Tuesday, May 27, 2008

finally back to blogging..been REALLY REALLY busy with all the assignments and what not, i have another news review due tmr and i HAVEN'T STARTED!!! oh my oh my!!!!shall finish blogging quickly and get back to the blardy news review.
We are finally in the last week of UNI!!!!!! MY LAST WEEK OF UNI!!! SWOT VAC'S NEXT WEEK!!! time to head to school to study everydayand taking the last safety bus home at 10.40pm every night..
i didn't really have the feeling till now!!..I CAN'T WAIT TO GRADUATE AND GO HOME!!!..i wanna finish my exams!!!..go travel a bit before heading home..Joanne Jie Jie's wedding was in the weekend, it really past by so fast, family went back to KL and today they are back in Singapore and back to working, Shiow mei jie jie sent me some pictures they took at the wedding dinner...made me wish i was there!! nvm..soon soon..will be heading to Melbourne..and can see Andrew again!!..
celebrated Sharon's and Ivy's birthdays the time i was away from blogging so shall post LOTS of pictures here for everyone to take a look!!..
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we were the first to reach Mac that day..
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taking pictures b4 sharon arrived
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she had NO idea wadsoever that we were gonna celebrate in Mac
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Phoebe baked the strawberry shortcake..
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ppl lining up
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for sharon's autograph
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of cos NOT!! to take group picture..haha
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housemates celebration for her at teh stroke of midnite..or rather 12.30-ish cos she was still on the phone..not too much of a baker..spent an entire sunday afternoon baking the egg tarts..looks easy but eggs tarts are really hard work..oh ya, we bought the baby shirt from KMART and put it on the forever friends bear..AWWW so cute..sewed "Housemate of the Year" on it as well, Huimin sewed the spray bottle and the cloth on jus to prove the point..lolz..
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it was really cold that night
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actual night Steamboat dinner at Durham
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oh..me and the bear b4 we gave it to her..
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this fish ball..
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IS REALLY NICE!!! it has fish roe inside..the best tasting fish ball i have ever had..in my entire life..
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waitin for Sharon to cut her cake..
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Ivy's Birthday celebration also at Durham..haha
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Claire's cake for Ivy...THIS IS REALLY NICE!! Claire is the baker of Judah 1..her cakes are undescribably delicious..hahah..actually this is the first time i tasted her cake..but i'm sure the rest were just as good..
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Claire & Ivy
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me & Chia Yen
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the inside of the cake..commercial cakes here are not fantastic..so they always try to bake their own..
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my family with Joanne Jie Jie and her husband Sean..WHERE AM I!!!!???I WANNA BE THERE TOO!!!
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my dad and his funny faces...now u noe where i got my funny genes from..heard from my cousins that they were tickled pink with this
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the cousins with the nephews..I WANNA BE THERE TOO!!!!!! the boys are so CUTEEE!!! i can't stand!!!..i wanna go to KL SOON!!!

puppy love @ 5:22 PM

Sunday, May 11, 2008

the plug at the washing machine in the garage is not working..so i'm in Durham now..washing clothes!! it's a week load of clothes..washed in 4 turns...hanged the first load in their balcony, and carried the next 2 loads back home to hang..and MAN WAS THE LAUNDRY BASKET HEAVY!!! i had to stop like 5 times to take breaks cos my hands feel like it's gonna break soon..
anyway, was browsing thru my files and saw the pictures taken when i was back home for summer..when we went to Bugis for dinner after flipping thru the 8 days and seeing the change they've made to the basement of Bugis Junction...haha..
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"hmm, wad do i want for dinner??"
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Lun eyeing my menu..hee
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back to browsing the menu
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"eh..why u take my food??" hahaha
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"oi..why you take me??"
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"hmm, everything looks so good"..
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"food's good"
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all is well!!
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my food so so only..
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Joy's Burger thingy..
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posing for magazine..lolz..
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Joelly & Joy..hemming it up..

puppy love @ 5:30 PM