Friday, March 21, 2008

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B Grade Doubles..
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my new table tennis shoes!!
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the open area of the University of Sunshine Coast..i didn't even know that there is a Uni in Sunshine Coast
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the guys practising
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my main course for dinner @ Sunshine Coast
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Our Entree - Mezza Plate...NICE!!
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Semo's Morrocan Cuisine
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the 2 dishes me and huimin prepared for dinner @ Phoebe's for Hak and Tommy's bday surprise..
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Chocolate Mud Cake baked by Phoebe..NICE!!
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say cheese!!

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puppy love @ 6:30 PM

Monday, March 17, 2008

It's a monday and nope i'm not having monday blues..just that it's raining right now and i really dun feel like going to yeap, today's the first time i'm missing lessons, but it's still ok since the recording of the lecture will be uploaded onto blackboard.

Had wanted to go for a swim today after class but i guess that's so not happening since it's raining, had Sunshine Coast Table Tennis Competition yesterday, well, nott too bad, i got into quarter-finals, i should've won but not quite sure what happen in the last 2 sets, i lost to a aussie guy, 3-2. Sigh, i went on to umpire his semi-final match with a not too bad kid, and HE LOST 3-0, damn i could've won the kid and went on to the finals and VERY MUCH could've been runner-up since the winner was MUCH better than me..haha, anyways, the winner can't join C-Grade anymore in the next coming competition cos the organisers says that he is too good for C-grade, which means i HAVE A CHANCE the next time, which is sometime mid-april in Toowoomba.

Been going to the gym regularly the whole of last week, 40 mins on monday, 40 mins on tuesday, 4 hours of tennis and 3 hours of competitive table tennis on wed, taking a break on thursday to rest my body, 3 hours of tennis and 20 mins of gym on friday, individual training with Mr Kim for 45 minutes to prepare for Sunday's matches on saturday, and a whole day of table tennis yesterday...Phew.. it's been a really fruitful week, shall be lazy for today and just laze around at home, gotta cook later though..

So happy on saturday when i saw Liwen and Irene in Jackpot when Sharon and I went for lunch, they told me tha i look a bit slimmer..haha..and i told them that i have been in the process of going to the gym more determined than ever to lose weight this semester, and and snacking on chips and soft drinks..

Graduation date is out, family's gonna be coming over on the 16th of July, flying off to Melbourne on the 19th to visit relatives..i have no idea why sometimes i talk to my mum on the webcam i get really flustered and hot-tempered..hai..gotta tone that down a bit..and yes if you ppl are wondering if i still talk to my mum everyday the answer is YES..haha..i guess even though the conversation is short at times i feel nice talking to my mum, just that sometimes i wanna just complain to her a bit about the day's activities and she comes around and nag on me i get really frustrated, like yesterday i tried to rant a bit on the competition on how i lost and she went on to say, "nah, see, people see through your strategy and weakness liao" .. i'm like WTF.. you could've said something like, aiya, nvm will do better next time..chey..small thing..heck..

but yesterday's performance has been my best thus far, shall go onto to check on my rankings and points..haha..although i think it's gonna be very low..lolz, shall enter B-grade too the next time last semester in Uni and last chance to really play competitive table tennis so better make full use of it..unless i play for Eunos CSC when i go back to singapore...haha..which might be a good idea..haha..

pictures will be uploaded the next time..lazy..


puppy love @ 9:09 AM

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Really sorry for the lack of updates...

In case some of you don't know it yet...i'm back in Brisbane!!!..finishing up my last semester of's started for a week already, not too bad...some of the courses seem pretty interesting, and IMC seems to have a very intimidating workload, of which 1 is to conduct a 45 minute workshop with the class...OMG..sounds scary...Globalization and business has a debate component..YIKES!!!..

Reached Brisbane on a really HOT saturday morning last week on the 23rd of Feb...didn't really get much sleep on the plane and i have no idea tears this time's a mixed kinda emotion coming back..4 months will pass by very quickly this time round..shall enjoy my last semester as a student status..come August, will go home and find a job and start earning back some money..

Yesterday was the Gold Coast day trip, where we went to Harbourtown, Carrara Market as well as Surfer's Paradise..bought some stuffs..had a good time...took alot of pictures from different cameras..haha...was dead beat when i got home so didn't join the others at Phoebe's for packed home dinner..

Tutorials' starting from this week onwards..hope that i can REALLY do some consistent studying this time round...

Pictures TIME!!

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Group dinner the 1st day i was back
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Huimin's 22nd at the stroke of midnight
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Dinner @ Sizzler for the later part of the actual day
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Gold Coast Day Trip
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saw the guys "camping" outside Nike and sneak into the picture taking..haha
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before setting off to Gold Coast
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Group picture of Judah 1
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Mitre & Durham household picture
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puppy love @ 4:35 PM