Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My mood's been pretty down for a couple of days now, i flare up at the slightest thing and can't seem to get my thoughts straight. Had dinner with Raymond and Gabriel just now, we are all on the same boat, our thoughts are similar too, having been back from Brisbane for only a few months, before graduation we have been advised of reverse culture shock and adapting back to life back home, initially i never thought much about it. Well, it's home, how will you need to adapt to home. But i was wrong, having been away for a period of time, things change, people change, oh heck, I changed. Things are different now, so much different to how i left them.

In light of the recent hoo-hah over Coach Liu Guodong's decline to renew the contract with STTA, we at the FTW FC were all pretty worried for Tianwei, not sure how the news will affect her. Before the news came out we saw her lose to Liu Shiwen, losing is not a big thing, but losing the 3rd set in a disheartened/below par performance 11-2, somehow it came across to us that something was bothering Tianwei, she didn't look her normal self, seemed to have given up, lost her fighting spirit. Couple days later, news broke about LGD's future. All the puzzle pieces fitted together, that must have dealt a huge blow to Tianwei, LGD was like a father figure to her, picking her up from obscurity and polishing her to be the world class player she is now at world ranking No. 7. We at the FC were all flustered, not sure what to do and how to react. Joan and i came up with things to say to her and Joan sent Tianwei an email, of encouragement from us and well wishes from her supporters back in Sg, really hoping that she doesn't get too affected or worse leave Singapore to follow LGD. Joan sent her a few other emails as well with other people's well wishes. Just when we thought that she might not have read it or maybe her place in China doesn't have internet (HAHA), TIANWEI REPLIED!!!!! *plugged from facebook page*

TIANWEI REPLIED THE EMAIL!:D Here is her message for us all:

My mood's gotten better all of a sudden.

Offline msgs left to me on msn made me tear, can't wait to see you guys again.
I miss:
- our endless chats
- our mindless banters
- our priceless videos
- our hilarious digs at one another
- our genuine care and concern for one another
- our coolie room days

puppy love @ 12:17 AM

Monday, October 20, 2008

well, in case some of you are wondering where i've disappeared to (again), was away for a few nights watching my juniors play in the POL-ITE games..in which they played really well and fought really hard!!..end results..GIRLS CHAMPION!!! and GUYS BRONZE!!! not a bad result at all..the girls really earned their GOLD..all thanks to good luck, team spirit, strong mentality and suprising results from other matches..SO PROUD OF THEM!!! i dun wanna sound old, but this actually marks my 6 yrs in TP..haha..i would be yr 6 if i'm still in TP now..how time flies man..haha..i feel so old around them man..and i'm only 21..hai..sadz..haha

really hope the team works hard at getting some good results and the coming IVP early next yr..really gotta train hard..it's hard to get the same level of committment all around the team but i feel that they have got what it takes to create a stunner at the coming IVP..this time round they have really good support from the school and the respective advisors that go down to the venue to support the team as well as having encouraging team talks..which we never had..we only had people interested in results and at one point even threatened to disband table tennis if we dun achieve any results in competitions..talk about demoralising the team man..

up next, busy work week ahead..working from thurs to sun of which i'm working full days both weekends..finally i get more time to work, i foresee myself aching all over again..and yes, swimming actively again..will try and swim more than once a week...i remembered when i was in Brisbane i swam as much as 4 times a week..shall see if i can achieve tt..gonna have a meeting with boss this week and talk to him about expanding Scoopz with Jean, Leng Sie and Huishan, hai..will see how it goes..this kinda marks the direction of my future too..in sight of recent "crisis" i really needa get a proper job soon, my documents for citizenship are almost intact now, so prolly gonna go down for the proper application sometime next week..

pics time!

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the team 08..and their medals..and the CHAMP's trophy!!..
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liuying & leckhui..
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girls team with coach...
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the team waiting to collect their medals..
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girls team..
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oops..that's my slippers in the picture..haha

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puppy love @ 2:53 PM

Thursday, October 09, 2008

OK!!!.i'm back from all the travelling..KL and Genting..people say i've got a good life..i say it's tiring..travelling's not that all goody enjoyable when ya broke!!..haha

so now it's back to WORKING HARD!! i wanna work hard oso cannot, Boss is trying his best to squeeze me into the work schedule liao..i can't rest on my laurels anymore!!!! i'm gonna start applying for my citizenship now that i'm almost done with getting the documents ready..and after tt, i'm gonna start applying for the gov jobs..i wanna fulfill my dream of getting a car within 2 years!!

my dear housemates in Aussieland have finally gotten a home of their own, after such a long wait i'm sure it's a pretty nice place..so happy for them!!!i hope that means good news' gonna come soon for me too!!...i so wanna go Macau in Dec to watch Feng Tianwei play in the Pro Tour Grand Finals..

the wristbands i've ordered are finally here!!..gonna meet u with the crazy ppl on sat and camp out at the city area so that the rest of the fanclub ppl can come and meet us to collect their ordered bands...

another thing, i'm gonna be giving the Lee Hom concert on Nov 1st a miss..the tickets have been bought, but somehow i dun really have the mood to be going for concerts..i really did wanna go..but i guess i'll just have to settle for the concert DVD instead..and save the money...so i sold the tickets to my colleagues who wanted to go but weren't in time to get good seats..

BLARDY HELL!!! a flying cockroach landed right next to my latop like 15 minutes ago..i HATE THEM!!! or rather..i'm TERRIFIED OF THEM!! so i jumped up in an instant and ran out calling for my mummy to catch it if not i will never be able to step into my room again tonight..when i was showing my mum where it is it flew out and i jumped again!!..i can't believe myself..21 yrs of age and i can't stand straight when i see a damn cockroach, then it flew back into my room and hid behind my cupboard..dumb thing!! so my mum tried to spray insecticide into the gap hoping to flush it out but to no avail and my mum left me for dead!! as i was shining my torchlight into the gap i noticed a black thing crawl out the other end so i shouted for my mum again..ha!ha! this time it is DEAD!! my mum caught it!!! yeah!! i can finish blogging in peace..and my sis made a nasty joke..she said that there are cockroaches mating in my room!! sucks!! YUCK!!..
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APOM BALIK!!! LURVE IT!!! at the pasar malam stall outside where my cousin stays at Taman Desa..
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the boys being occupied with Benjamin's nintendo..haha
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shiow chui jie jie and me..my pants look awful here..
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Shiow mei jie jie's family taken with HK relatives..it's my HK cousin Roy's wedding dinner, well not exactly wedding dinner, just a 5 table dinner with family so taht we all dun have to fly down to HK specially for the dinner like wad we did last Dec for his brother Victor's wedding..Cousin Victor and Wife Annette on the far left..heard tt the middle brother (i dunno wad's his name) haha..is getting married next yr..
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Shiow Shen & me
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Steven Gor Gor & Me..we have a bet going..this shall be the BEFORE shot of our slimming down plan..haha..we are gonna take another picture most prob gonna be CNY 09 and see if there's any difference..hahah

puppy love @ 11:11 PM