Friday, September 19, 2008

i think i seriously have a problem, an addiction rather, to what?? to our darling Feng Tianwei that is. oh no..the fanclub has been so caught up with her these few weeks now that she's no longer in Sg (taking a break in Harbin & going on to play competition everywhere else), everyone's having withdrawal symptons now, HOW!!?? those that have exams no mood to study, those that are working has no mood to work, as for me, i'm a slacker but i still need MONEY to go to macau end of the yr to watch her play!!!

had news of Tianwei coming back to Sg on the 15th, so a group of us went down to the airport to welcome her home. but to our dismay she wasn't on the flight, but we met a very friendly Sun Bei Bei telling us that she will only be back on the 17th but dunno wad time.

so on the 17th, a wed, a small bunch of us acted on a hunch that she will be at the airport in the afternoon rather than the wee morning flight and begun on our journey to the airport..without any confirmation of flight details. Joan and I first went down to STTA to check with the receptionist who said that tianwei's not back yet, so our deduction is RIGHT!! she will land in the noon, so met up with Sukai and cabbed down to the airport straightaway, went to terminal 2 to wait for the Shanghai flight and slowly more ppl came, Karen, Jasmine, PS, Cedar girls, Deina, Michelle, Huijie...but nope..she wasn't on the we checked out the infor counter and found out that there's a flight from beijing coming in NOW!!! so we double timed our steps and moved on to terminal 3..we were dashed for a bit, not much hope left, we were jus banking on a bit of luck, jus when we tot it's another wasted trip..Joan get a msg from Eddy saying that Tianwei jus landed!!!! and asked if we saw her...then we were like all excited and keeping our eyes peeled for her...then Eddy sent another msg, saying that Tianwei's on her way back to STTA, then we were like WAD!!??? how could we have missed her..with so many pairs of eyes!!

then we did something, Joan asked Eddy to ask Tianwei for permission for us to go down to see her for a while as many of us have stuff to pass to we waited and waited for Eddy's reply, after a while, Joan's phone rang, Tianwei said OK!!! OMG!! we all jumped up and went to queue for cab THAT INSTANT!! we took 2 cabs and since Michelle drove, some went into her car. and they were the latest cos they were buying cakes and stuff for Eddy and Tianwei.

so 2 cabs reached first..and we were waiting and waiting in such a hot weather and guess who i saw!!! i saw Coach Liu in Anthony Lee's car and in the passenger seat was TIANWEI!!! OMG!! i was like..did u guys see that!!! the car stopped and Tianwei went up the backdoor..then we began analysing how come she arrived later than us...but nvm..that's not the point, point is, Michelle's car arrived and we phoned Eddy to tell him we are ready and Tianwei can come down le..hah!!! so funny when she came down, cos she poked her head throught the frosted glass door first then we were like..OMG!! TIANWEI!!! HELLO!!! then awkward silence cos everyone stunned!!..lolz..after about a gd 10 seconds of silence then the chatter began..haha..asked her some qns..gave her stuffs..took LOTS of nice pictures!!..first time i saw Tianwei in casual wear..she was in white Havainas Brazil slippers...i was wearing black havainas aussie slipper..hee..and Joan asked Tianwei is she recognised me from the KL competition, then she replied: "认得,大家都认得". so happy!!!hee..

after she left we asked Eddy if he could get Jiawei and Yuegu down as well, but Jiawei was out so didn't managed to catch her, but Yuegu came down!! super FRIENDLY!! we took lots of pictures with her, and even asked her if she recognised some of us..then she was like..ya!! you guys went to malaysia rite!! she said that in chinese of funny..then after tt dunno is she siad if we go germany or macau can't recall clearly..she will treat us to PIZZA..lolz.. that basically sums up my wednesday..busy busy wednesday..was dead tired when i reached home that day so i didn't head down to TP for training with the juniors..hope that tonight can go down..i needa exercise.!!

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puppy love @ 10:28 AM

Monday, September 15, 2008


wa..gotta clear the dust and cobwebs here man, it's making my nose itch, haven't been updating for close to 3 weeks now.

promised ppl back in aussieland that i'll blog about my fruitful KL trip so i better do it NOW!!! haha..if not they'll kill me..hee

OK!!i'm sure most of you would know by now that i made a hasty decision to go back to KL within a week to watch the Volkswagen Table Tennis Women's World Cup to watch my idol Feng Tianwei play as well as support Team Singapore.

managed to talk to her only after 2 days cos i couldn't muster up enough courage, each time only able to get her autograph after much shoving from my cousins..lolz...but don't know wad went into me on the last day, after her win against Wang Yuegu, i summoned up my courage and went up to the manager and asked if i could speak to her..and he said YES!!!he nodded to me after Tianwei finished her interview with the media ppl and signalled for me to head outside. went outside, had a nicely taken picture with her, asked her if she read the encouragement letter from her fans back in singapore, and she said yes, and asked her if she could say a few words for her supporters back home and she did one tt lasted 27seconds!!i had no idea she was gonna say sooo much..lolz!! and my name was in The Straits Times last tuesday, labelled as a "die-hard fan" by reporter lin xinyi, whom i found familiar, turned out she played table tennis during her uni days too, met her before in the IVP games, can't remember which uni she's from already, haha..

i went for Tianwei's 2nd game on the first day, i missed her game with Miao Miao, and saw her losing to Li Xiaoxia, realised that she was really down and disappointed and decided to do something for her. went home after that and sent an sms to Joan and asked her to gather all the fans in Sg to compile a list of encouragement stuff that they wanna say to Tianwei, maximum efficiency man!!Li Na got it down the next morning, so the next day, i gave the envelope to Tianwei before her match with Li Jiao from Netherlands.

i was like the KL correspondent for the Tianwei Fanclub back in Sg, uploading videos each night onto the facebook page, haha, glad i could do something for the club, and for all the fans who can't be there due to the exam period. Tianwei is a really nice person (but quite shy), i think she might have recognised me since i was like the only 1 with a Sg flag (or any flag at all) stuck onto the tripod stand all the time..lolz, cos she waved to me after her Yuegu game..damn happy la!!!

i wanna say a very BIG THANK YOU to my dear cousins!!!! welcoming me into their home on such short notice, gave me a nice big room to sleep in, gave me good food to eat everyday, but small appetite though the 4 days i was there cos my mind was all on the competition and wanting to hurry to the venue to watch Tianwei play, i actually lost 1KG coming back from KL, lolz

check out this facebook page where i'm one of the admins after the KL trip, lolz:
join us if you are a fan of Tianwei!!

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the very nice picture i took with Tianwei
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the first thing i ate when i reached KL, shaker fries from Mac, while waiting for Shiow Mei jie jie to finish work and pick me up to go home
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the Korean foodplace the first day i was there...dinner was Shiow Shen's treat cos she just got a pay rise..lolz
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Shiow Chui jie jie's phone..the 1 i'm eyeing..SGH-480..nice!!
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hers is pink though..
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sizzling hotplate!!..nice food, my cousins are half-korean you see, and they told me that this place gives you alot of free food/service if you speak Korean..not too sure if they're pulling my leg though..lolz
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Korean supermart-ICE CREAM!!
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Madam Kwan's @ Pavilion the next day
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some cake shop that was apparently owned by Dr Mahathir
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the cheesecakes are nice!
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dinner at some tze char place..nice food again!!!
that basically sums up my 4 days KL trip, heading to Genting on the 25th of September with Leng Sie and Huishan. i didn't use much money this KL trip cos almost (if not everything) was paid for by my cousins and my uncle/auntie, so yea, the money will be left for the genting trip, hehe, and just got word that my HK cousin is getting married and will be holding their wedding dinner in KL instead of HK so that we dun have to ALL fly to HK like the other time for his brother's yes, will be heading to KL again come 3rd October..
and my sis bought a new PC today!!!!it's getting delivered on wed!!..more updates soon!!

puppy love @ 12:29 AM