Sunday, December 23, 2007

WOAH!!'s been a BUSY BUSY 2 weeks plus..busy with work work and more work..and i just turned 21 on friday!!!..OMG!! was a wonderful day..thanks to all the people who made it possible and successful, it will surely be 1 that i will remember for the rest of my life..

it was really great to see all my beloved friends again, as well as the new bunch of best buds from sunny down under!!my aussie mates!! it's as if i haven't seen them in ages!!..was really nice seeing everyone back in hometown singapore..

received lots of really really nice gifts, thank you all so much!! the night would've been perfect if Mdm Pang had come, something cropped up and she couldn't make it in the end, to think that i was estatic when she told me that she would be coming..oh well, guess i'll have to see her some other time. in case for some people who are wondering who this Mdm Pang is, she is my secondary school teacher that has inspired me in many ways and to always strive for the best, with her words of encouragement, she has always managed to let me see light at the end of the dark tunnel, even when i was in Brisbane..

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all da pressies i received, 2 watches that was surprisingly similar in colour and shape, one given to me by Scoopz ppl(Fossil) and the other by my table tennis mates(Everlast), cookbook & business book by Yongxi & gang, the really cool bag given by Sharon, Huimin & Karen, AUD100 by the gers, chocolate fondue thingy by Raymond from Perth, nice orange slippers & towel by Rui & Steph, and many more..oops, left out the Godiva chocolate, i think it's in the fridge, i think Feng Sheng & gang gave me that..haha, why u all give me present never write who give wan..haha, i had to guess who gave what for those i can't remember....lolz..
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trying to imitate me..hmph!
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21 already..old..sadz..haha
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my aussie mates!! love ya!!
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scoopz ppl from left: Leng Sie, Rui, Shiyun, Jiaying, Steph, & Caiwen Da Jie (e 2 kids are leng sie's niece & nephew), special shoutout to JIAYING!!! thanks for bringing my cake over with help from ur dear ALOY!!..haha, it has been a wonderful 5 yrs knowing u and working together in Scoopz..
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NPCC gang, ting ting, serene, tian lai, jocelyn, yew hwee, yongxi & sheezheng
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table tennis KAKIS!!! wenjia, jean, yanjie, liyun,stradford, weiting & isaac
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the bunch of guys from PYSS
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e gers!, thanks for all ur help to make the day great!!
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my beloved family!!
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nice cake..haha

puppy love @ 12:32 AM