Friday, January 25, 2008

oh my gosh!! body clock is pretty screwed up these few weeks...time check, it 2.14am right now...wad the heck am i doing online!!??..i'm supposed to be sleeping in a bid to be able to wake up early tmr to go for a swim if the weather's good..

nowadays i can't really sleep cos it gets pretty warm in the night, i think i've only managed to fall asleep like 3-4am in the morning..and this is doing no favour to my already very screwed up complexion...oh man...wad to do wad to do!!..

been catching up with Australian Open this couple of weeks...Finals on Saturday!!..Maria Sharapova VS Ana Ivanovic, as much as i admired Ana Ivanovic's come back game against Danielle Hantuchova, i'll have to go with supporting Maria Sharapova..too bad i'm working on Saturday...CANNOT WATCH!!..

Jo-Wilfred Tsonga!! major upset for Rafael Nadal...can't wait to see who he will play in the finals...Roger Federer or Novak Djokovic..

will be heading back to KL saturday night..time flies man..less than 1 month before i have to go back Brisbane..

let's see if i can:
1) go for a swim tmr
2) clean up my room
3) stop procrastinating and finish that request letter to postpone the bond deferment deadline...

puppy love @ 2:14 AM

Thursday, January 10, 2008

so i'm back from Hong Kong..haha, it was a nice trip, eat and shop, eat and shop, but it was a surprise that i actually lost 1kg after i came back from Hong Kong, i think it's cos of all the walking, we were walking around all day, from morning till night..

reached singapore on the 31st, had our routine New Year's buffet wth Whui and family, i think it's cos of all the eating, i was actually so sick of eating after that, well, i was literally sick after the buffet, the works man, flu, cough, sore throat, fever....again, lost a couple of KGs after that..nowadays i think of what i wanna eat, i actually dun have that kinda anticipation, so sian of eating..really..haha

not entirely well yet though, still having a bit of the coughs and sneezing..have been heading down to NUS for 4 times now to support the team at the IVP this year, they didn't win anything but it's really nice to see the team bonding still there since i graduated...time flies, it's been almost 3 years since i played my last game for TP..

will be working hard this week, from thurs till sunday..will finally be having our long awaited FISH N CO meal with the scoopz gang next saturday, and will be heading down to huimin's for dinner with the brissy gang...full of activities for next week...i wonder wad my work schedule will be like for next week??..hmm...

going back to KL on the 2nd of feb for CNY, will only be coming back on the 11th...i think it's the longest CNY i have spent in KL..9days man..i am SOOOO gonna bring my laptop there if not i WILL die of BOREDOM!!!..

ok pictures time!!
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my first plate of food on the 1st of Jan 2008!! lobster with yummy potato salad..
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that's where the wedding dinner was held, 12 course meal, i heard each table costs HKD15,000..oh man..that's ALOT of money..considering there were quite a lot of tables..
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Victor's my cousin..i finally know his name..haha..
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our table..table no. 2!!..they say we were quite important ppl since we were at the first few tables..lolz...haha
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curry fishballs!!YUM!!
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pork chop bun and milk tea!!
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polo bao
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that's the turf club, my uncle stay at Happy Valley aka Pao Ma Tei and his condo overlooks the race course..
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pa and sis with the beatles at the wax museum..
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that's us trying to take a picture that sees the race course as well but can't really see..haha
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nice "skyline" @ the Venetian, Macau
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Whui, me, my sis..
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i have no idea why they look so miserable in this picture..
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i think they are opening a Man United megastore there..haha
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pa and mum at Harbour City
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the 2 dads with James Bond..haha
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ah hem..of cos, we must take picture with our MM Lee Kuan Yew..haha

puppy love @ 1:51 AM