Wednesday, February 28, 2007

it's been 7 days being in Brisbane, life's alrite, definately better than the first couple of days, but i still miss mummy and papa very much, can't wait to go back and see them.
school's started, gotta go see the advisor again tomorrow and jus kinda sort out my exemptions, see if i can get another credit off the quantitative econs analysis that's kinda like marke research, it uses PHstat instead of SPSS, wanna get rid of that.
advisor told me that i'll prolly get alot of marketing exemptions and ask if i wanted to do another major, i did think about it, but i'll give it a pass, cos if i get another major i'll prolly have to stay in brissy during summer to finish up a couple more courses so that i can complete my required units, and i might even have to extend one more semester considering the fact that i still have a MATH course to do, so decided against it though a double major degreee does sound enticing. however, i'll still take international business courses as an elective, which is wad i initially set out to do since global marketing in TP was relatively interesting(apart from the fact tt it's taught by Dr Tan), but before i came here i told my mum that if i get the chance i'll like to explore the international business courses, so i'll jus stick to the Marketing degree for now, and everything goes according to plan and i'll be back home for summer in 9 months time.
i still call home everyday, gonna make it a point to do so everyday at least one call home, to let them know that everything's fine and knowing their daily activities and letting them know mine, hopefully time will fly and i'll be back home soon.
Pictures Below:

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huimin standing on sharon

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huimin's 21st birthday

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Shiow Chui, me & Steven Kor during CNY in KL

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Papa & Baby Chris (aka naugthy boy)

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sis, chris, popo & ryan

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Ben, Chris, popo, Ryan & Andrew

puppy love @ 2:55 PM

Thursday, February 22, 2007

well, so i'm in Brisbane, touched down this morning..
thanks so much to the people who sent me off yesterday, i really appreciated it, me not crying doesn't mean that i dun love all of ya jus as much, i was jus trying to hold back as much as i can as i dun wanna make my parents worry if they see me crying, also i wanna let them know that i've grown up and can take care of myself already, in addition i noe that that bunch of girls will start crying once they see me tear...
i was really struggling with myself, having to smile at all of you all and really wanting to tell you all that i miss you guys loads. some of you must be wondering why i didn't really go talk to my parents, it's because i know that i'll cry once i tok to them...i wanted so much to hug them before going into the gates but i just couldn't, cos i knew that if i did, i would be afraid of letting go..
i settled my school stuffs with the help of qianhui today, will be going down to school to meet with the advisor as well as getting the student id card done tomorrow..
called home a couple of times and i think i'm gonna be suffering from dehydration cos i've been bawling my eyes out everytime i call home..i really wanna have a good chat with them and not cry and have them worry about me..esp my dad, hearing him say that's he's more worried when i'm crying made me feel worse..
will be calling them again before i go to sleep, hopefully i can really have a nice chat with them and not cry again..must CONTROL!!!..
the 365 days calendar filled with words of encouragement is really a thoughtful gift, but i can't help but tear when i turn each page...but those words will definately keep me going..SAU MUN!!BE STRONG!!..u noe who u are..u girls will always have a special place in my heart..
i'm keeping my spirits up, cos it's gonna be march soon, and in november i'll be able to go back to singapore and see my family and frens again..and it's jus about 9 months!!! 2 semesters!! once i start school i presume time will pass by rather quickly..
to rui: i dunno if u are reading this, but that well thought letter,as well as that drawing of scoopz will spur me on too..ur words of encouragement i will definately keep in mind..i see u back in singapore when i come back..and i go work part-time in scoopz again..ehhee..
to all who cares, dun worry about me, i'll cry and be a bit upset these couple of days, but i'll try and get used to it and live life to the fullest..!!oh..and there i go again tears come free flowing when i think about my parents..

puppy love @ 6:57 PM

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Scoopz BBQ was last was fun, we closed at 8pm and they made their way to one was around, seemed like we were the only ones using the pit, but it was cool, rather isolated and it felt like we had the whole place to ourselves..had some nice food, boss was cool about it, he paid for the food although he don't eat meat..

had a nice time with everybody, took pictures and all..and after that we stayed til bout 11.30pm, cos we had to keep Chen Wei company..haha..come to think of it, it was so funny initially she had only wanted to stay for a while but something cropped up with her parents so in the end she stayed all the way. afterwhich, boss let me drive!! was the 3rd time i drove his car as well as the 5th time i drove in all ever since getting my license back in dec was cool!!..haha..had a few jittery moments esp when negotiating a bend with my speed..haha..but nothing big happened, everyone before me went home safe and sound..lolz..

it was ilarious when yuan yuan asked who was at the wheel when she saw boss getting into the front passenger seat..she was like:"eh, shui zai jia che ah??" damn funny..

after i got down, Jean took over the wheel, she jus passed not long ago, heard from the others after me that they didn't get exactly that smooth a ride as they would've expected, a few near misses as well as dents on boss's car..haha..even jiaying got to drive front and back in front of her house even though she hasn't passed..SH!!..hahah

oh ya, will be on my way to KL tonight for CNY!! here i come!!! will be back next tues!!
pictures below..

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chen wei & me
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candid shot taken by cai wen, only shiyun was looking @ the camera
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group shot of Scoopz ppl
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Chef rui @ work..haha..

puppy love @ 6:56 PM

Monday, February 12, 2007

I had a busy weekend again, well i guess i'm gonna be pretty busy up till i fly off. It has really hit me hard, i'll be leaving Singapore for Brisbane next week, YES!! next week already, time flies man, Qianhui can't wait to fly off back to her 2nd home in Brissy, me??.. i dunno man, having mixed emotions inside..

Went to Jackly's Company dinner with my parents on saturday, qianhui's dad asked me to report any wrongdoings..haha..which was quite funny man. Her mum got my number from my mum, the thing kinda upsetted her a bit, sorry qianhui, maybe if i hadn't tell u, things might be better..hmm..

Sunday went out to dinner with Yongxi, Jocelyn, Aik Weng & Serene, this bunch of NP buddies never fail to make me smile..lolz, going out with them is always full of laughter, but the dinner left me with a sore throat and a dripping nose..ate some medicine and drank lots of water and tea, felt SLIGHTLY better this morning..i must be all well tmr!!..tmr's Scoopz BBQ!!..

some pictures of my messy room:

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my half-packed luggage
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a wardrobe getting more empty by the day
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still thinking of what clothes to bring over
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my self-packed first aid kit, stuffed with chinese medicine and my flu med

puppy love @ 10:38 PM

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Had quite a busy weekend, with the chalet @ Tanah Merah as well as the team BBQ @ East Coast Park. Had a blast, i am seriously gonna miss everyone and everything here man..another BBQ to go on the 13th..Scoopz BBQ!!..

chalet was great, a pity that a couple of the girls were sick, didn't take any pictures at all which was really sad. Mdm Pang came to the chalet, which was a pleasant suprise even though i had invited her, feeling the tap on my shoulders and turning around to see her was just all really..she stayed for quite some time too, chat and caught up with the rest of them, telling her what's going on in their lives, she gave me a gift, and as usual her words never fails to make me feel that i have to strength to go forward in life and do everything to the best, her words of encouragement were what brought me through my O levels and i will certainly be bringing it along with me and everytime i see it, it'll remind me of my goal and task at hand whenever i might be feeling low or despondent..and she was commenting on how well we get everyone together after all these yrs graduating from Ping's was definately a heartwarming sight seeing everyone at the chalet..

the guys were pretty sweet too, they gave me a Parker pen, and i told them i'll ace my exams using that pen..haha..and had my name engraved on

went home on saturday, rested for a while, napped for about an hour and proceeded to East Coast for the BBQ, Chris drove us to the Park, very nice of always.hhaha..had a nice time with the team..took alot of pictures this time..haha..

went to Ikea, Courts & OG today, walked until my feet are so sour now..bought 5 items @ OG and they cost me 200 bucks....Boss told me that Scoopz won the Spirit of Enterprise award..which is i have to really help him finish up the newspaper cutting and framing it glad that at least i managed to help him win something during my time there..the frame thingy will also be one of the last things i will do for him, i must fulfill my promise..

busy week ahead, gotta get all my stuffs that i need to buy ready..before i leve for KL on the 14th..Pictures below..

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Weiting, Jean & Me
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Wenjia & Me

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Liyun, Chong Lin & Me
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Chris, Me, Jean, Wenjia & Siying
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Mdm Pang, Joni & Me

puppy love @ 11:57 PM