Tuesday, February 12, 2008


back from KL..a 9 days break from the hustle and bustle of Singapore..this year was unlike other years..heard alot of stories of the family..interesting happenings..ridiculous relatives..and totally horrible/terrible/brainless/unbelievable/idiotic "dried fish" that has his arse stuck on the 2nd floor of the house..having kids at the age of 65..OMG..i dunno whether to laugh or to cry..

nevertheless, amidst the dumb things and people around, i still enjoyed my time with my beloved cuzzies and nephews..gossiping is always a nice time killer..especially when everyone gets out of the house to do it..HAHA!!..i just can't wait to see what stupid things will happen in time to come..

my cousin Joanne is getting married to a caucasian in May..too bad i can't go back during that time..so excited, we're gonna have mixed ethnicity niece/nephew in the future...adding to the cute bunch of the little kids we have in the family now..

so fast!, i'm going back to Brisbane next friday..NEXT WEEK!!..oh my GOSH!!..

pictures time!
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Andrew & my father AKA "liur gong" to Andrew
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Chris attempting to take a picture of Steven & Bernard gor gor..
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the Mais & the nephews..
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1st day of CNY
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Bernard gor gor & Meiling jie jie with Andrew & Ryan
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Chris & Me
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cutie Ryan!!

puppy love @ 11:13 PM