Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I WENT TO DONATE BLOOD YESTERDAY!!! i really felt that it is a meaningful thing to do - Sharing life's best gift. it was my maiden trip, was really nervous at first, but the people there really took care of me as a first timer..they made sure i was comfortable and feeling alright after the donation..i know that when donating blood in Singapore, it's done sitted down, here its down lying down, i didn't dare to look when the nurse was piercing in the needle...i felt kinda pain on the arm...after it was done, actually it was not as painful as i thought it would be, i looked at my arm...and the needle is REALLY HUGE!!..u noe the pocky biscuit that you can get almost everywhere??..yea, the needle's kinda that size without the choc and strawberry part, jus the biscuit..that's the thickness of the needle...
they almost couldn't find a thick enough vein to poke the needle through..but thank goodness they checked both arms with the blood pressure thing and touching with their fingers instead of poking everywhere with the needle...and another thing..my veins were going sideways..but there's nth wrong with me thankfully, they freaked me out for a second when they said my veins were going sideways, cos usually the needle is parallel to the arm but mine was bout 45 degrees..haha..
as i felt the warm blood pass through the tubes...i dunno if it's the sudden loss of blood that i felt a bit groggy..or i really felt this really overall positive feeling surrounding me like i'm helping to save lives....that night (which is last nite) was really cold, but i was lazy to change to the quilt nad i thought i could take it..in the end, i think i couldn't really sleep in the middle of the night cos it was getting REALLY cold...i had the blanket covering me from head to toe..but i was still freezing..mind you i had socks on with long pants..
and i had 2 of the weirdest dreams..one was that the nurse called me the next day telling me that there is something wrong with my blood...cos they seperated out another smaller pack for testing to see if there's any disease or blood related disorders b4 releasing the blood for patients...the nurse told me that i had Leukemia!!! my god!! i nearly freaked out!! i was told that i had to undergo treatment in Australia and it's gonna cost my family a BOMB!!!..
the next dream was that i went back to KL, and was taking care of a really cute stray kitten..and some relative is so angry that i am caring for the kitten in the house that he took out a cane and started whacking at the kitten but i protected it with my body so i was suffering the cane instead..after that i started shouting at the relative and nearly punched him or whacked him real hard...and my cousins came and started to shout at him also and the whole scene was just really chaotic...
told Huimin, June and Sharon today over coffee and chips and they were positive that the maiden blood donation had gotten me all bonkers for a night...so today i was REALLY tired..wanted to start on my biz policy assignment in the end i didn't AGAIN!!!!..missed debate meeting with raymond and amy..so sorri...will make it up doubly hard on thurs...tmr really have to do things already!!..
the lecturer was saying yesterday that for ppl that are halfway done on the assignment, they are considered to be quite slow..then i was like..dang it..i haven't even started.. I AM SO SCREWED!!..April's almost ending...the May calendar is scary looking...with lots of stuffs written on it...
OMG!!! this last semester is really fulfilling, memorable, busy...wadever wadever...going for the Hillsongs Youth Alive Concert this saturday with the usual people..hope it'll be nice..hee...went swimming today after lecture..the water was not cold...quite nice to swim in the pool..with the warm sun upon the skin..but the weather is very cold..
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Tonkatsu Ramen at Aijesen Ramen in the City after Wynnum Open on sunday
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the bandage of SIGNIFICANCE..really proud to have the bandage around my arm..hee
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Huimin got this at 50cts each from Officeworks..cheap la
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Huimin got the same thing for the household...50cts...!!
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oh no..my snack compartment is apcking up again...i dun like winter...keep eating..
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coffee and chips..
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June and her vanilla thick shake
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really cold at Yuens
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puppy love @ 10:46 PM

Friday, April 18, 2008

BUSY WEEK!!! finally cleared IMC presentation..it was kinda last minute considering that we only started 1 week before the actual presentation..but we did put in long hours into it, lots of effort, came up with a teaser ad storyboard, an actual 30sec commercial, posters for billboards, transforming them into bus stop ads...that's really a lot of work..we got back our marks today, 17.6/20...we could've gotten more if we had more theory content..but we scored full marks for our use of visual aids..our main aim was to get more than the 1st group, they did the topic on advertising and it WAS A REALLY DEAD PRESENTATION and they got 17 so we HAD to have higher...even though is was only a bit higher but i'm still satisfied..Amy, David and Thian not really satisfied with the marks and are pissed with the tutor (who happens to be from Singapore, TP as well, but she prolly stayed here for some time since she had a bit of the accent)..but i like the tutor..she's quite nice..STRICT..but nice..at least she managed to pronounce my name right on the first day, that usually makes a GREAT impression for me..haha..and today she bombarded me with tutorial questions and i handled myself well..haha..she bombarded our presentation with questions as well which we managed to think quick and the spot and earned her praise..haha
Cleared Globalisation & Business mid sem on tuesday...cleared IMC mid sem today..my shoulders seem lighter...but i have a mid semester essay due on wed which i HAVEN'T started..dunno wad's wrong with me on wed, so restless and tired..was supposed to be studying in the library for a couple of hours before table tennis in the evening in the end i slept throughout...and i went to table tennis and i LOST ALL MY GAMES!! i even lost to a guy who is NOT GOOD AT ALL...i'll give him credits for having improvements but WAD THE HECK..even the guys at the club were asking wad's wrong with me..accumulated lack of rest maybe??...haven been swimming everyday..today was a cold day plus midsem day so didn't go for a swim..tmr i shall head to school for a swim...
SHIAT!! no sports bra liao...have to wash clothes!! am at phoebe's place now..will be heading home soon...below are pictures from Angelene's 23rd birthday celebration...
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small group pre-celebration at june's place
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cake no.3 on the actual day..haha
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@ Hog's Breath for dinner
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hak trying to act "beng"..hahah..spot me at the back??..lolz
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while waiting for the food..
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that's a rather nice picture of me...ah hem..and i forgot i even took it..
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Rebecca's fren Lydia drew them..from top left clockwise: Huimin, Siew Ching, Sharon & Claire's
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group picture!!

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puppy love @ 8:51 PM

Sunday, April 06, 2008

I'M BACK!!..haha.. back to blogging..not back in Singapore..lolz.

it's been a tiring week, with going to gym, tutorials, group meetings, lectures, basketball, beach volleyball, swimming....i'm so shacked and aching throughout that i gave the UQ open yesterday a miss, since i know that i won't be able to perform my best, why should i go and waste money.

so instead stayed at home and managed to do some housework and schoolwork.

IMC presentation's on friday, and my group only just started like 2 days ago, meeting again on tuesday at my house for discussion as well as dinner, which will be cooked by me!..lolz

Globalisation and Business debate on tuesday, topic is "Will poverty ever end"? we are on the con side so not too bad, my group have all the information done up, it's only a matter of taking the more important and substantial points due to the amount of time we have..

Just finished group training from table tennis and i'm in the Durham household right now, dropped my laptop here before training to do some downloading..heehee...will be heading home soon in another hour's time..Phoebe provided fried rice and green bean soup for me!! no time to go back and prepare dinner liao..yea!!..haha..

Pictures time!! Will have more the next time round. And oh ya, i know how to play a song on the guitar!!!! haha, so excited..still practising but making progress, next up will be singing along to just playing, cos i was just playing the song on the guitar for my family over the webcam, after i finished and said that that's all to it cos the whole song sounds the same, the whole room burst out laughing..so demoralising..haha..they were saying cos i only play the song so they oso dunno wad i'm playing..but ok la, since i managed to pick the instrument up and learnt a song in one night thanks to Wei Thian..haha..BTW, the song is Love Will Keep Us Alive by Eagles..so yea..haha..more practising needed..need to learn other chords too...

Events coming up:
1) Angelene's birthday celebration dinner tmr
2) Toowoomba Open Table Tennis Championships next sunday

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Green Tea ice frappe and Guava ice frappe..NICE!! from Coffee Square in Sunnybank
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in our car, Huimin, June, Cheryl(no idea where she's looking at) and me!!
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the other car, Angelene, Flora, Phoebe with Sharon and Julia in the front
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my dinner @ Coffee Square..YUM!!
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pictures taken after beach volleyball and basketball
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picture taken against the sunlight
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basketball..my first love..been ages since i last played..
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yeah..and Sunnybank trip was after a day of tiring sports...

puppy love @ 3:16 PM