Wednesday, November 19, 2008

TIANWEI IS BACK IN SINGAPORE!!!! but only for the span of 1 miserable day, to receive the Meritorious Award given by the president for their achievements during the olympics. Had news that Tianwei was gonna be back in Singapore in the afternoon but we didn't have much concrete details, Joan msged us informing us that Tianwei is indeed back in Singapore, and will be leaving for Germany at night. So we decided to go send her off, hoping that she's not too tired out from all the flying about.
I went to tp to train with the team, trained with Carmen till 8.30pm and headed for a shower, surely i wasn't about to head off for the airport a stinko. HAHA!! cabbed down and reached terminal at 9+ to meet up with Netta, Jasmine and Karen. Went to watsons to see what kinda vitamins to get for Tianwei, in the end we settled for Blacksmore.
We were hanging around belt 2 as that's where Tianwei's gonna check in the Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt. Spotted Eddy and was wondering what he was doing there since he was supposedly on holiday in Japan. We waved to him and walked towards him for a chat, he too just came back from Japan the day before and will be heading to Germany with the team, he looked tired as well. He's a really friendly guy too, giving us information when we asked for them, but of cos there will be stuffs that he can't disclose. He asked why we didn't go to suntec for the press conference and we told him that it's invited only ma, then he replied saying we can just drag them out for a picture, since they were all dressed up for a formal event, didn't think that he would say that. HAHAHAHA!! He told us that Tianwei and gang's on the way to the airport and described to us Tianwei's look for the day, haha, never knew that we could chat so freely with the team manager. And he also asked if we were heading to Macau, and we told him that information's rather limited as of right now, and he said he'll help us check with the ITTF organisers when he gets to Germany. THANKS EDDY!!
Then came the exciting moment!! Karen spotted Tianwei walking towards us, my back was towards that direction so i didn't notice them at all, moreover she was in formal wear so i guess you'll need a 2nd glance to know that it's her..haha..she waved and walked towards us. What happened next was a usual sight, when she was near us, Eddy approached her and talked to her, before that we were spreaded out, when she came we all scampered to a corner stonning away..hahahha..we took up 20 minutes of her time in her formal wear (i say that because she left to change to casual wear after that), taking videos, pictures, signing autographs (we seem to have endless stuffs for her to sign) and giving her stuffs..esp the FTW wristband which she ABSOLUTELY LOVED!!! We really need to practice not being so nervous and stunned in front of her that we always neglect her at the side not knowing what to do..but it's a really funny sight captured on video. Thankfully we have Ailing and Michelle in our midst who are not afraid to go up to Tianwei and talk to her.
But having met her quite a few times, i would say that she is slowly warming up to us, speaking/chatting more with us, and definately forever obliging with requests..weird ones that is..haha!! I think she must be really puzzled and amused at our reactions too..ALL CAPTURED ON VIDEO!! PRICELESS VIDEOS!!!
captions on the pictures with kinda tell about my entire airport trip..
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Tianwei signing on Karen's bat, but first marker not much ink, so she signed again with my marker. exact words said by tianwei: “再签一个吧”
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we passed the phone for Tianwei to talk to Joan, who was stuck at home cos she had a paper this morning at 8am. We were making comments like faint liao faint liao..and fly to the moon, so much that Tianwei was smiling at our comments made. After the call ended, Jasmine was on the phone with Joan, i made another comment saying that Joan owes us a meal for doing that, Tianwei overheard and was laughing at what we said..hahahaha!!!
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天薇:“喂, 你知道我是谁吗?”
Joan: 知道!!!
Joan: 你在德国也要加油哦!
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we asked if she could wear the band and take a picture with us, and forever the nice person that she was, she obliged..
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she was signing the picture i took with her in KL, i thought that she'll sign at the front but i guess she feels tt it might spoil the she signed at the back..
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oh ya!! she changed her phone..SAMSUNG F480 (GOLD COLOUR)..haha..she whipped it out in front of us a few times to check smses and received a phone call from Yu Meng Yu
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all the bands on the right wrist..(thanks eddy for helping us with the group picture)..she left us to change into casual wear..we were still hanging around the area waiting for her to come out cos we wanted to see her off into the departure funny..cos she waved to us a number of times..prolly thinking how come we are still around and not going home..
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her final wave to us..bye bye!!!
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going into the departure hall...bye tianwei..hope to see u soon!!!
P.S. Credits/Kudos to KAREN!!! for VIDEOS!!!!! PRICELESS!!! NETTA AND JASMINE FOR PICTURES!!!!!ahhahahah

puppy love @ 12:27 AM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

some overdue pictures and pictures from dinner..

cooked dinner for my family today, mum went to see the docs so thought that i'd do the cooking for's fun..haha...but i prefer my Mitre kitchen..hahahahaha

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below: creative stuffs done by the Fanclub ppl..
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for Wang Yuegu

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Tianwei's at the right

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more stuffs for tianwei

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puppy love @ 7:45 PM

Friday, November 07, 2008's been a crazy few weeks..busy with work and everything beyond that, swimming on off days, running around doing errands..citizenship..huishan's stuffs for school..been really TIRED OUT!! i finally get to rest this week after havin' only worked for half a day on monday, went down to mediacorp on tues, swam on wed came back home and got a bit drenched in the rain, left the house for training in TP, was down with something on wed night, couldn't sleep with my nose playing tricks on me deciding to be a running tap with the nozzle loose at one time..and decided to be a stuffed sewage pipe and blocked my breathing the next, i wonder who was missing/scolding me that much cos i was sneezing non stop in the middle of the night..

woke up on thursday morning feelin' like shit, smsed Jean and Boss telling them that i wasn't feeling well and i couldn't work..didn't leave the house the entire day..nearly coughed my lungs out, but it wasn't tt serious to go visit the docs yet, visiting docs' only when u need an mc, no point wasting money like tt..

ain't liking the weather at all these few days, today's hot and stuffy like mad, was perspiring like nobody's business at home, tot if i felt better i could go to Shunli's bday dinner gathering at PS but the heat made my head swell and i was having a terrible headache when my parents came back..popped a pill and definately feeling much better..

gonna go take a shower to douse the heat..and gonna hit the sack soon..need my rest for a tough weekend ahead!!..working on both sat and sun!!..GAMBETTE!!

to all my aussie mates: hang in there!! the exams are almost finished!! awaiting ur return!!

puppy love @ 8:32 PM

Sunday, November 02, 2008

THANK YOU SHARON & HUIMIN FOR THE REUNION CHAT LAST NITE!!! thanks for listening to my midnite grouses, as well as usual lameness..lolz.. sorry that i made u guys stay up till so late last night, i know that it was WAY PAST sharon's kinda felt like old times..jus seperated by the computer screen...lolz, ppl who don't know us probably think that we've known one another for AGES!!..looking forward to our next chat..then it'll be on my laptop..then i can show u all my ROOM!!! but hopefully not so late la k?.haha

Counting down the days u guys get back..

eh, check out this link k!! watch till the end and tell me whether Feng Tianwei was waving to me..i analysed it so many times i am VERY certain that she was waving to me la..lolz..

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P.S I wanted to take a nce screenshot with u guys lo, but i only tot of it after the chat when i was showering..why u all take never tell me..take on the sly..luckily i still look ok in the pics..tsk tsk tsk..hahahahaha

puppy love @ 11:18 PM