Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wanted to upload a video here to share but somehow my converter's not working all that well so didn't managed to get it down. Instead i shared it on facebook. For most of you who know me, will know that i'm a TVB addict, i loved the show Heart of Greed when it came out as well as the sequel Moonlight Resonance. In the show, i loved the chemistry between Linda Chung and Raymond Lam, as well as the subtheme of the show "Sum Ling", it has been my phone's ringtone for as long as i can remember and i can never get sick of the song. I don't know if any of you have any problems when u open my blog because for me the song seems to only run for 30 secs. Anyways, about these 2 people, everytime they take the stage together, they just look so sweet together, if only all the rumours were true and they were REALLY together. In the meantime, i can only look forward to future collaboration between the 2 of them. Check out the video on my FB page if you have the time and are as interested in TVB stuff as me. Can't help but break out a smile when i see them perform this song together.

Went out for a much awaited badminton session with Huimin and Pearlyn this afternoon. Huimin and I had initially planned badminton sessions for 2 times but didn't managed to fulfill it in the end cos of some circumstances. Nevertheless, we managed to do it today! And 2 hours split amongst 3 people won't take the steam off me that easily, haha, can spread the load. My shirt was wet with perspiration today, a pity that Huimin couldn't join us for lunch as her mum cooked but Pearlyn and I had a nice little chat over lunch at Tampines Mall.


P.S Tianwei won her mixed doubles game today against a Japanese duo with Gao Ning. Way to go! JIA YOU JIA YOU!!

puppy love @ 10:57 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The fear within or in anticipation of greater things to come?

Somehow, it doesn't feel right anymore, do you get the feeling when you look at something or someone and the emotion that runs within is not the same anymore? It's kinda scary how being away for some time can change a person.

How do we make up for lost time? Do we WANT to make up for lost time? Or do we move on?

puppy love @ 12:35 AM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I really like swimming, i usually think alot while swimming, and when resting at the side, soaking in the sunshine. Having been back in Singapore for quite some time now, I've really noticed alot of stuffs.

I've noticed how certain things happen around our little island, and it'll hog the newspaper headlines for a few days, till something "big" happen again and the previous incident will be forgotten. First it was the "phantom workers", then came the news of Newton Circus overcharging our tourists, then it was some serious food poisoning that killed a few people and now the NEA renewing their hygiene practices and the labeling of the cleanliness of the stalls, and after the fading news of charity corruption, now we have the all-righteous Ren Ci under scrutiny. I really don't get it, people who run charities, what are charities? It's a form of Not-For-Profit Organisation. Cos with charities, the money comes from the general public, the money used to run the facilities and fund the basic salary of the staff, all comes from the public, even a tinniest portion might come from some poor kid deciding to starve himself for a day to give his/her allowance to that tin can. How can ANYONE at all, use the money obtained for any kind of personal use at all, NKF was like that, now Ren Ci. Who still has confidence and trust to drop that spare change into a donation box now you tell me.

I've been reading the papers alot nowadays, and my oh my do Singaporeans like to complain, they complain about every single thing under the sky that doesn't feel right for them. Recently i saw in one of the mini entries written into the papers, stating that if the MRT decides that food and drinks are STRICTLY prohibited on trains and platforms, where do we see MRT stations filled with food and beverage stalls that makes the purchasing of such items come at such ease. Now what will we have for ourselves if the MRT stations are barren, when we come back from a long day at work or school and we just want something to munch on, and there is no shop in sight. Complain again?

Something a friend of mine told me the other day that really made sense. Cos my dad was "complaining" about some newly paved road, that they should make it wider, if not in future when there is a jam, they might decide to reconstruct the road to make it wider thus causing more jam and wastes money. My friend told me, WHAT IF the road was made wide enough, and there is not much traffic there, then people will start complaining that government resources were wasted in constructing something that was not fully utilized. By fixing the problem when there is a complaint, it means that suggestions are taken into considerations and changes will be made to ease the problem. Wow, how true is that?

Have a think about all that i've written here. I've been thinking too much lately, May is coming and having mixed emotions about it. It's time.

puppy love @ 10:09 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wanted to post some random food pictures taken with my phone whilst i was still in Brissy as well as a couple of shots from dinner with the crew the other night but somehow the pictures can't be rotated even though i had them rotated before uploading onto photobucket. So be it, shall not make anyone drool over their keyboards.


I am attempting to make....BUTTER GARLIC CHICKEN TMR!!! yesh only loved dish from Jackpot..shall see if it is anywhere near successful. Check back soon!

Looking forward to Friday. Badminton with Huimin @ 11am, and amongst another thing that will take place at night!!

puppy love @ 12:04 AM

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Back in Singapore, and it's so damn hot today!!

Back to reality, back home where naggings are abundant.

House phone rang today, and as much as i hated to pick up the house phone, i went ahead anyways, and it was my Dad. He called to ask what time i arrived and also to tell me that CAAS published in the newspaper that they were recruiting. I got pissed and asked him if that was what he called to tell me, to check out the job postings. I mean, i barely touched down for half a day and he's calling to tell me about jobs, THAT was what i went to Brisbane for, just to get away from all these.

Cleared my wardrobe, put away stuffs that i can no longer wear, and threw away stuffs that were either off-coloured or torn.

Evening came, and the first thing my mum said to me when she saw me was that i grew fatter from my Brisbane trip. Just great, i was intending to return to my swimming routine starting tomorrow anyways, hope the weather's fine tomorrow.

Pics from my 2nd Gold Coast day trip with Liwen, Angelene and Huimin









Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary

Palm Beach










Huimin with my sunnies

last group shot in the car before heading back to Brisbane..

puppy love @ 8:36 PM

Sunday, April 05, 2009

It was a trip to Harbourtown on Wednesday, as well as dropping by Labrador Park for fresh seafood thereafter.

Getting Kebabs for Breakfast...
Sharon sneaked a picture when i was on the phone!!
and yet again...haha
i really like how my hair looks here...tee hee...

setting up the tripod to get a group shot..

i realised i'm so dark as compared to the both of them..
no idea what we were doing there...i think i gotta go dig out some pictures from the last road trip cos i swear that there is a similar picture like that..hahah
Sharon's spike shot!!!..and the picture looks super-imposed on the background but it's not..
Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton..picture pURR-FEct!!

neat skills i!



Shopping at Yuen's..
Will talk about Huimin's farewell in the next post..

puppy love @ 4:35 PM