Friday, September 28, 2007

Exam timetable was released yesterday.

RBUS2900 Research Business Methods
03/11/2007, 2.30pm, 27A Exh. Hall

MKTG3505 Advertising Management
07/11/2007, 5.45pm, Union Complex INNES

IBUS3304 Business Opportunitites in Asia
14/11/2007, 5.45pm, 01-E109

MKTG2508 Product & Brand Management
16/11/2007, 8.00am, 27A Exh. Hall

My last paper's on the 16th, i'll be flying back to Singapore on the 18th, pretty nice timing, will have a couple days to pack my stuffs, that is, if the timetable doesn't change. I had a pretty nice timetable last semester, until they made changes and as a result i had 2 papers on my last day.

Today's not THAT boring after all, cos Raymond and Rosalind asked me along to Sunnybank, and they were nice enough to wait for me as i had to go open the table tennis store and sit around for an hour to wait for people to come before i can pack up and go off. In the end we left for Sunny bank at 4+pm.

Bought some food to stock up in preparation for exams, i think all the food i have should be able to last me a month. And for the first time after all these time i've been here, i drink SOYA BEAN MILK!!! it's not bad, not too milky like the carton ones u get from supermarket, but still Selegie Soya Milk is da best!!haha, back home, even the carton ones like Nutrisoy and other brands, they taste like Soya Milk, but the ones u get here from the Supermarket taste more like milk..

Assignments waiting to be done, pls dun be lazy Sau Mun...

I'll be coming home soon...

puppy love @ 6:21 PM

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Joy told me to blog about my boring life here, so here i am. Initially i only blog about stuffs happening here, when i go out somewhere with friends or celebrating someone's birthday or a gathering of some sort, which explains the pictures taken, and posted so there's more stuffs to look at, and another thing is when i talk to my parents via the webcam and i have new pictures posted on my blog, i'll direct them to my blog so that they can have a look at my life here, and who are the friends i've made here.

This week is the mid-semester break, today's Mid Autumn Festival, which is also my parent's wedding anniversary, i think it should be 26th or 27th, haha, not too sure bout how many yrs they've been married, had a short chat with my mum just now when she just came home after work and while waiting for my sis to finish showering, decided to have a chat with me since they are going to Parkway Parade for dinner cum celebration later.

The gers are meeting up today as well to celebrate the day, like every year, well, not exactly like every year since i'm not there this year, but i'm sure they'll still have fun..right??..remember to blog about it, all 4 of u that have blogs..i'll be tracking..haha

Went swimming with Huimin in the afternoon, i'm swimming more laps now, froggie style, but somehow when i kick my left knee or rather back of the knee, tweaks every single time, like i'm pulling a ligament or nerve or something, so i can't kick too hard..but my swimming has definately improved..i don't need to keep sticking to the side for fear of losing my breath in the middle cos i can now swim the length of the pool and my threading of water has improved too..definately going swimming again soon..maybe thursday, since tomorrow i'm having 2 project meetings and i have table tennis in the evening..

Time kinda flies, yet still a bit slow. Contradicting, i know. But after this week ends, October will be here, and maybe next week or the week after next, the exam timetable's gonna be out, soon it will be time to go home.

It just seems harder to bear this 1 month plus, harder to get by than before, when i had 4, 5, 6, or 7 months to go. Counting down each day, which i shouldn't really be doing cos it makes time pass even slower.

Time for food pictures!! Dishes cooked by me, pictures taken and consolidated.

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long (not very long) beans, with mushroom and ikan bilis. cooked with huimin's Bonito seasoning...
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cereal chicken!!! NICE MAN!!
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first time a meal which does not require Oyster Sauce..
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Onion omelette, prawn paste chicken, and stir fry veg..
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black sauce ikan bilis (thumbs up), broccoli/carrot with velvet egg topping, and sweet/sour ribs!!
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lotus root soup cooked by wei har and alicia, coffee ribs, stir fry veg, chicken with potato with mum's special sauce..haha, and dong fen with veg.."last" meal cooked for Karen before she left to go back to singapore..

puppy love @ 8:12 PM

Sunday, September 16, 2007

i'm finally updating again..sorry peeps..recently my life has been rather uninteresting and monotonous, not much happenings, have been sleeping and slacking alot lately, trying to catch up on some sleep after i have finished all my assignments for september.

i've 3 major projects/assignments due in october, so i shall start on them during the september break. haha..oh man, all the proscratination..

Karen's going back to Singapore tmr afternoon, she don't wanna leave, but due to certain circumstances, she is forced to make a choice and therefore she is going back to do what needs to be done..hmm, 2 more months and i'm going home for HOLIDAY!! i can't wait!!, but when next July comes and it's my turn to say goodbye to everything here, will i be able to leave without any qualms or will i can't bear, although i know that eventually home is where i wanna be, but truth be told, i have made ALOT of good friends here, and although i'm not a Christian like most of them here, but their faith in their belief has somewhat, sometimes "inspired" me and has got me thinking about what i want in my life...and i am truely blessed to have known each and every one of them here.

Went to Hope Brisbane Christian Church's 14th Anniversary celebration yesterday night, it was rather amazing, since i've never been to their service before, and seeing other sides of people, like how well Siew Ching can dance amidst her usual quiet and studious self, and Diana, OMG!! SHE CAN SING!!! i mean, did i say it already, SHE CAN REALLY SING!!! when the lights were dimmed and this voice came out i was like, who the heck is that, and when the lights were turned on, i saw that it was her and i was like..totally blown away..

i'd say i'm a non-believer, but June calls me a pre-believer and seeing their love of God, them reaching out in praise and worship, the look on their faces when they sing and pray, it's really an eye-opener..

the last time i went to anything similar was years ago when i went for City Harvest's christmas and easter celebrations..that was when qiao xiang and joelly were with CHC, that was such a long time ago, but i dunno, there this determination in me that somehow makes me stick to MY values, the ones i've been brought up with, but who knows, as time and yrs go by, maybe my family's thinking might change, or MY thinking might change, but for now, let's just stick to the status quo, i'm happier this way, no need for inner struggles..lolz!!..


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Judah 1 & 4 i nice right the picture, because i'm the photographer..lolz!!
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Huimin says i always have THIS look when she takes a solo picture of me and i dun feel like smiling..lolz
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taken @ Adeline's birthday dinner @ Yakiniku
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everyone so engrossed with Karen's farewell video
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yo wad's up!!
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the dead trunk in our courtyard..
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they are trying to ACT busy..haha
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my "PA" siew ching..hahaha
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notice how my "PA" is more stylish than me??..hahah
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busy @ work..yikes!! can see my tummy!!
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chefs @ work, the sun here in Aussie is a killer, that explains the umbrella
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i like this picture..haha
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puppy love @ 7:04 PM

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

i seriously do find joy in cooking nowadays...spending a couple of hours in the kitchen preparing, and the final product comes out, and people telling you that ur food's nice..ah...the satisfaction..haha

cooked shrimp paste chicken, "cai bu" egg and mix vege with "dong fen" for dinner jus now..yum yum...will be inviting Karen's household for dinner next monday, since Karen's going back to singapore, shall cook a farewell dinner for her..after tmr's assignment is handed in, shall wreck my brains as to wad to cook next monday..hehe..

ok, shall go shower and start doing my Advertising Management Individual Critique DUE TMR!!! YIKES!!

OH YA!!! I'VE CONFIRMED MY FLIGHT DETAILS!!!! NOVEMBER 18th noon flight!!! will reach singapore around 8pm..

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MY JERSEY IS HERE!!! cool looking shirt, has the Temasek name at the bottom
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my shoe!! bought's finally here, with the correct size...
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DONUTS!!! went indooroopilly jus now and there's this new shop called Dreamy Donuts, not too bad, the glazed ones are rather nice, not too sweet, maybe will buy it back to sg when i return home..hehe
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puppy love @ 6:05 PM

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Heroes is a superb show!! so cool to have powers..haha, finished watching Heart of Greed, it's a emotional show with an awesome ending..this semester i've had lots of entertainment on my laptop, lots of shows to watch, too much of a distraction really..haha..but heck..

This has really been an eventful year, sat on a plane, coming here to study, visiting NSW for a day, made lots of friends from all over the world, going home for my 21st birthday, and a high possiblity of going to Hongkong end of the year for a cousin's, includin Taipei last october, i've travelled to 4 countries in a short span of 1 and a half yrs, including KL for CNY early this yr.

Was really still hesitating whether we all should go Hongkong end of the yr, there's the $$ issue, but mum said, "wa, see, 21st yr u go HK, any HK friends going back in december?" i was like..ok..haha, though Pa is nagging for me not to spend too much money here cos going HK...anyways, i do watch my spending very closely here if that's wad u are wondering. And going home in 2 months, i'll be back at work earning my air ticket back here, shall stick to the promise to my mum that i dun need them to pay for my air tickets, they have already paid for my expensive education, the least i can do is pay what ever i can from the money i've earned/saved from working in Scoopz.

Went Riverfest last night, it was packed!! looked as if the whole of Brisbane was there...haha, the fireworks lasted half an hour and was in sync with the music, i remembered when they were playing "Accidentally in Love" there were heart-shaped cool, and there were fireworks coming off on top of the buidings in the city opposite the river as well, definately eye-catching..

Next we walked from South Bank to West End for the "highlight" of the night, GIGANTIC PIZZA!!! 10 of us shared 2 36 pieces pizza, was 12 bucks each and we couldn't even finish, but the pizza's good!!..haha..lotsa pictures taken there as well, then we really had the HIGHLIGHT of the night, when we went back to the city to catch the citycat home, we were in the queue when Huimin ah hem..DROPPED her slipper into the river..and all of us were like: "how the heck did u even do that"??haha..we couldn't fish it up so we could only wave goodbye as it floated away, so there u have it, Huimin in the Aussie culture, walking barefooted, jus one foot really..haha, and Sharon piggybacked her as well...haha

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cos the buses were all packed, we walked back from Toowong, and Ivan was such a gentleman to let Huimin wear one side of his shoe for the walk back..
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*shakes head*
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Ivy, Rita & Me!! Rita's from HK!!..haha
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at the citycat terminal before Huimin dropped her slipper..
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Adeline & Me..and the huge pizza
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Adeline, Me & June
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Rita, Phoebe & Me
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GROUP PIC!!there's more ppl actually..
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puppy love @ 4:24 PM