Thursday, March 29, 2007

oh man..Finance Management's mid-sem is next monday!!..START STUDYING!! Jus finished my damn Math1040 assignment, it's like i'm back to secondary school man, weekly homework..but it's kinda fun??..haha..never thought i'd say this but maths is quite kewl actually, still not liking Finance Management though..urgh..

i bought a tennis and a badminton racket here, regretted not bringing my own rackets in singapore over, but it's ok, at the end of my 1 and a half yrs here, i'll bring them back then i'll have extra rackets to play with..

saturday's "sports day", we will begin at 10.30am with badminton session, after that we'll move on to tennis and then beach volleyball..haha..SWEAT IT OUT!!..

my table tennis's improving, but i wanna play against the better players here, stats are looking good for me in Division 2, played 8 lost 1..HAHA..currently ranking no 1 wor..LOLZ!!!..but then..there are better players in Division 1..but none of them are girls though, division 1 are all guys, division 2 is mixed..hmm..i must play the girl Bing from Malaysia also in Division 2..only then can i really say..i'm not too bad..haha..but only because most of them dunno how to play against long pimple, trying to improve my smooth blade side here too..mixing up my play a little..haha..heard TP's table tennis team improving..hmm..i shall go back in November and train with them..hehe..

gonna pictures this time to post..

puppy love @ 9:54 PM

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Let's talk about school for a bit shall we??..well, the dreaded A Maths has started!!'s not as difficult as i thought it'd be..i managed to follow the lesson pretty well, maybe for now..haha..finished Sigma Notation and Sets..i think when it goes further on and calculus starts..i'll be screaming for help..hahaha..

Finance Management's kinda driving me crazy also, all the bonds, present value, interest rate, bank bill..ARGH!!!..jus hafta keep practising, START PRACTISING!!!..cos mid-sem's in another week..on a dreaded monday morning at 8am..kaoz, killer timing man..the mid-sem's here a bit different, they are not all in the same week, i have another 2 papers, Maths & International Business after the mid semester break..wierd hur??..i can't even have a proper break, prolly spend it studying..hmm, we'll see about that..haha..

Anyone realised??..i've been here for over a month already!!..yeah!! 8 more months and i can go home!!!..haha, time really passes quickly when i go to school and all that stuff, i guess not thinking about the time here helps as well..

Supposed to be my turn to cook on thursday but didn't cos me sharon and huimin went out for Tommy's birthday celebration at Korean Restaurant Goong in Sunnybank..haha..

here comes the pictures!!

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my new creation!!..Oriental Pasta...

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Sharon's western dinner last saturday

puppy love @ 12:04 PM

Sunday, March 18, 2007

time for an update again.

went out for lunch with Huimin's auntie on friday, cos she's going away for a long holiday and her first stop is Singapore for a day on Sunday and after that is country hopping. She drove us to Sunnybank for Dim Sum, at first our plan was to go to Westend to have sushi but somehow we got lost so went to Sunnybank instead, when her auntie first told us that we'll be going to Shangri-la, we were like..??..huh?? cos we were all in casuals, as in slippers shirt berms..but it turns out, just the name of the restaurant is Shangri-la..haha..funny..

yesterday was St Patricks day, so alot of people ouside were wearing green or stuffs that had to do with Irish, and ya, i bought a Irish gold Lotto ticket and i won some money!!..haha..not alot, jus a little, bought myself a tennis racket for 50 bucks at indooroopilly from A-mart, went grocery shopping, the cashier didn't scan the most expensive item in the trolley which is the pork leg, haha, Sharon got herself a freebie as well, shan't elaborate on that, just that yesterday was a lucky day for everyone, including my parents back home in singapore, i hope it'll be a lucky day again for them today, haha, it's a busy for them today though, they are going to get me a laptop cooler, go to the newly opened GIANT..go dua pek gong to bai bai..they are getting a new house phone, and going IKEA to get a shelve for the newly bought microwave oven!!..YES!! they bought so much new stuffs when i'm not there!!!..

chatted with Rui till late last nite, so today skipping table tennis, so tired, no strength to do anything, but later i'm going to do laundry..yes!!..cos the laudry basket is piling up with lots of our clothes..

check out the pictures:

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huimin posing with the food i cooked..

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my first official meal for the household

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today's brunch

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yes..i'm the shortest..

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sharon trying to be funny...

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qianhui with huimin and her auntie

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i dunno wad look i'm trying to achieve there..haha..

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this is wad huimin calls a "last piece syndrome"

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ah!!! DIM SUM!!!

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Julia, me & Sharon

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on the bus to indooroopilly

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coffee treat for all of us..

puppy love @ 12:00 PM

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

woke up today with a bloody nose..Huimin asked if me and sharon fought with each other during the night..haha...

i went to the bathroom to brush teeth and wash my face, when i was toweling dry, there was a red patch on my towel, and i was like..wad the!!??..NOSEBLEED!!...that's only the 2nd time i ever had a nosebleed in my entire life k??..the first time was back in Ping Yi during NPCC camp, Joy will know, cos she was there too..

went to school soon after, so happy today, cos i finished my Maths assignment..haha..with the help of some tutors..but i finished before the deadline which is friday..not too bad rite..gotta do them earlier, left it till quite last minute last week..hehe..

came home for lunch and dinner then went off to school again for table tennis, every wednesdays we have fixtures to play as i was saying couple of posts back, today was TEAM SINGAPORE vs TEAM HONGKONG..haha..actually when ppl ask me, i really dunno if i should say i'm from Singapore or Malaysia..often i have to explain myself, that i grew up in Singapore, blah blah blah..lolz..cos my paired partner is a singaporean and the team we were against were brothers from hongkong, Andy Lau and Jacky Lau, ya u heard me...Andy Lau..haha..i asked him if his chinese name was liu de hua and he said no..lolz..funny guy..anyway, i won both the brothers, but we still lost on overall, cos we lost on doubles and my partner lost both his games with the brothers, oh well, he had a bad day, had a minor accident with his car at the sports centre carpark, he kena the pillar, quite heart pain..haha..

came home after the game and guess wad!!..i was sitting in front of my com, and my nose felt wet, it was bleeding agaiN....this time even more than the morning one, wa..this time really break record man, twice in a day..told mummy and pa about it, they said could be due to weather change that's why i nosebleed, oh well, i hope it doesn't happen too's turning cooler here in Brisbane, gonna be Autumn soon i think...

tmr's my turn to COOK!!..haa.

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Andy & Jacky (Andy's the younger brother, he's 19)

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trying to act funny..haha..

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that's my partner Melvyn

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PASTA!! i cooked for myself, dinner last nite, it was YUMMY!!!

puppy love @ 9:37 PM

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

OK!! that my accomodation's confirmed and all my stuffs are almost's time for a TOUR of my living conditions!!!..


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our shoe rack at the garage, Qianhui has more SHOES in the living room, 18 pairs to be exact, the 3 of us add together oso dun have so much of her's lo..

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LOOK AT THAT!!! a table tennis table in the garage!!..

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Huimin's study corner..

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OUR ROOM!!guess which bed is mine??

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the fridge..

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my study space on the left, sharon's on the right..

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FAMILY PHOTO!!..i asked my sis to send me another one liao..

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look gers, i cherish the gift u ppl gave me very much, and yes i flip a page everyday..

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my storage space..

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my space, a bit messy though..

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dinner last wed, a beefy wan, stif fried beef and beef dumplings made by sharon..

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the first meal i cooked for the 3 of us last monday..

puppy love @ 12:57 PM

Monday, March 12, 2007

oh well, MY BED IS HERE!!!..finally...have a proper place to sleep..firm bed that cost me 200 bucks!..but at least it's a firm bed..cos i'm used to sleeping on harder beds instead of soft ones, my beds back home at all firm wan, i love my parents' bed the most..

i bought 2 magezines from the school shop, came back wrote my expenses down on the book, wanted to slap myself cos it was a extra cost, shouldn't have bought it. went grocery shopping with Sharon, Huimin and Qianhui later in the evening, when i told them i bought magazines they were like screaming at me..Qianhui said, once is enought, twice and she'll slap me herself..haha..was funny when she said that..

called scoopz jus now in the evening oso, one was to let them know that lun was dropping off something at the shop, SHE BOUGHT DVDs FOR ME!!!..THANKS A MILLION BABE!!! gonna tell my sis to pick it up from the shop since she's sending me a bunch of stuffs from home this week..talked to leng sie for a while, glad to noe that they are happy i called, leng sie was so shocked to receive the call from me, she even asked if i'm back funny..

OK PICTURES TIME!!..pardon the resolution cos it was taken my LG phone, forgot to take my camera out, actually is not forgot, cos HUIMIN told me that she brought..BUT NO BATT LIAO!!!

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the meat!!..all portioned accordingly for freezing..

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oops, the junk food section of our cabinet..

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breakfast and sauces..

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look at the junk food we bought..m&ms, kitkat, violet crumble and 2 packets of starbursts are mine...hehe..

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sharon stuffing the stuffs we bought into the bag

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after we are done with shopping..

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CARROTS..cute rite?

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at the beginning of the shopping trip..

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junk food trolley

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our version of Burger King

puppy love @ 9:34 PM