Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 1 in Brisbane:

Reached Brisbane at close to 2am last night, or should i say this morning, as the flight was delayed in taking off due to bad weather conditions. Emirates is not bad, the food's pretty good but i can't say the same the service, well, it's not exceptionally bad, but still, doesn't leave much to desire, SQ's service is still the BEST!

Thanks Sharon for coming to pick me up although it was WAYY past your bedtime, as well as to the ant-bite prone Huimin, Liwen and Sarah, the whole house came to pick me up, so nice..Heehee..

Slept till 12nn today, everyone's asking me what are my plans for today, but not much plans though, cos the weather's so nice you just feel like staying in bed the whole day, but that's what i'm trying NOT to do, can't possibly fly all the way here just to laze around and do nothing the whole day, so at least i've made a mini plan, a dinner plan, at Hawken, though Sharon won't be able to join us since she ends class at 9pm.

Shall go see what i can do, maybe watch some shows?..haha..CIAO!..

puppy love @ 12:07 PM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

行李都收拾好了,Brisbane!!!我要来了!!日本的计划已取消了,所以这将会是我正式做工的最后一个adventure!哈哈!也不算是什么 adventure啦,回去澳洲和好朋友们聚一聚,过10天逍遥自在的生活,回来新加坡就要面对现实了,大学毕业都快10个月了,我会不会不想回来啊??我的social circle太广了,到处都有朋友,哈哈,是件好事,也不算是四海为家。。所谓的在家靠父母,除外靠朋友。。哈哈。。新加坡的朋友们,我只是去10天,不要想我哦。。哈哈!!

puppy love @ 10:36 AM

Friday, March 27, 2009





puppy love @ 12:51 AM

Thursday, March 26, 2009

It was a trip to the zoo on tuesday! We had a whole lot of activities planned out for the day. It starts at 9am for breakfast at the hawker centre near my place since Huishan loves Kway Chap and there's a stall here that sells pretty good Kway Chap, but alas things were not to be, they weren't open for business that day, so we had to settle for the next best alternative instead, WANTON MEE!!
Things started looking gloomy halfway through breakfast with dark clouds filling the sky and leaves falling off trees cos of the strong wind and it started to drizzle as we make a break for the bus stop. Luckily the zoo's situated pretty far from us so the train and bus ride should b enough to ride out the storm, met Rui in the train as we headed to Choa Chu Kang MRT. The sky cleared up a bit as we reached the zoo, still with a bit of drizzle now and then, but at least it's not hot!





The white tiger was parading along the rocks for as long as we were there..

Polar Bear INUKA!
taking a nap..i forgot it this is a leopard of a jaguar..

We took the shot at the entrance only at the end of the walk..
Next up! Plaza Singapura, dinner at Manhatten's Fish Market where we met up with Jun Gui..and watched Race to Witch Mountain after that..
Fried White Bait and Mushroom!
Seafood Platter!! The prawns were FANTASTIC!! but other than that, i still prefer Fish n Co's Seafood Platter..the calamari's way better than MFM..
Thanks to Netta, i'm now kinda addicted to Yami more ice cream for me!!haha..dead beat after the entire trip and slept like a log till the next day noon time..

puppy love @ 7:04 PM

Monday, March 16, 2009

2 more weeks and i'm heading back to Brisbane for a 10 days break, a break from having a break. It's been more than half a year since i've graduated, what have i been doing? Am i wasting my time away? Are my decisions affecting the people around me? Why can't people accept the fact that i know what i am doing? Does being REAL friends mean that you can say what you like without considering my feelings? I have a right to live the life i want, to do what i want to do. Labelled as a slacker, is not at all fun, there are times where i just sit around at home with nothing much to do, idling around, waiting for time to pass. Maybe i really do need time away from this place to seek my thoughts, Brissy sounds perfect right about now.

Something struck me the other day when i told my colleagues i'm heading BACK to Brisbane for holidays soon. They asked why i said going BACK when Singapore is my home. It never occured to me that it was THAT big an issue. Spent 1 1/2 years in Australia, it was once my home, away from home. Do i have an identity crisis? Even Malaysia, i'd say that i go BACK a few times a year, and i'm in the midst of getting Singapore citizenship.

Sometimes i can't understand the negativity surrounding foreign sports talent. I mean yes it's true that they came to Singapore only because we give them a platform to perform and to further their careers, and that because their country has "forsaken" them. But that doesn't mean that they are any less Singaporean, they too are trying hard to "localise" themselves, wanting US to treat them like Singaporeans, where they will be labelled as traitors by some patriotic ARSES back in their home country. We live in a "free" world now, where people can move around as they like, take up whatever citizenship they deem as prospective. Now then, how will you label Singaporeans who gave up their pink IC to take up citizenship elsewhere?

People always say, the mindset's different once you've lived overseas, you start to look at things from a different perspective, think and feel differently, what might have seemed important then doesn't really seem to matter now, things that you were afraid of losing.

Life is like a book, with different chapters. Life is like a train ride, who will be there with you till your final destination? Who will hop off throughout the journey? Who will come onboard at certain stops and sit next to you? I guess we'll never know..

12 days..

puppy love @ 7:30 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009





More luck on lottery and we'll go for a big feast after the project is done k!?

puppy love @ 1:29 AM

Monday, March 09, 2009

到底真么了。。妈在我放工后回家的路程说了一句话,令我听得很反感。。她说:“大学就快要有多一批毕业生了,倒是后又有跟多竞争者找工了”。一时又说等拿到公民再慢慢找,现在当做让我放个假,想做什么就做什么,想去哪里,就去哪里,只要我是用我自己的能力,什么都可以。。现在又再唠叨工作的事情。。难道我不急吗?。。就不能相信我是有分寸的吗?。。难道是因为我说月底要回澳洲玩10天。。就来烦我吗。。嗨。。Have a little faith in me, in my plans, in my decisions, i'm already 22 for crying out loud..damn..

puppy love @ 12:29 AM

Friday, March 06, 2009

Dinner was at Sushi Tei Raffles City, the restaurant was full so we had to be put on the waiting list, first on the list though. But we waited for 40 MINUTES!! When we went to ask, we found out that Karen's name had been cancelled. Which was just ridiculous as they couldn't give us a valid explanation as to why the name was cancelled, so Netta went to have a word with the lady that was in charge of the queue. As it was their fault, they let us have the private room (which usually will need a minimum spending of $250), so yeah, we had like a mini VIP room for celebrating Net's bday.






We had more food but since we were all starving..we didn't bother to take the rest of the food..hahaha
Net with Da Jie
with Jasmine..

with Karen

Ticket to Brissy BOOKED!!! there goes 700 bucks!..leaving on the 29th!..
oh yea, before i forget, bumped into Tannia at Raffles City who was on her way to class, working and studying..kudos to that!..haha

puppy love @ 11:59 PM

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

enough about Tianwei and chinese posting for a while, let's put them aside for now..haha.(she's busy training for upcoming competitions BTW)..lolz

recent updates:
1) played badminton with Huimin today, worked out our rusty bones, sweated it out, my shirt was soaked with perspiration after the 2 hr game..
2) i'm gonna be representing the eunos constituency in table tennis this year, YEAH!! finally, competitive games again!!..trainings' on every thurs 8-10pm..JIAYOU!!
3) heading back to Brisbane for a short holiday end march and will prolly be back early April
4) heading to Japan (Yokohama) in April to catch the Table Tennis World Championships (this is 80% confirmed with the remaining 20% still uncertain due to unforeseen circumstances)
5) gonna head out for a swim tmr if the weather's good, after that heading to ECP for a short filming session(heehee), then off to pre-celebrate Netta's bday at Raffles City, let's see if i can finish early and head back to the CC for some training later on..
6) 乒乓圆(table of glory) is coming up soon!!April 1st 9pm channel check it out!..although i might look like crap on tv..haha

ok..that's it for now..shall post pics if i have them tmr..

puppy love @ 10:47 PM