the growing up yrs..haha, i've spent it in Parkway Parade..

i will definately miss that place, somehow i just feel that certain things will not be done as well as i would have done it if i'm no longer there, my only hope is that boss goes down regularly just to check that things get done properly..

went for the pre-departure seminar by IDP yesterday at orchard hotel, an open heart, an open mind, that will be what i have to bear in mind when i leave for brisbane next month..

4 more weeks..

puppy love @ 7:05 PM

Saturday, January 20, 2007

well, today marks the end of IVP 07, am proud of the team, they managed to stick together through thick and thin, played a game against NUS today, asked me if i wanted to play and he can speak to them about it and they were cool about it so i got to play the last singles match, so it was like my swan song, last game in singapore before i fly off to Brisbane, still thinking if i wanna join table tennis in UQ..

went swimming in the afternoon when the sun was bright and shining with leng sie, haha kinda got burnt, not much until i went to TP for the open house, they put the table tennis table in the triangular garden at the CCA hub so was playing around a bit, i think i really got barbequed under the scorching sun man, i was sweating non stop after that all the way to NYP i was still sweating, it was until i went to the toilet that i saw that face is really red, and i even have a tan line on my wrist when my livestrong band was covering before..haha cool..i like being burnt, beats being white..lolz.. time!!

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puppy love @ 1:19 AM

Thursday, January 18, 2007 skin!!.. credits to Stephanie for helping me with the changing of the skin...she said it's not quite done yet so yep..
the Team lost to SP today, the scene was so familiar, lost on the doubles, why does TP always have all the bad luck?? or is it that other teams have better luck than us??..i really dunno, all i can do is go down and show my support for them, nothing much i can do since i've already graduated, although that things would very much be different if i were still in the team, guess my results wasn't bad enuff to retain a yr..haha....but it's jus silly thinking about all these..
hope they can pull thru the last 2 games..tmr against NP..chance there..NUS, well jus gotta give them all we got..thinking back on the day when i nearly won the NUS girl..hai..well, wad done is done, no point always thinking about wad ifs..
5 more weeks till i fly off to Brisbane..
if i do come back during the holidays i do hope some difference to everybody in the team...

puppy love @ 1:26 AM

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

wad's wrong with me?? isn't this wad i want it to be??..i jus wanna spend some quality with frens & family before i leave for australia, dun wan any changes to my life, no last minute hiccups..
and yet it feels weird that there aren't any smses coming in..maybe this is all for the better..
next week will be my last week @ scoopz, gotta try to avoid seeing him..hai...

tmr TP VS SP!!..JIA YOU!!!

puppy love @ 5:37 PM

Sunday, January 14, 2007

wad can happen in 6 weeks?? absolutely nothing i tell you..

stick to the status quo..

Monday TP VS NVP!!...


puppy love @ 12:50 AM

Saturday, January 13, 2007

it's 2:44AM rite now..can't get to sleep so thought i'd blog instead..

life's pretty fucked up sometimes, my room's a mess, my life's a mess, i feel like i'm one person outside and when i'm home, i'm another..ARGH!!! so frustrating..

i'm suppposed to be working a 12 hours shift later and yet i can't fucking get to sleep!! so much on my mind lately, am i getting pre-departure jitters?? in about 6 more weeks i'll be moving on to a totally new environment experiencing different things..i wonder how it'll turn out..

i dunno wad to do..

i can't foresee the future, i dun wanna let it have a chance of progressing, not a single percent of probability that it's gonna go further, i dun wanna start anything that will make the both of us miserable for 1 and a half yrs..and vexed..

puppy love @ 2:44 AM

it's 2:44AM rite now..can't get to sleep so thought i'd blog instead..

life's pretty fucked up sometimes, my room's a mess, my life's a mess, i feel like i'm one person outside and when i'm home, i'm another..ARGH!!! so frustrating..

i'm suppposed to be working a 12 hours shift later and yet i can't fucking get to sleep!! so much on my mind lately, am i getting pre-departure jitters?? in about 6 more weeks i'll be moving on to a totally new environment experiencing different things..i wonder how it'll turn out..

i dunno wad to do..

i can't foresee the future, i dun wanna let it have a chance of progressing, not a single percent of probability that it's gonna go further, i dun wanna start anything that will make the both of us miserable for 1 and a half yrs..and vexed..

puppy love @ 2:44 AM

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

i noe i'm late but..


haha..went wiht my family for new yr feast on the 1st @ Park Royal Hotel, used to have 8 of us, me & my cousin's family, but this time my Auntie & Uncle went to England to keep my cousins company so it was just the 4 of us this yr + 2 of my sis's frens.

after that went to Tampines IKEA!!..nothing much, waited for i think half an hour b4 we could go into the carpark..didn't buy much, bought a couple of photo frames.

2nd Jan
went out with Guorong, Yan Jie & Liyun to get the team jersey, couldn't get it done at Peninsula, no stock so we went down to Queensway Shopping Centre instead. Got a Adidas Navy Blue Collar shirt @ 27 bucks with printing behind.

3rd Jan
supposed to go swimming in the morning with Steph & Leng Sie but there wasn't much sunshine so we dropped the plan. went to steph's house to see Jingle the dog haha...quite cute, suprising how the other 2 cats in the house can live together with the dog..

afterwhich went down to town..went to Wheelock's Place to get my crumpler bag!!!wanted to get some accessories for my nano but nth really caught my eye..

something i saw @ a toy shop there, something i want to buy very much but it's not for sale..boohoo..

proceeded to walk around, walked to Far East shopping Centre, never been there..didn't think i would see any fmiliar faces there but i did!!!..I SAW CRYSTAL!!!haha..such coincidence..nice to see her again..lolz..

walked to Paragon after that, wanted to get a pair of Birkenstock slippers BUT no stock for my design and size..never the card bill is here already..the visa cost me 500+ bucks man..all my bonus for the month of dec have to wait for yr end bonus with Jan's pay..dunno how much boss will give..hmm..

long day today..haha..went down to golden mile complex to get steph & rui's bus ticket to KL in Feb...afterwhich is home sweet home..went down to TP for training..i'm deadbeat man..tmr is WORK!! work oso

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puppy love @ 11:14 PM