Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I'm FINALLY DONE WITH ALL THE ASSIGNMENTS!!! YEAH!!! now i can concentrate on the exams, i can't believe it, my first paper's next Saturday, which is 11 days away!!

full focus is on the books right now..have to really study hard, i feel that it's because i've been listening in lectures..it really helps now that exams are around the corner, i don't feel the pressure YET...i hope it doesn't backfire on me.

but last sem i only really started studying when it was late into the week before the exams, i've been really concentrating during lectures, vigorously scribbling away, on thursday cos i have 3 lectures, i usually bring my laptop, cos by 4pm and the last lecture/lesson of the day starts, i'm prolly too tired and bored to write anything done, so i open a word document and i type away, i find it pretty useful cos i type faster than i write, so i can catch wad the lecturer is saying more than i write, and i seem to be able to remember it more when typing too..i wonder why..maybe i should do that next sem as well..i have the feeling of knowing stuffs cos when the lecturer was asking some questions, i actually know the answers. cos it was Business Opportunities in Asia lecture and he was asking something like wad is Panca Sila (Buddhism) and i actually know that it's the 5 refrains, i'm surprised at that too..haha..but still no complacency...still gotta study hard since i'm fling off straight after i finish my exams, no room to fail!!..

went to June and Phoebe's on saturday for Dinner, great fun, it was like a LAST good food session for everyone before exams come...haha..

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my week's work!! 35% assignment for business research methods..4000 words, when i printed it out, there was a huge sigh of relief and it felt like a huge boulder had been lifted off my shoulders..
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Owner of the house 1 - June
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Owner of the house 2 - Phoebe
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everyone present minus Sharon
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there were 7 laptops and everyone was playing Counterstrike!! it's been years since i've played man, SO FUN!!! spot me??..lolz...we were playing off the LAN network, whether it used the internet quota i dunno, but they have 50GB of quota..haha
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tommy's signature dish, VERY NICE, some japanese vege that i can't remember the name..haha
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the spread of food!!!9 dishes in total..
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getting ready to EAT!!!

puppy love @ 10:22 PM

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

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hmm, wad have i been "busy" with these couple weeks??..Assignments..!!!..above pictures are group meeting in progress...haha, finally finished Advertising Management!! finished 3 days before deadline..not too bad..haha, finished my parts for Business Opportunities in Asia, now i'm left with a 400 words Business Research Methods research proposal that is individual work and worth 35% and it's also the most difficult and complicated to do. Having finished the other 2 assignments, hopefully i'll start on it after a shower later..it's due next monday..

18 more days till my first paper...really fast, last semester i was abit ill-prepared, only a week before exams did i really start to study, this time, i am beginning to revise some of my work, next week's the last week of school, during SWOT-VACs i'll probably be in school most of the time to catch up on revision, i feel that i can study better in school, cos we usually go to a big tutorial room and everyone jus does their own work. The lighting's better, white lights unlike home lights which is orange and not really liking it. Another thing is that the chair in school is more comfortable as well, haha, and also, if i'm home i'll keep heading to the kitchen and dig stuff out to munch..such a distraction..

Although it's about a month before i go home, but i think once exams are here, i'll probably be too busy to keep watching the time and feel that it's going slower..on the contrary i think time will pass very fast!!..yeah, so yeap, 18 days more till my first paper..


puppy love @ 7:57 PM

Monday, October 08, 2007

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My maiden trip to the library to borrow books today..HAHA..which also means that ASSIGNMENTS are closing in, initially wanted to borrow some books on Singapore businesses, but instead i borrowed 5 Retailing books since i was working on that topic for my Business Research Methods assignment 2 which is due soon and i haven't really started.

Qianhui wanted to dye my hair for me, so now i'm waiting around 45mins to see how it turns out..haha..

time to cook dinner soon

3 more assignment dues, 4 exam papers and it's time to go home!!

puppy love @ 3:16 PM