Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Went for Siew Ching, Angelene and Julia's convocation jus now, well, just the preparation part, the three of them look so nice in the graduation robes (although huimin says sg robes are nicer), took a lot of pictures with them, have a sudden feeling of wanting to graduate as well, the happy feeling, i'll probably make my dad wear something nice with a tie or something and it'll be a happy day.

All of a sudden i feel so detached to the things happening in Singapore, like i can't be a part of anything that's happening back home, it's hard to go to frens' blogs and find that i can't really relate to the things said.

Yanjie just told me that TP got 2nd for POL-ITE for both guys and e girls, really so proud of them but just wished that i was there to feel the kind of winning atmosphere, hearing the news from MSN, it just feels distant, worse still he told me that the IVP could be in OCT, how great is that?? at first i was still hoping that when i go back can go train with them and go with them to their IVP in dec/jan and now, the IVP could be in Oct, where am i in Oct?? still HERE in brisbane preparing for EXAMS!!!


pictures soon..

puppy love @ 10:44 AM

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

such a boring day, nothing much to do the whole day, intended to play tennis in the afternoon but it turns out they're having some kinda tournaments so tennis courts will be fully booked for a couple of weeks..

went to school for research participation and earned 10 bucks..hahha, easy money, having another tmr, will be helping Karen, Wei Har and Alicia move into their new place just behind us tmr, busy day ahead, going for table tennis in the evening..

time really flies man, it's ben 2 weeks into the holidays already, and our household haven't even gone anywhere yet, we've been busy helping people do stuffs so much so that we dun have any time for ourselves, planning to go to harbourtown on thursday with Julia, Huimin and Sharon, might ask Wei Har and Alicia to join us since they just reached Brisbane last week, haven't really gone anywhere yet, i think..

next week's orientation already, after that, Semester 2 STARTS!!! 4 more months!!! i can't wait to go home, school starts, mid sems, exams, then it's home sweet home, Huimin Sharon and I are planning to go back on the same day to save on the taxi fare, although the 3 of us are on different airlines, Huimin on British Airways, Sharon on Qantas, and me with SQ..haha..and then we'll be planning to come back here together as well..

4 more months ppl!!!

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LAKSA!!! the prima brand premix Huimin's mum got for us from singapore, it tastes like HOME!!! oh's really good!! i foresee myself gaining weight when i go back!!HOW!!! go swimming everyday..haha..must lose some weight now!!..
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DINNER FOR 8!! big prep work man, thank goodness i had huimin's help..but it was nice, haha, they said that my cooking's not bad..aha, the vege actualy tastes like HOME!!taste exactly like my mum's, first time cooking that vege though..haha..who wants to try my cooking???

puppy love @ 7:39 PM

Thursday, July 05, 2007

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YEAH!!..the results are out!!..I PASSED!! haha, i got the highest possible grade for MATHS!!my weakest subject ever!! bout that!!..lolzwell, i think it's cos i keep telling myself that my maths is lousy that's why i kinda hate it all the time, but actually the A Maths and Calculus was alright, some topics are quite fun actually...haha

but yeah, the other 3 were mere passes, called up my parents immediately after i got my results, i asked my dad if he was happy that i got a high distinction, then he was like, but it's only for 1 subject, the other 3 jus pass only, wad if i had some lower marks, i would've failed already, well, that didn't cross my mind at all after i saw my results, i was jus happy that i passed, and not too concerned with the grade being so close to failing, am i jus a natural optimist or wad??..hhaa

anyway, these few days, i'm like sooo busy busy, helping some new ppl settle in, with the enrolment and stuff, looking for accomodation and all that, will be helping stradford's fren with meeting up the academic advisor tmr and viewing of house, viewed a couple of houses today as well, saturday will be helping another group of ppl move house to just behind us, new frens met on the streets, literally. lolz, with the parents here, sharon will be busy on saturday sending them off, will see if she can get some transport, if not we'll all take public transport down to the airport, well, wad goes around comes around, having received help when i first came, i guess it's only right that i be helpful in any way i can to new ppl coming in, esp since they are all from singapore as well, but of cos, i am by nature a very helpful person (ah hem)..haha..

oh man, i'm so tired, gotta hit the sack man, i just realised that i do really need like 10 hours of sleep a day, it used to be 8, but now it's 10..lolz..ahah

puppy love @ 8:20 PM