Friday, November 30, 2007

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ROTI PRATA after mahjong last thursay, i think it was about 2am already..haha
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which explains our TIRED look..lolz..
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coma-ing soon..
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we had 2 cars out tt night, huimin's and hak wei's, that's hak wei's car..haha, we were tailgating..lolz..
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checking out the map to head to huimin's place..lolz
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picture time!!..
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we had to be quick, as we looked like a bunch of weirdos taking pictures at the food place..haha
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badminton!!..GREAT session!! sweated it out, we played for 3 hrs!!..more badminton to come, next tues!!
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k-boxed on monday..haha

puppy love @ 2:57 PM

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

activities this week:

monday 26/11/2007
kbox with the aussie gang, oh maybe only half, ahah, from 11am till 6pm, the longest K-ed so far..

today 27/11/2007
badminton from 10am to 1pm with the edamame study group, after that, LUNCH AT QIJI!! the nasi lemak is like DAMN SHIOK!!..then went to huimin's place to chill out with mahjong and tze char dinner which was her parents' treat, yum!

checked results:
Business Opportunities in Asia - 5
Advertising Management - 5
Product & Brand Management - 5
Business Research Methods - 4

GPA - 4.75, which is the same as last sem when i got 7,4,4,4..haha..oh well

aiming to do even BETTER next semester, which is also my last semester, hopefully i can end it with a BANG!!..

tmr, attempting to go swimming if i still can walk from all the swimming, going to PP to change my phone cos i think there's something wrong with it

thursday 29/11/2007
EXPO SITEX..PC SHOW!! huimin's gonna hunt for her laptop, and me..go see see look look..

tired to load pictures, shall do so another day..

gonna hit the sack now..

puppy love @ 12:10 AM

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

today marks my 5th day back in singapore, Rebecca, Hak Wei, Liwen and Huimin's back in singapore as well!!! tmr will be brisbane mates hang out day!! ahhaha, went out with phoebe and june yesterday afternoon, met at cityhall to have Sakae Sushi, which was june's treat for both phoebe and my birthday..haha, after which we went to walk around marina square and then to Parkway Parade, where i treated them to ice cream at Scoopz!!..hanged around till evening and they went off to have dinner at phoebe's place whereas i stayed put to wait for my family to come down to PP to have dinner, we had bak kut teh at the food court.

went down to TP for table tennis training on monday night, it was nice seeing the juniors again, and new peeps too, glad to know that more fun loving ppl has joined TP table tennis, certainly brings back life to the team..haha..had a hit with Carmen only for bout 20 minutes and i was wet with perspiration, oh man, the weather is really humid here, haha, and to think that i grew up in this kinda weather, back in UQ i'll prolly need bout 45 minutes of intensive training with Mr Kim before i perspire like mad, but it's good, feels great to SWEAT IT OUT!!haha..played a game with Yanjie, i lost, 3-2, but it's not bad, if it were before i'll prolly lose 3-0..haha..looking forward to friday's training where more ppl come..

it's so hard to meet up with frens, everyone seems to be so busy..the earliest date i get with my gers is next friday, now everything oso need appointment..sianz..i didn't go out today, jus 4 days back home an i've spent 100bucks already, so decided to stay at home and jus chill..

tmr meeting with the aussie gang, friday training, sat maybe meet with steph and rui, sunday FAMILY DAY!!..woah, slow down..i hope time dun pass so quickly month HONG KONG!!!..

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new perfume..."love passport" & "summer fizz" by Davidoff
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today's breakfast: WANTON MEE!!!!
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yesterday's dinner at PP
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training back in TP
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monday's lunch..NASI LEMAK AND SOYA BEAN!!!
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monday's breakfast, mushroom bak chor mee!!!
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sunday's dinner, my first homecooked meal back favorite CHILLI FISH!!!

puppy love @ 10:19 PM

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I'M HOME!!!!

arrived at the airport yesterday at 4+pm..the girls had a surprise for me!!..but i kinda knew wad it was before, but yesterday i totally forgot about it, and i didn't even notice it until they were calling me to go nearer to them..haha

went out and gave everyone a hug, afterwhich i saw my parents, went over to hug mummy and i started crying..well, not really cry, more like tearing...but i had no idea where that came from, it was totally unexpected..lolz..

HOME's GREAT!! the only thing miss about brisbane is the weather, it's so humid here, that once i step outside the house, i get all sticky..some changes to my neighbourhood..

initially wanted to go for supper yesterday night with the gers, but decided not to, cos i'm pretty tired bed's WONDERFULL!! it's so amazing having a bolster, i fell asleep once i was on my bed..back in brissy i always had to lie around for bout an hour before i actually fall asleep..slept pretty early last night too, 10pm, but it was 12mn in brissy though

plans for this morning, went to crystal jade for DIM SUM!!!!..YUM!!..went to walk around the market downstairs today, have weird stares from people and i wonder why??..did i put on too much weight??..oh shit..the stuffs here are so cheap!! big cabbage..only $1!!..called Boss and asked how he's been, asked him if i could go back to work in Dec, he said it was, great, i'll have a job again in Dec....come to scoopz and look for me!!..

will be going down to scoopz tmr to visit the people and to walk around PP..and going back to TP for training in the evening!!!

shall wait for the aussie gang to all be back and we'll go for EATING day trip!!..haha..

some pictures that might piss some ppl back in brissy off...HAHAHAHAH!!!

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the gers with my name welcoming me!!..haha
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the TV's so big all of a sudden..haha
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belachan kangkong my favorite!!
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dim sum!!!
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my favorite!!!
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tampines mall today!..

puppy love @ 4:05 PM

Thursday, November 15, 2007

oh my god!!oh my god!!!

it's almost time!! 2 more days...but i still have 1 sucky paper to go tmr morning...product and brand management....argh!!

i can't believe it...just tuesday night i was with sharon sending phoebe off at the airport..and now on June's blog, i'm seeing her in the pictures with's like..i just said bye to her and the next thing you know, she's in singapore already..haha..

the pictures that june took and posted on her blog are so like what i'm gonna do when i get home, the tv's gonna be larger than life, the house's gonna be so warm prolly strange feeling??..i just changed my room furniture prior to coming here, so i kinda already forgot how my bed feels like, and i will prolly knock into the side of my bed again since i'm not used to it..but a bigger sized bed and a room to myself..yeah!!..not that sharing room with Sharon n Huimin's not fun here..hahahahaha...

just finished my Business Opportunities in Asia paper yesterday evening, it was the one we could bring a single sheet of paper called the cheat sheet in, i managed to squeeze 4900 words into it with font size 5, had i known that i could get so much stuffs inside, i wouldn't have spent 2 days studying it, would've used it to study tmr's paper instead..nvm, i still have today to do a final runthrough..

went for my final table tennis game in Brisbane yesterday, it was the division finals!!..BUT!!, my teammate didn't come, so since the other team was present, it was an automatic forfeit, yea, so we lost, but i requested to play, and guess wad!!..i won both my singles matches..haha..although i didn't win the overall thing but it was still good morale boosting for me..since i'm going back to TP on monday for their training, gonna brace myself cos i might get badly trashed..haha..not too sure bout that...

webcamed with my family last night, good food awaits me on sunday!!..yea...i got my itinerary all planned out!! so egg-cited!!

the electrician's changing our stove top rite'm gonna have cooked food later!!'s been so long since i had a decent home cooked meal, by myself i mean..always eating out, or either June, Huimin, or edward's cooked dinner...

ok..going back to hit the notes...

i'll see everyone when i'm home!!!

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my French friend, Johann, won't be seeing him anymore, he's going back to France, prolly when he drops by Singapore next month if i have the time we'll meet up..
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my table tennis mates here in UQ..there's more but cos it's the exam period so not much ppl come nowadays..
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SMITH'S CHIPS!! most of them are Sharon's!!hahaha
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í'm packing 2 boxes of food to check, pls dun freak out for those who are coming to the airport to see me..hahaha

puppy love @ 8:44 AM

Monday, November 05, 2007


i changed my flight from the 18th of Nov to 17th!!! taking the 10.15am flight instead of the 2.45pm flight cos there's no seats available in the latter..

was a bit stressed out this morning, cos if i was taking the morning flight, i will reach singapore around 4pm in the afternoon, and since it's a saturday, my father's working and he can't pick me up!! so i had to source for alternative msned Lun to see if she can her dad's car to pick me up, but cos it's the afternoon her dad needs the car as well...

sianz for the whole morning, plus i went to take my RBUS assignment 2, yes if u guys read my blog, it's the assignment i took a picture of, i spent quite some time on it, put considerably effort in it, in the end...i only got 58.5/100...i was like..shiiitt...Thian got 82.5/100, and i have no idea how the heck he did it..i seriously have no idea what they expect in a report, perhaps this is truly Uni style, i still a bit stuck in the poly mindset, everything in own words and all, over here, they kinda expect good referencing and for everything that u put in ur report, they expect to see that you got it from some past literature, as i was telling Lun on msn, aren't they supposed to be more interested in what i have come up with?? rather than what i can best find and quota from past researchers...hai..dunno la...i am aiming for at least a 5 and above for all my subjects this semester..i have come to the point where for RBUS, in order to get a 5, my final exam which i just finished on saturday i'll have to score at least 72/100..hai..dunno la..

so back to the changed flight, at first i tot i will surely kena scolding from my father cos i make him mafan, if he comes and pick me up he will have to take a couple of hours off and all..

so i reached home at around 11pm just now..gave them a call since they are back in KL rite now..told him that i changed my flight and all the details...and he was telling me very nicely and thoughtfully, is it confirmed?? "if it's confirmed, he can arrange for himself to finish early to come and pick me up, and i might not reach at 4pm straight, so if he really can't leave early, at most i jus wait for him to finish at 5pm to come and pick me up" i was like DAMN surprise that i didn't get a earful..well..i guess me being away for so long he won't yell at me so easily now..haha, and i think he's happy that i'm coming back a day right now everything's settled, he will come and pick me up..haha..

angelene cooked dinner for the study group today..very nice dinner!! THANKS ANGELENE!!

check out the pictures:

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that's our room today, when everyone's out eating dinner, we didn't eat in the room cos we dun wan the smell to linger in the room
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everyone chillin' after dinner..haha
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huimin, me & angelene with her mouth tummy so visible!!
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good food!!!
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they are saying grace...
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assam nonya fish, mushroom and cai po omelette and vege..
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that's taken on sat, cait, june & val
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my table today..
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on saturday
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ivan and
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the room today..
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everyone asting crazy..the guys forever can't take a proper picture..and the white thing on top is Huimin's slipper...

puppy love @ 10:13 PM