Monday, May 25, 2009

Blogging is such an amazing thing, or should i say the internet is such an amazing technology. I went to read Huimin's archived blog entries, dated August 9 2007. I can still remember the episode so clearly as i was reading her entry on Sharon's snoring. Haha, the 3 of us had already retreated to our room, as usual after a casual chat, Sharon was the first to knock out, followed by me, and Huimin was still typing away on her laptop. I was trying to sleep, something kept me up. It's was Sharon's "deep breathing", so i sat up, looked over to the bewildered Huimin, haha, and i told her, I CAN'T SLEEP!! Cos that particular night, her breathing was thunderous! But Sharon was already in deep sleep, so Huimin and I did something really out of this world, she took out her phone and RECORDED Sharon's output, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

The amazing thing is, after recording, Huimin played it, and the both of us were trying to keep our laughter in but not really working, but still, that did not wake Sharon up. Really tired out so I tried to sleep with the additional sound in the room..haha

But i guess, as times go by, we really got used to one another's habits, being the latest waker in the room, i used to be woken up by them preparing for school, but after a while, they could be opening the noisy cupboard door and going into the shower that howls when it's turned on, and it'll be my turn to be in lala land, and Sharon and Huimin's turn to be in awe of me still in dreamyland oblivious to the commotion they are making..

Missing those days again..

puppy love @ 1:37 AM

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tennis on wednesday morning at 9am!! That was a real shocker, waking up so early for sports. But it was a nice game, albeit hot though but still enjoyable, huimin joined me and cousin yenn for a game of tennis in TP. Friday was badminton with Pearlyn, huimin and this time yenn tagged along as well. Really good game, i'm improving!! I can now hit back some of huimin's smacks, haha. After that we went to shop around the 3 malls in Tampines cos we needed to get something for someone far away. HAHA, and i bought a new set bedsheets from MCKY @ Tampines 1. Seriously, i feel that Tampines 1 is over-rated.
check out my new bedsheets!
new twisties, they were giving it out free at the interchange so me and huimin went to queue..haha!! peri peri and wasabi, supposed to purchase them and vote for the best flavour for a chance to win $5000..

puppy love @ 12:10 AM

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mothers' Day!!..and a Happy Birthday to dearest Mdm Pang as well, although she clearly does not read my blog, or even know of its existence.

Anyway, was really happy to see her the other day, saw a familiar looking face coming down the escalator when i was working at Scoopz, had to be sure it was her before i went up to say hi, and looking at the 2 kids in tow, i was sure i got it correct. Well, it's been more than a year since i last saw her during CNY at her house. Had a little chat with her, update her on the things i've been doing although we do exchange sms-es sometimes. It was a classic moment when she asked about filming and if Dai Yangtian was 帅. And i was like "woah", hmm, he's definately above average, haha. Her kids have grown beautifully, her daughter Yi An's so cute and a pretty looking kid for her age. Sent her a card for her birthday and she sent me a sms saying that she's really touched that i remembered her birthday, she dropped by Scoopz to say hi yesterday too, but it was a busy day for us so i only had time to say hi/bye.

Let's see, we had Tony Roma's for dinner today at Suntec City as a form of celebration, it was not as crowded as we have expected it so it was nice, not having to squeeze with everyone for spcae. Bumped into Eddy there too, but it was so sudden as i didn't see him, so my mind went blank when he snapped his fingers in front of me to get my attention, only said hi and see ya, which was kinda bad, ha, but i didn't know how to react at that time, and it wasn't really appropriate asking about the STTA issues at that moment so i didn't. Suntec City had some kinda promotion going on where you spend a certain amount and you can exchange them for free "dollars"tickets to go play at the carnival upstairs. Kinda like kid stuff like throwing rings at bottles, ping pong balls at containers to win tokens, i would never had expected my parents to be playing that but my mum and dad joined in at throwing the stuffs and mind you it was not all easy peasy, spent all "$30" in exchange for 3 tokens which in turned was exchanged for a glue stick. Haha, but it was all in good fun, if only we had that captured on camera, that would be nice.

Stumbled upon liwen's blog from shannen's site, it was just a different spelling as the previous one, instead of movincheese, it was movincheeZe. Read it, felt it, thinking about things said and how i couldn't agree more, so glad that she's coming back next month! Along with Sarah, and Sharon's gonna be back for a break too!! yeap yeap, can't wait for an exciting month of June, but speaking of June, that means that half of 2009 is gone...WAD HAVE I DONE????!!!! it's may already, and i'm still waiting for that letter from immigration.
"extracted from liwen's blog"
the house feels different this morning... lack of noise, lack of fun, nobody pouncing on us to wake us up from our sleep, nobody doin wacky stuff to make us laugh, nobody "fighting" with me... OH and the house is in its MESSY-est state ever... thanks to our two princesses. huimin & saumun. :Pyea, they have gone back to singapore... almost the whole J1 gang, old & new ones sent them off to the airport... hugs, eye-contacts & words were definitely lacking...guess everyone was afraid that that one warm hug, that one longer-than-usual- eye-contact or that one wrong word would trigger emotions and cause tears to flow...everyone wanted huimin to return to singapore in a joyous mood...from the lame jokes that we cracked when we were having dinner to singing all the national day songs in the car on our way to the airport, everyone tried hard to lighten the mood...indeed, we are all gonna miss huimin. our lifegroup will be different i guess, now that there is one LOUD voice missing, one dedicated heart missing, one awesome musician missing. i feel that it is here in brisbane, whereby all of us are away from home, that close friendships are built. friends are like family here. we dun have to hide the ugly side of ourselves, cos we know one another so well, that we are just comfortable being ourselves...i love the fact that we really do life together...frm doing simple stuff like grocery shopping, cooking , watching shows, acting stupid, playing games to even sharing our deepest thoughts with one another...these are probably things you would not get an opportunity to do with your friends back home in singapore, cos we probably stay far away from one another and would be too busy either with work or something...

puppy love @ 12:17 AM